Rebirth of Wang Yuyan

Chapter 43 The last battle

() "Unexpectedly, all of these younger generations of the Duan family are practicing the transformation skills of that Xingxiu Haiding old monster!"

Duan Yanqing once absorbed internal energy from Duan Yu's "Beiming Shengong", and mistakenly thought it was "Huagong **".The stick just now was also similar to the scene in the past, so he also regarded Wang Yuyan's "Beiming Shengong" as "Huagong **".

Frightened and angry, the iron staff in his hand became more dignified and steady. Every time he handed out the staff, there was a chi-chi sound, and the whistling sound piercing the air was so sharp that it hurt the ears of others.

Duan Zhengchun and others were astonished: Duan Yanqing's martial arts are truly unfathomable!

This is the "Yiyang Finger" kung fu, and Duan Yanqing finally used the "Yiyang Finger" that was passed down from his family and he is the most proficient.

Seeing the thin iron rod pointing towards her "Quepen Point", before the iron rod arrived, the energy was already blowing to the corners of her clothes, Wang Yuyan hurriedly retracted the long sword in her hand, and blocked the iron rod at an angle , the footsteps slid away, and at the same time avoided another iron rod pointing at his "Tianchi Point".

Just now she tried to use "Northern Underworld Divine Art" to meet Duan Yanqing's stick filled with a lot of qi, the result was that, as she expected, Duan Yanqing's inner strength was still one or two points deeper than hers.So even though he absorbed the zhenqi in that stick, his whole body didn't feel good.If it hadn't been for the hair-cutting, tendon-cleaning and marrow-washing, the widening of the meridians, the sudden influx of a large amount of true energy would have disturbed her meridians, and even caused her to go mad.

Therefore, she knew that this battle could not be won by surprise by relying on the "Northern Underworld Divine Art".

Wang Yuyan didn't intend to follow Duan Yanqing's "Yiyang Finger", so Wang Yuyan made Lingbo take small steps.

But seeing that she is stepping on the hexagram positions of the 64 [-] hexagrams in the "Book of Changes", "Wu Wang", "Da Guo", "Tong Ren", and "Gui Mei" do not necessarily follow the original footwork of Lingbo Weibu. In a specific order, just follow your heart.

In the shadow of the staff that seemed to be in a stormy sea, her steps were like wind on the water, falling left and right, slanting east and west, like a stroll in a courtyard.Each of Duan Yanqing's sticks was only a few inches away from her, but they couldn't hit her.

Compared with Duan Yanqing's ugliness, Wang Yuyan's clothes fluttered like catkins in the wind. When she walked gently on the waves, her spirit became more excited, her face was crystal clear, and her appearance was radiant. She was truly magnificent, like a fairy.

Duan Yanqing's life was full of vicissitudes, he had weathered great storms, and he had never fought any evil battles, so even though Wang Yuyan's footwork was exquisite, he was not surprised, let alone the slightest bit of impatience. Micro effort.

As long as it takes a long time, if the opponent's true energy is exhausted, he will definitely lose, but he is sure to win, and he will always remain invincible.What's more, no matter how exquisite the opponent's footwork is, if he makes too many moves, he will still show his flaws.

As for the so-called three men and four guards who were coveting by the side, it was not worth mentioning at all. He was confident that even if they rushed forward, they could be dismissed one by one.

That's why he didn't follow Wang Yuyan's footwork, but attacked on his own, the subtleties of the "Yiyang Finger" were fully revealed, it really was majestic, graceful and solemn, and he couldn't escape the majesty of the king demeanor.

Duan Zhengchun, who was watching the battle attentively, saw it, and immediately understood that he hadn't used all his strength when he was fighting with him just now.Perhaps it was only when the last stick was intended to put him to death that he used his real kung fu.

In this way, Wang Yuyan dodged more and made fewer moves.

Everyone on the side was sweating for her, especially Ah Zhu, whose heart was pounding, as if it was going to pop out of his throat at any moment.

Jingle Jingle!

