()Wang Yuyan left Weiming Valley, perhaps because she was very quiet and wanted to move, she offered to leave, and then fell asleep one night, and when she woke up the next day, she found that she had left.

"How long have I lived there, has it been a month?"

Riding a horse on the grassland, Wang Yuyan couldn't help but think of the scenery of the wind blowing grass and cattle and sheep at a low level.

Recalling the little things in Yanzhong, there is a feeling like a world away.

"Although Taoyuan is good, it is not a place to stay forever."

Weiming Valley has beautiful scenery and no worries about food and clothing. It is really a good place to live in seclusion.But Wang Yuyan knew that she was not a hermit, and she found that after living in Weiming Valley for a long time, she became a lot more gloomy, as if Weiming Valley was a big mausoleum that never saw the sun.

In fact, it was true, because she heard the old man Wuqi accidentally say that he and Xue Qiong were both tomb guards.As for He Ling who was guarding, he didn't say specifically. <Guang Rongrong, everything is so beautiful.

Breathing in the fresh air, Wang Yuyan stretched comfortably on the horse's back, then lifted the reins, and the horse galloped away.

If you don't find a suitable place in time, you will have to sleep in the wilderness.

Da da da……

Wang Yuyan was busy on her way when she suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes in front of her.She quickly galloped up to the grassy slope in front of her, and immediately saw a small group of people galloping towards her under the grassy slope.

There are about 60 people in this small team, ten of them are riding on horses, and they are not from the Song Dynasty. People lead.

The ten men on horseback put their clothes and utensils on their horses. They looked arrogant, talking and laughing loudly as if there was no one else around, like generals returning from victory.And those more than 50 people were naked and looked miserable, crying and crying all the way.

The man on horseback got impatient and hit back with a whip, which beat the one who cried the loudest until his skin was torn apart and blood flew everywhere.

Even one of them staggered and walked a little slower when he was exhausted from walking too far because of his poor physique. His hands were cut off immediately, and he was driven aside. The wailing is gone.

Wang Yuyan, who saw all this in her eyes, didn't need to go up and ask, she also knew that those ten people were Liao people. They probably entered the Song Dynasty and came back triumphantly after defeating Caogu. Those more than 50 Song people were undoubtedly their captives. Immediately, he was filled with righteous indignation, wishing he could immediately rush up and slaughter those ten Liao people.

Since Wang Yuyan saw them, the small team naturally also saw her.After staring at each other for a few seconds, three Liao people broke away from the cavalry, and rushed up, waving their weapons and yelling.

"Who is that woman?"

Most of the Liao people who have lived on the border of Song and Liao for a long time can understand Chinese and can speak a few words of Chinese. They saw an obvious Song woman standing there on a horse, neither fleeing nor speaking. Strangely, the bearded man who rushed to the front yelled in a blunt tone.

"Of course it's from Song Dynasty."

"Since you are from the Song Dynasty, how dare you appear here without fear of being eaten by wolves?"

The bearded man laughed as he spoke, describing it as wretched, extremely wretched.He smiled, and the other two, one fat and one thin, also echoed Yin and laughed.

The Song and Liao countries made the Chanyuan alliance by themselves. There will be big battles, but local small frictions do occur from time to time.It is rare to see Han people in Liao territory, and even if they do, they are mostly men who came to the black market.There are almost no women, not to mention the unique and soft women like Wang Yuyan from the Jiangnan water town.

"Of course I'm here to intercept and kill you!"

Wang Yuyan's words were extremely flat, as if she was greeting an acquaintance.

"Hahaha, did you hear that, she is a little girl, and she actually said that she came to intercept and kill us?"

The Liao people were taken aback for a moment, and then laughed wildly as if they had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world.

"Does she think she is Di Qing? Even if she is Di Qing, she is also a female Di Qing. She is destined to give birth to children in Liao and herd sheep and make cattle and horses."

Wang Yuyan didn't care how they laughed, she just got off the horse silently, and calmly took off a long and heavy gun from the horse.This big gun was used by her to practice the thunder-bending spear technique in the Unnamed Valley before, but she was sent out when she was sent away from the Unnamed Valley.

She didn't expect to use this gun again just after leaving the valley.And this time, it's not going to be a battle of moves, it's going to kill people, and it's going to set off a bloodbath.

"Huh?" The bearded man was slightly surprised when he saw the big gun that was black and shiny with a round head.

Although Wang Yuyan can ride a horse, horse fighting requires extremely high horse riding skills. She is not good at it.

So simply dismount and fight on foot!

She is still in the green shirt and ponytail, although she is still slender, but when she is holding the big gun in her right hand and standing less than 30 meters in front of the three Liao people riding tall horses, she has something. A certain momentum.

"bring it on!"

