Rebirth of Wang Yuyan

Chapter 29 The Qin Demon Under the Moonlight

() At the beginning, the sound of the piano is vague and indistinct.

If it weren't for the quietness of this unnamed valley, and Wang Yuyan was also thinking about the monument of the nine tombs, she would almost have missed it.

When she stopped, the intermittent piano sound changed from quiet to clear to melodious, as if it could go straight into the sky.

So Wang Yuyan was tempted, and embarked on the road of turning around.

The lofty ambition is in the mountains!

The ambition is flowing!

A simple and deep piece "Mountains and Flowing Water", as thick and majestic as a mountain, soft and clear as water, as if the player is looking for someone with a heart, but Wang Yuyan has an illusion that she is his bosom friend in a daze.

In the past, "Wang Yuyan" was not good at martial arts, and she enjoyed playing the qin, writing and making flowers, so the current Wang Yuyan is not ignorant of the qin.

She was walking back for a certain distance, when a gust of breeze blew suddenly, she woke up as if waking up from a dream.

"I'm not her confidant..."

After traveling through the Rebirth Dragon, she is not from this world after all, she has never been able to integrate into this world, and she is out of tune with the people and things of this world, even though she was very familiar with this world.And that's why, like a house girl, she always likes to hide by herself and hardly communicates with others.

Practicing martial arts is just an excuse, a coat to cover up her inner panic and confusion, she always finds something to do.Does she really like martial arts? Maybe the martial arts dream in her previous life has not gone away, but she has always used martial arts to escape the torture from the bottom of her heart.

How could she find a confidant here!

"So there is something wrong with the sound of the piano."

It was only at this time that Wang Yuyan discovered that the sound of the piano can also charm people and disturb the mind.No wonder Confucius didn't know the taste of meat in three months after listening to "Shao".

But at this time, Qin Yun suddenly changed.

From the sound like cracking silk, mournful choking, to the sudden breaking of the silver bottle, it is impassioned, like a cavalry protruding with swords and guns.

Wang Yuyan, who was sober at the Lingtai, did not stop. This time, she did not passively seduce her, but took the initiative to investigate.It's just that the sound of the piano hit her ears, and she shed tears for no reason.

The sound of the piano is getting tighter and tighter, like an ambush on all sides, colorful and brilliant, with spears and spears criss-crossing.

"Who is this playing the piano? It's such a superb skill. The waves are so high that it's almost breathless." She muttered, and stepped onto the stairs without hesitation.

"It's actually her!"

Under the clear light, on top of the Juntian Monument more than ten meters high, a woman dressed in white snow was playing the piano with both hands.

"Little Xue Qiong has been playing like this for 60 years. I have lived for more than 100 years in vain, but I still can't cure her. She really lived on the elk." Knowing when she appeared next to Wang Yuyan again, the vicissitudes of life appeared in the words.

"Her name is Xue Qiong?" Wang Yuyan asked herself and answered, "The sound of this piano has a murderous air!"

"You heard it too?"

"As long as people hear it, they can feel it." Wang Yuyan moved her lips, but she didn't say the words, she just nodded.

"That's why the old man told you to leave." The old man Wuqi continued, "You can't die now, I still need to see the method of cutting hair, changing tendons and washing marrow using the combination of "Yi Jin Jing" and "Washing Marrow Sutra". How effective is it?"

"Although the sound of the piano has a killing spirit, it doesn't necessarily mean it's dangerous?"

"Really?" The old man Wuqi seemed to be mocking Wang Yuyan's ignorance.


As if to confirm what the old man Wuqi said, Xue Qiong, who was dressed in white and snowy, suddenly raised his bare hand, only to hear the strings plucked and the accent raised, and then the surface of the Youtian Monument on the left in front of her seemed to be split by a sharp knife , the debris flew, leaving a crack.

"This is?" Wang Yuyan was stunned.

If it is said that "Six Meridians Excalibur" uses the meridians to stimulate the continuous sword energy, which is as sharp as a lightsaber, it is already miraculous. I did not expect that the fairy-like woman sitting on it could use the sound of the piano Stimulating invisible energy is also sharp and boundless.

Then, is there someone who can do the poem written by Li Bai, "The ink pond flies out of Beiming fish, and the stroke of the pen kills all the rabbits in Zhongshan", and the stroke of a pen is comparable to a sword?

But at this moment, the plain ribbon binding her beautiful hair behind Xue Qiong's back suddenly snapped, and the three thousand black strands flew away with the wind. Even if you are far away, you can feel the anger, grief and resentment that fill the world. <A woman of the wind, but becomes so terrifying at night? "


The sound of the piano became sharper and more intense, and the rhythm became chaotic like numbness, like a magic sound piercing through the brain, making Wang Yuyan's head feel as if it was being stabbed continuously by thousands of steel needles.


Wang Yuyan was feeling pain when suddenly something brushed her forehead, and a few broken hairs fell from the bangs on her forehead. When she looked back, a branch behind her had been split in two.She subconsciously took two steps back, and heard a soft chirp, a crack three inches deep appeared on the ground where she was standing just now.

It turns out that all the cracks on the monument were left by her, and Wang Yuyan suddenly realized.

"Stand behind me." Wuqi said with a frown.

With two soft chirping sounds, two wind blades rushed towards him, and before they hit the old man Wuqi, they seemed to have encountered an extremely soft but also extremely hard barrier, which dissipated all of a sudden. without a trace.

At this time, Xue Qiong had obviously fallen into madness, and the invisible energy was sent out randomly with the sound of the piano, shooting out in all directions, and those monuments were suddenly trampled again.Occasionally, those who flew towards Wang Yuyan's side were dissipated in front of Wuqi old man.

"Is this the body-protecting qi formed by the supreme internal force?" Wang Yuyan's eyes were wide open, and her heart was so surging that she couldn't control it.

Among the characters played by Tianlong, it seems that the body-protecting qi has only appeared on the sweeping monk, and it has once resisted Jiumozhi's "Wuxiang Jiezhi" and Qiao Feng's overwhelming palm strength after ten successful shots. .

Who is the Sweeping Monk? The biggest hidden expert in the Heavenly Dragon. He is considered to be an invincible existence. He can beat Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo, who are the four best in the Heavenly Dragon, half to death with a single flip of his hand, and can be saved when he turns back.Perhaps, this ordinary-looking old man really lived for more than 100 years as he said, and it is uncertain, otherwise, how could he have such a superb skill.

"You outsiders are trouble."

Although the old man Wuqi was talking, he did not take back the protective qi. He stretched out his index finger with his right hand and moved back a little. A stream of zhenqi sank into Wang Yuyan's forehead. Wang Yuyan immediately felt the pain in her head subside like a tide.

"Thank you senior." Wang Yuyan said, "I just heard from senior that there seems to be a second person who has been to the Unnamed Valley?"

"It seems that more than 30 years ago, there was a strange person named Xiao, but he was driven out of the valley by Xue Qiong soon after I rescued him, so I didn't even have a person to test the medicine." The old man Wuqi said Others are blamed, but he is actually the real one.For a while, he was vicissitudes like an old man, and for a while, he liked to complain like a child...

"My surname is Xiao. Could it be Xiao Yuanshan? After jumping off the cliff, he fell into the Unnamed Valley. He was rescued by the old man Wuqi, and finally driven away by Xue Qiong?" "historical truth".

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