Rebirth of Wang Yuyan

Chapter 40 Apprenticeship

() Ten strokes, no, less than ten strokes, among the four famous villains in the southwest, the third son of South Sea Crocodile God Yue was beaten until he vomited blood and fell to the ground.

There were 13 people present, except for Wang Yuyan, in terms of martial arts, no matter Duan Yanqing, Duan Zhengchun, Dali Sangong Fan Hua, Hua Hegen and Ba Tianshi were all superior to him in martial arts.But if you ask yourself, only Duan Yanqing can defeat him within ten strokes, maybe Duan Zhengchun can also.

But the fact before everyone's eyes is that Yue Laosan was defeated by a girl who was only in her teens, and she was defeated head-on with hard bridge and hard horse, slamming spear skills.

If it is a big man in his 30s with strong bones and internal strength, it is not surprising to use this style of play, but it is an impressive thing to put it on a girl in her teens.

"We haven't seen each other for more than ten years. I didn't expect A Luo to teach such a good daughter in martial arts." Duan Zhengchun was very pleased, and kept nodding secretly.

"When did such a girl master come out in Dali? Why didn't I hear any news beforehand? Could it be that this trip was a trap set by Duan Zhengchun?" Duan Yanqing's heart was a little complicated, and he didn't take Yue Laosan's life or death seriously. , but for the sudden emergence of such a girl master, he had to guard against it, "It seems that things may change today."

"The king of Zhennan gave birth to a good daughter, and it seems that his martial arts are still superior to ours!" The three princes and four guards were all amazed, and secretly regretted that they had underestimated the "little princess" just now.

"Sister Yuyan, I didn't expect your martial arts to be so high, I'm really worried." A Zhu thought, very happy for Wang Yuyan.

"What South Sea Crocodile God, it turned out to be just a vain name, it is really useless, my fishing net, alas, I'm afraid it won't come back." Ah Zi was thinking dejectedly, sitting there weakly, "Everyone's age They are almost the same, why are you so powerful in martial arts, and you even come here to bully the weak like me, I really hate you."

During this short period of silence, everyone's minds were changing, and they were all different.

"Congratulations to Miss for accepting a good apprentice!" After a long time, the three men and four guards suddenly congratulated Wang Yuyan in unison.

They came so suddenly that Wang Yuyan was startled.

It turned out that although Duan Zhengchun personally admitted that Wang Yuyan was his daughter, after all, she hadn't officially given her name, and if her name wasn't right, it wouldn't go well, so she was still an illegitimate daughter.It is naturally inconvenient for the three princes and four guards to call Wang Yuyan a "princess" in public, let alone going out as a Jianghu now, saying "Miss" is perfectly appropriate.

In fact, even though they congratulated him openly, they didn't think that the third son of Nanhai Crocodile God Yue was a "good student".

After all, Yue Laosan's identity in the world is there, his reputation as a vicious god is notorious for thousands of miles, and he is also a rebellious character, no matter how he looks at it, he will not be a "good student".

What is "good student" or not "good student" seems to be more of a joke.

It's just that Duan Yanqing is on the side, and Duan Yanqing and Yue Laosan have a brotherly relationship. Wang Yuyan took Yue Laosan as his apprentice, which to a certain extent cut Duan Yanqing's face.

Cutting Duan Yanqing's face is naturally something they are happy to do, and they are also sincerely happy that the Lord Zhennan Wang has such an expert daughter.With at least one more expert who is not inferior to them, they will have a little more confidence in dealing with Duan Yanqing.

Wang Yuyan pursed her lips and smiled, raised her gun and walked to Yue Laosan who was lying motionless on the ground, poked it and said, "Hey, apprentice, don't pretend to be dead, you know the severity of your actions as a teacher, although the gun just now was drawn hard. But it’s impossible to beat you to death, and it’s for your own good that a strict teacher produces high-quality apprentices. Get up quickly, or if the second shot goes down, you will make the fake come true.”

"Don't, I get up, it's nainai, can't I get up?"

That one shot had already taken out half of his life, and a second shot would probably kill him.Just now he pretended to be dead just because he was defeated by a little girl and couldn't save face, how dare he now.So Yue Laosan quickly got up, looking like a dead old woman, not daring to look at Wang Yuyan.

"Well, just get up, this is a medicine for internal injuries, you take it." Wang Yuyan untied a small medicine bottle from her waist, poured out a fragrant pill and handed it to Lao San Yue.

"Yes, thank you, miss." Yue Laosan didn't dare to disobey Wang Yuyan at all at this time, so he took it straightforwardly.

"What did you call me?" Wang Yuyan rubbed her ears, as if she didn't hear clearly.

"You son of a bitch!" Yue Laosan cursed in a low voice, "What should I do now, do I really want my majestic Yue Lao Er to worship a little girl as his master? Where should I put it, why not just die?"

"Who are you scolding?" Wang Yuyan asked suddenly.

"I'm calling myself an asshole, isn't that okay too?" Laosan Yue replied fiercely, annoyed.

In fact, he wasn't really afraid of Wang Yuyan, even though Wang Yuyan's martial arts were much higher than his, and he vomited blood and fell to the ground within a few strokes, but this was not the reason for him to be afraid.Because there are many others who are better than him in martial arts, Duan Yanqing and Ye Erniang are two of them.

But whether it is Duan Yanqing or Ye Erniang, he is not afraid.The reason why Duan Yanqing is called the boss is purely because of similarities, and he himself thinks that he walks in the Jianghu under the name of a villain, and others are afraid of him, so he is very dignified and dignified.

Now he is respectful to Wang Yuyan, because he lost the bet earlier and lacked confidence in his heart.Secondly, he was afraid that Wang Yuyan would publicize the fact that he was defeated by a girl in her teens, which would make him lose face.

"Is it difficult for you to worship me as your teacher?" Wang Yuyan said intentionally, "Are you a bastard tortoise who doesn't count? Turtles keep their heads down, you have to think about it."

"He's nainai, I absolutely can't be a turtle bastard." Yue Laosan cursed fiercely, and then said with a look of ruthlessness, "As long as the master surnamed Duan is willing to release me and him Master-student relationship, Yue Er Er is your apprentice!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly knelt down, kowtowed three times to Wang Yuyan, and then ran away roaring, not even wanting the badly deformed crocodile scissors.

"Lao San, come back!" Duan Yanqing hurriedly yelled seeing Yue Lao San leave suddenly in anger, and there was one less helper.

But Yue Laosan just kept his head buried and ran wildly, pretending not to hear.

Wang Yuyan watched Yue Laosan's figure disappear in front of her eyes before she turned her head. Seeing A'Zhu and the others looking at her curiously, she couldn't help smiling and said, "This honest man really can't be bullied."

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