() Ye Erniang had no power to resist, Wang Yuyan just stretched out her index finger to touch the sleeping point on her body, and she fell to the ground.

Think about it, Ye Erniang has done a lot of evil, compared to Yun Zhonghe, it is even worse.Especially when she tortured and killed children, it was even more horrifying. A hundred deaths could not atone for her crime.

As for Yun Zhonghe, she would kill as soon as she said it, without any hesitation at all, but Wang Yuyan didn't know why she did this, and when her slap was about to hit the Baihui acupoint on Ye Erniang's head, she instead pointed her finger down .

Wang Yuyan smiled wryly and shook her head, her sofa is still a little too long!

She took Ye Erniang casually, found an inn and threw it in, and then rushed towards Xiaojing Lake.

Walking westward along the main road for seven or eight miles, she saw four, four and sixteen large willow trees in a row beside the main road, and she knew she was going in the right direction.

Wang Yuyan searched among these big willow trees, and soon saw a farmer sitting there leaning on the back of one of the willow trees, with blood on half of his cheeks, carrying a shiny cooked copper stick on his shoulders, with both feet Soaked in the muddy water of the ditch by the tree.

She walked up to the farmer, only to hear him panting heavily, making a bellows-like sound, obviously suffering from heavy internal injuries, she couldn't help frowning slightly, and asked, "Is it Guard Fu?"

Hearing this, the farmer opened his eyes, looking a little weak. He raised his head and saw that it was a girl who was about to speak. Unexpectedly, he coughed a few times and spat out several mouthfuls of blood. He didn't wipe away the blood foam from his mouth. He vaguely replied: "It's Fu, the girl?"

"It's fine if it's Guard Fu. Wang Yuyan is about to go to Xiaojing Lake to help the Zhennan King. Take care for now."

Wang Yuyan knew that the time was urgent, so she couldn't take Fu Sigui with her, she could only stretch out her fingers to touch several large points around his wound to help him stop the bleeding and reduce the pain, then tore off his skirt, wrapped up his wound, and bid farewell.

"Thank you, Ms. Wang, for your help. For such a great kindness, Mrs. Fu dare not thank you. My master lives beside Xiaojing Lake. There is a bamboo forest in the west of the lake. The bamboo poles are all square. There are several bamboo houses in the bamboo forest. Ms. Wang, please go outside the house. Just shout a few times...cough...cough..."

Saying goodbye to Fu Sigui, Wang Yuyan didn't stay any longer, and walked nine miles and a half in one breath, and saw a towering bluestone bridge in the distance.Approaching the bridge, I saw a scholar lying on the bridge.The man spread a large white paper on the bridge, and used the bluestone on the bridge as an inkstone to grind a large pool of ink.The scholar held a pen in his hand and was writing on the white paper.

This scholar who was drawing "inverted paintings" and pretending to be mysterious was undoubtedly Zhu Danchen who was good at using the judge's pen, nicknamed "Bi Yansheng".

Since Wang Yuyan knew his identity, she didn't want to talk to him, so she walked directly to the wooden bridge not far from Qingshi Bridge.

Naturally, the wooden bridge was tampered with, so before she reached the central yang of the bridge, she immediately stepped on her right foot, crossed the central yang of the bridge with her strength, and stepped onto the other end of the wooden bridge.


Zhu Danchen was painting, when he saw a very beautiful girl approaching from a distance, with a long sword on her back and a big gun, looking heroic and gallant.He was about to speak, but unexpectedly, the girl turned and walked towards the wooden bridge, with no intention of meeting him at all.

When he was hesitating whether to remind her, she seemed to know that there was a trap on the wooden bridge, and flew over in the air, wondering: Where did the master come from, as if he knew my plan of delaying time and disrupting reality? The men of the great villain, that... not good!

Zhu Danchen was startled, and quickly dropped those unfinished "upside-down paintings", picked up his pen and rushed up, and shouted from a distance: "Girl, go slowly!"

Unexpectedly, the more he called the other party, the faster he ran, so Zhu Danchen became even more alarmed, and shouted again: "Young lady rushed to Xiaojing Lake in such a hurry, why?"

Wang Yuyan just pretended not to hear, Ling Bo moved away with small steps, her footsteps gliding silently, light and dust free, although it was as leisurely and unrestrained as walking in a courtyard, but the speed was more than five times faster.Although Zhu Danchen ran wildly behind, he still chased him farther and farther, until after a cup of tea, he was completely thrown away and disappeared without a trace.

After crossing the wooden bridge, the road became narrower and narrower, and the grass grew to the waist in some places on both sides, and the path could hardly be discerned. If I hadn't asked clearly before, I might have lost my way now.After going like this for another half an hour, Wang Yuyan slowed down when she saw a bright lake. When she walked to the lake, she saw the clear water like jade and the waves as flat as a mirror, so she knew it was the "Little Mirror Lake".

Wang Yuyan stood there and looked around, and saw a fisherman wearing a bamboo hat not far away, sitting on a bluestone fishing, and knew that it was the fisherman Chu who ranked first among the four guards "Yu Qiao Geng Du" Miles.

Just as I was about to ask him a few words, I suddenly heard two chuckles from someone among the flowers on the left side of the lake, and then a stone flew out.Chu Wanli had just caught a herring on his fishing rod, but unexpectedly, the stone flew over, and hit the fish thread impartially. There was only a soft chirp sound, and the fish thread was broken into two pieces. Herring also fell into the lake.

Chu Wanli's fishing line was interrupted by someone's gentle force. He was taken aback, stood up and asked loudly, "Who is playing tricks on Chu? Please show up."

