
Ah Zi, who was hugged by Ruan Xingzhu in the conversation, suddenly let out a long cry, her voice was charming and clear, and there was a bit of grievance, which could make the listeners overflow with infinite pity.

"Well, my precious daughter, what do you want, just say it?" Ruan Xingzhu just wanted to rub the little daughter he had finally found back into his arms, hearing that the daughter seemed to have suffered a lot of grievances, and felt pity Immediately rose.

"She stole my fishing net, I want you to help me get it back." Ah Zi's eyes kept rolling, watching Wang Yuyan pointing her hand, the corner of her mouth was full of teasing.

"Her?" Ruan Xingzhu was in a daze just now, she only had the word "daughter" in her heart, and there was nothing in her eyes other than Ah Zi. At this time, after hearing what Ah Zi said, she realized that there was another person beside her. She looked up In the past, there was a pretty girl with a clear and beautiful face, her expression was cold and indifferent, as if there was nothing in the world that could move her heart.

"Duan Zhengchun, you are a heartless person, who is she?" A flash of surprise flashed in Ruan Xingzhu's eyes, but the next moment he suddenly accused Duan Zhengchun.

"A Xing, she..." Duan Zhengchun said with a wry smile.

It is indeed not so easy to introduce the daughter of another lover in front of one lover.

"Mom, she is the Yuyan sister I told you about. It is thanks to her help that Ah Zi and I can find you." Seeing her father hesitating there, Ah Zhu took the initiative to walk to the side of her mother, Fu Er said.

"Oh, you are the girl named Wang Yuyan. You are very nice. Speaking of which, I would like to thank you." Ruan Xingzhu's original jealousy dissipated under the explanation of the eldest daughter, and instead thanked Wang Yuyan.

Wang Yuyan had read an evaluation of Ruan Xingzhu before, saying that among Duan Zhengchun's mistresses, she was the least assertive and soft-hearted.She is not as clever as Gan Baobao, nor is she as sharp as Qin Hongmian, nor is she as arrogant and domineering as Mrs. Wang, nor is she as crazy and twisted as Kang Min.

After Ruan Xingzhu was abandoned by his lover and spurned by his family, he chose a secret residence and hid himself to feel sorry for himself.

So Wang Yuyan didn't feel bad towards Ruan Xingzhu, and said with a smile, "You're welcome, Ah Zhu and I are sisters, a little help is what we should."

"Hmph, mom, what about my fishing net?" Seeing that her coquettish behavior didn't work, Ah Zi felt a little annoyed that her mother started to talk about her kindness with her "enemy" instead.

Wang Yuyan saw that Ah Zi was about to stalk her, so she simply explained: "Your fishing net? I warned you beforehand, but you didn't listen, so I confiscated this fishing net as a punishment for your evil deeds. "

"Yuyan..." Ruan Xingzhu didn't know what happened just now. He heard Wang Yuyan keep saying the "evil deeds" of his little daughter, but he didn't really believe it in his heart. His daughter was still so young, and she could commit such a big evil. She made her unhappy.He decided that they were fighting, so Ruan Xingzhu wanted to persuade them.

"Ah Xing, don't worry about this matter, let them handle matters between the children." Duan Zhengchun saw that his lover didn't know what she was going to say when he opened his mouth, so he interrupted her first.After seeing AhZi's viciousness, even though she recognized her as her daughter, she was preconceived and felt somewhat displeased.

"Zhengchun, what is this?" Ruan Xingzhu was even more confused.

"You guys bully me together, such parents and sisters, don't mind!" Ah Zi cried, and then broke away from Ruan Xingzhu's embrace, there was three points of stubbornness in her crying.

"Ah Zi, where are you going?" Ruan Xingzhu asked anxiously.

"Where I go, don't worry about it, anyway, you haven't cared about me for more than ten years." Ah Zi cried and was about to run away.

"Do you want to leave without my consent?" It was Wang Yuyan who suddenly shot across and blocked Ah Zi.

"You, you big villain again, why do you care about me?"

"You can play tricks and kill people for no reason, and of course I can control you for no reason."

Wang Yuyan's Dous Zhuan Xing Yi attack, which used the same way to return the blow, really made Ah Zi speechless.She has already tasted the taste of being suppressed, and knows that the opponent's martial arts are many times higher than her own. My parents didn't help me either.

For a moment, Azi stamped her feet helplessly, then sat down on the ground and sulked.

However, at this moment, a person came running wildly on the road, and shouted as he ran, "My lord, is someone here to make trouble?"

"Mr. Zhu, you are running too slowly."

Zhu Danchen couldn't help being startled when he saw the girl standing beside the lord just now, and then he was even more surprised when he heard her smile and smile: "You know me?"

"Brother Zhu, she is, um, my daughter, and she is also." Duan Zhengchun and the four guards are siblings. Although it is a bit embarrassing to say something like an illegitimate daughter, he did not hide it, pointing at Wang Yuyan Talk to A'Zhu.

It turned out to be two little princesses.Zhu Danchen thought to himself, but he didn't open his mouth. Instead, he bowed to Wang Yuyan and A'Zi respectfully and saluted each other.

Wang Yuyan turned away, not wanting to accept his courtesy, but Ah Zi stared at the well-mannered scholar carelessly, as if wondering if the scholar could be driven by her, and then snatched back the fishing net.

"Okay, Brother Zhu, Brother Chu, let's talk over there if we have anything to do." After Duan Zhengchun finished speaking, he took the lead to walk to Fang Zhulin by the lake.

"Ah Zi, let's go. Could it be that you want to sneak away while I'm not paying attention?" Wang Yuyan said, the right hand holding the gun slightly shook, and the big gun immediately shook a few gun flowers.

It turned out that Ah Zi deliberately stayed where she was when everyone was leaving, and wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but Wang Yuyan saw through.

AhZi saw that she had armed her weapon, stuck out her tongue, and said angrily, "Let's go, whoever is afraid of who."

The bamboo grove arrived in no time, as expected every bamboo pole was square, after walking a few feet in the bamboo grove, he saw three huts made of bamboo, the construction was very exquisite.

Although Wang Yuyan came from a later age and was well-informed in the era of information explosion, she had never seen Fang's bamboo pole, so she was a little surprised and kept looking around.

A'Zhu at the side saw it, and said with a dumb smile: "Sister Yuyan, what's so interesting about a bamboo forest? If you really like it, you might as well stay here. It would be nice for us sisters to get together for a while."

"It depends." Wang Yuyan said noncommittally.

A'Zhu nodded and said: "You sit here for a while, I'll make tea in the house and come."

After Ah Zhu entered the room, Wang Yuyan was sitting on the stone bench outside the house, and Ah Zi reluctantly sat on the side, sitting on the stone bench with her buttocks twisting and turning, as if there were nails growing on it.As for Duan Zhengchun, Chu Wanli and Zhu Danchen, they entered another room, as if they were discussing something.

There are lakes and mountains, luxuriant forests and bamboos here. It is extremely leisurely to be in the cool and feel the cool breeze.

But just when Ah Zhu came out with the brewed tea, Wang Yuyan suddenly heard footsteps, and three people were rushing over.She looked up and saw three people running along the lakeside path in the distance.

ps: Can you make the recommendation votes come more violently?

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