After standing still, Wang Yuyan said something, and as if she was afraid that they would not understand, she raised her left hand and hooked her index finger towards them, her eyes were a little contemptuous.

Now she is going to count one as ten, and she wants to swallow thousands of miles like a tiger!


"Don't kill, I want this woman from the Han family, let me knock her out with the back of a knife."

In the eyes of these three Liao people, she has been regarded as something in their pocket.

Da da da……

When the horseshoes sound, the distance of 30 meters is reached in the blink of an eye.

The first one to rush forward was the skinny man who said he was going to knock Wang Yuyan unconscious with the back of his knife. He gripped the horse's belly and shook the scimitar, screaming strangely.

Wang Yuyan's body's foundation has been solidified after cutting hair, changing tendons, washing marrow, and she has achieved success in practicing "Arrogant Hundred Fights", her muscles and bones are far stronger than most people. He also has a strength of three to five hundred catties, and Riri competed with the white ape, and the thunder-thundering spear technique has already begun to show its power. It is fierce, fast and sharp. Once it is used, it has the mighty momentum of an ancient warrior riding a battalion.

At this time, she was in the posture of running thunder gun, and when the thin man came galloping, she moved sideways a few steps in a row, watching the thin man raise the knife, and saw that the thin man twisted his waist and raised his hand between his chest and abdomen, and stabbed it out. .

This spear was like a dragon coming out of the water, there was a faint sound of wind and thunder, and the tip of the gun was like piercing a piece of paper, easily penetrated through the body, and blood spattered everywhere.

The thin man let out a scream, he had been stabbed in mid-air by the big gun, before he could struggle, the big gun was like a dragon in Wang Yuyan's hands, when the gun was shaken, the thin man was thrown flying like a broken sack open.

Of course, as the thin man shook off, there were also bits and pieces of blood rain.


The other two Liao people who were watching saw their clansman being stabbed to death, shouted and shouted in anger, but stopped speaking Chinese.


After yelling a few times, they didn't go to check on their companion's body, and directly raised their knives to kill him.

Wang Yuyan still stood with her spear in hand, waiting for the enemy to come.

Da da da……

When she screamed, two empty horses galloped behind her.

As for the owner of the horse, Wang Yuyan shot him to the ground with lightning speed.


"Fire arrows!"

On the other side, the remaining seven Liao people couldn't help screaming when they saw their three companions being killed in a blink of an eye. They took off their short bows and shot at Wang Yuyan with arrows.

The people of Liao began to practice bow and horse since they were young, and they were extremely proficient. Seven sharp arrows pierced through the air with the sound of whistles.

Seeing this, Wang Yuyan didn't back down, she just turned the spear, and immediately intercepted seven arrows, as if "flying arrows gathered four times, and they were cut off by the spear".

Seeing that Wang Yuyan blocked all his own arrows with one shot, the Liao people who were about to avenge their tribe immediately swung their swords and slapped their horses, extremely brave.

Wang Yuyan, who is familiar with Lingbo Weibu, is most afraid of being besieged. Although she can't really use Lingbo Weibu now, every step she takes has the meaning of Lingbo Weibu's spirit. One shot, each shot is one person.

Or stab, or slam, or point, the gun follows the people, people are like a frightened bird, the gun is like a dragon, the gun is huge and powerful.

After seven steps, there was no one on the horse.

Looking at the ground again, the chest was pierced, the throat was broken, and the brain was smashed... There were seven corpses lying on the ground, in a terrible state of death.

Wang Yuyan held back the nausea in her heart, pretended not to see, ran to those Song people, drew her sword and cut off the ropes in their hands.

When Wang Yuyan was fighting with the Liao people just now, these 50 people were actually motionless, just standing there numbly like walking dead.It wasn't until she cut off their shackles that they woke up like a nightmare, kneeling on the ground one by one, crying and thanking each other.

"Hurry up and go home." Wang Yuyan had never seen such a thing before, and she didn't know how to appease them, so she kept urging them to leave quickly.

After all, this is still a grassland, the territory of the Liao people.Once discovered, there is no need for a large army, just a centurion, and everyone will die without a place to bury them.

"go home?"

When someone heard the word "go home", their expressions were first pleasantly surprised, then bewildered, and finally painful. It was obvious that their families had been destroyed and they were homeless.

"Leave quickly if you don't have a home. Are you waiting to die here? When the Liao people find out, they won't be able to leave even if they want to."

At this time, Wang Yuyan had no better way to do it, so she could only threaten her like this.

When they heard that the Liao people might appear at any time, they subconsciously raised their heads in panic and looked around, and then ran towards Song Jing.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yuyan sighed bitterly and shook her head, and called to stop those who were slow and weak, gathered up the ten horses from the Liao people and handed them over to them, and asked them to ride back one by one.After all, from what they said, this place is still tens of miles away from the Song border border. They may not be able to get there for a long time with only their feet.

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