As soon as Chu Wanli finished speaking, there were a few rustling sounds, the flowers and trees parted, and a little girl came out, all in purple, only fifteen or sixteen years old, with big dark eyes and an obedient face.

When she caught sight of Wang Yuyan, she ignored the fisherman, ran up to Wang Yuyan, held her hand, and said with a smile, "This elder sister is so handsome, I like you very much!" There are some tongue-rolling sounds, and the articulation is not correct, just like a foreigner learning a Middle-earth language for the first time.

Wang Yuyan smiled and said, "You are Ah Zi, um, very nice, very pretty little girl."

At Ah Zi's age, she would be a carefree middle school student in future generations, but now she has a temper like a "little sister", who likes to play tricks on people and even hurt people's lives indiscriminately, which is really a headache for people little girl.

"You know my name?" Ah Zi was obviously a little surprised, "But since you already know my name, it's only fair for me to know yours too."

It really is a weird elf, Wang Yuyan thought to herself, and replied, "My name is Wang Yuyan."

Chu Wanli at the side was about to get angry, but seeing such a lively and lovely little girl, his anger disappeared immediately, and he said: "This girl Ah Zi is very naughty. The skill of breaking fish shreds is amazing. "

"What skills do I have? It's none of your business whether I'm good or not. Who wants you to talk too much here." Ah Zi heard that Chu Wanli's words were both positive and derogatory, so she said something angrily and then ignored Chu Wanli. Instead, she glanced at the weapon in Wang Yuyan's hand, and asked curiously, "Sister Wang, you are carrying a gun and carrying a sword. With two weapons on your body, you must be very powerful in martial arts?"

Wang Yuyan just smiled and didn't answer.

"I can break the fish shreds of that silly big guy with a small stone. I think you are better than him, Sister Wang." Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second. Complimenting another person's martial arts is better in front of one person, and it is easy to remember that it will cause bloodshed. Ah Zi's words obviously have the meaning of provocation.

As soon as Ah Zi spoke, she thought that there would be a good show immediately, but she didn't expect that Wang Yuyan didn't care at all, and Chu Wanli's demeanor was not so easy to be irritated by a few words, the two of them just stood there, smiling Not smiling, as if watching her joke.


Seeing that the plan failed, Ah Zi snorted coldly, walked to the side of Chu Wanli, took his fishing rod and stabbed it into the water, the tip of the fishing rod pierced the belly of a white fish, when he lifted it up, the fish writhed Twisting, the blood from the wound fell on the clear water little by little, the red and green complement each other, bright and beautiful, but the color is really cruel.

She stabbed one and was still not relieved, and raised and lowered the pole a few times, stabbing six black carp and white fish one after another, stringing them on the fishing rod, and finally shaking the fishing rod casually, and the fishes on the string snapped. They were all thrown into the lake.

Seeing this, Chu Wanli immediately expressed hesitation, and said, "Hmph, you are so vicious when you are young, if you want to catch fish, that's fine. If you stab a fish but don't eat it, what's the point of killing for no reason?" ?”

A'Zi didn't care about killing or not killing at all, Chu Wanli's words aroused her rebellious psychology, clapping her hands and laughing: "I just like killing for no reason, what do you do?"

As she said that, she bent her hands hard, trying to break Chu Wanli's fishing rod, but unexpectedly, the fishing rod was very firm and tough, and she didn't break it after trying several times.

Chu Wanli sneered and said, "You want to break my fishing rod, but it's not so easy."

Unexpectedly, AhZi heard this, turned her eyes, pointed at Chu Wanli's back, and said, "Who's here?"

Chu Wanli looked back and saw no one, knowing that he had been fooled, he turned his head hastily, but it was a step too late, and saw that his fishing rod had flown dozens of feet away, plunged into the center of the lake with a plop, and disappeared without a trace.He couldn't help being furious, and shouted: "Where is that wild girl from?" He stretched out his hand and grabbed her shoulder.

Ah Zi wasn't afraid at all, instead she smiled and made a face at Chu Wanli and shouted: "Help, did you kill someone?" She shouted and hid behind Wang Yuyan.

Chu Wanli couldn't get angry, and he was about to catch him.

Wang Yuyan glanced, and saw that there was something extra in Ah Zi's hands hiding behind her.It seems to be a piece of transparent cloth, if there is nothing there, you know it is a fishing net.

This fishing net is made of extremely fine silk thread, the thread is as thin as a hair, transparent in texture, extremely tough, and shrinks when it encounters objects.Once Chu Wanli got caught in the net without knowing it, he only needed to struggle a few times to get out.

For such a big man to be teased by a little girl, he would lose all his dignity and face.

She couldn't bear to see such a good man as Chu Wanli make a fool of himself, and even because of this make a fool of himself, he ended up killing himself.So he stretched out the long spear in his hand, touched the ground and picked it up, stirred it up, and all the fishing nets were caught on the gun body.

Chu Wanli thought that Wang Yuyan was going to help Ah Zi, but when he was hesitating, he saw the fishing net on the spear, and immediately understood, his face was full of anger.

AhZi didn't expect that Wang Yuyan not only failed to help her, but instead exposed her tricks. She immediately felt a little resentful towards this beautiful Wang sister, and said coldly, "Are you going to fight me too? Return my fishing net quickly." I."

At this time, someone from the west of the lake said from a distance: "Brother Chu, what happened?"

While talking, a person walked quickly on the path by the lake, with a Chinese character face, in his forties or less than 50 years old, with a majestic appearance, but with a light robe and a gentle belt, his attire was quite chic.

ps: I haven't asked for votes these days, and the number of recommended votes dropped by several percent every day. Is it sad?Not sad?

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