But in the gap between the two iron rods, Wang Yuyan suddenly made a move, stabbing out nine swords like thunder and lightning.

This is the fencing technique in "Ape Lord Sword Road", which was a nonsense name before. After fighting with the big ape with white hair in Weiming Valley for a month, the sword is faster, sharper and sharper. .

She has been holding back all along, just waiting for this moment.

Soldiers who, deception also!

This is even more so when confronting enemies in the arena. Wang Yuyan's skill and martial arts are still a little behind Duan Yanqing. If she can't win by surprise, she can only be beaten.

The nine swords were taken by surprise, and Wang Yuyan used all her strength, her true energy and arm strength were concentrated in it, coupled with Lingbo's subtle steps, it really seemed that there were nine people at the same court. Yanqing drew out his sword.

One sword turned into nine swords, where the sword light flickered, it was almost impossible to open one's eyes.

Duan Yanqing was very knowledgeable, he knew the power of these nine swords, he was also shocked, and hurriedly returned his stick to resist.

Everyone heard a series of eight crisp sounds, and then the two entangled figures suddenly separated, facing each other at a distance of three feet.

"Nine swords but only eight strikes, so there is one more sword missed, no, it's not missed, Duan Yanqing didn't block it!" I don't know who said this suddenly.

Sure enough, they stared and saw a hole in the sleeve of Duan Yanqing's left arm, profuse with blood.

"Sister Yuyan, you stabbed him!" A'Zhu said overjoyed.

Duan Zhengchun was both surprised and delighted, a heart that was hanging in the air finally fell down.

Duan Yanqing couldn't believe his eyes at this time, he never imagined that he had spent his whole life in the rivers and lakes, and today he was hurt by the hands of a little girl.Fortunately, the wound on the left shoulder was not very deep. Obviously, the other party was also afraid of his own means and did not dare to take advantage of it.

He tapped several key points in succession to prevent the loss of blood.

"Mr. Duan, there is no need to be angry."

With the blue light on his face, Duan Yanqing who was in a complicated mood suddenly heard a thin voice.This is the technique of sound transmission into secrets, he looked up in astonishment, but saw Wang Yuyan nodded to him.

"Now you must be wondering why I use voice transmission to talk to you, because I want us to stop talking."

"Let's make peace?" Duan Yanqing seemed to have heard the most ridiculous joke in the world, the iron rod swept backwards, and a large piece of the bluestone slabs tightly embedded on the ground were swept away.

When it fell to the ground with a crash, the large bluestone slab was already shaken into countless pieces. Everyone was horrified and couldn't understand why Duan Yanqing was suddenly angry, and even involved the innocent bluestone slab.

He suffered a catastrophe several decades ago, and after surviving the catastrophe, all he wanted was to tear the brothers Duan Zhengming and Duan Zhengchun who stole the position into pieces, and take back what belonged to him.Now the other party actually thinks that he dared to tell him that he must be crazy if he wants to stop making peace!

"Mr. Duan, you don't have to be angry, as long as you hear what I say next, you will understand."

Of course, one of the nine swords just hurt Duan Yanqing, but it was only a minor injury and did not prevent him from killing.And Wang Yuyan is self-aware, that Nine Swords is already the highest level she can display, and now the meridians of both arms are still faintly burning because of that Nine Swords, this is because the real energy erupted too much in an instant It has damaged the fragile meridians to a certain extent.

She has considered a lot, with her current martial arts, even if she can't defeat Duan Yanqing, she can still protect herself, but it is very difficult to protect everyone present at the same time.

But Duan Yanqing attacked in a fit of rage, with his twisted and vicious temperament, probably few people would be able to leave here alive.

The reputation of being full of evil is not just created casually.At the beginning, he won the title of "the most villainous man in the world" because he killed all his enemies to the ground, and his methods were too vicious and shocking.

So she had to do something, which could effectively stop Duan Yanqing from using his killing methods.

ps: It is rare for this book to have an outline, and the detailed outline is still being improved, so I will continue to write anyway.Thank you for your support, and I hope you can continue to support it!

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