Rebirth of Wang Yuyan

Chapter 46 Majiazhuang

() Those two people were all dressed in yellow Gebu single shirts, about forty years old, with a big shiny golden ring hanging from each ear, a lion nose and wide mouth, and their appearance was quite fierce and strange. The other was a fat middle-aged man.

"Second Junior Brother, you can't follow the wrong direction. Why did you come here in the wilderness?" After running more than 30 miles out of Xinyang City, the fat middle-aged man still couldn't see anyone, and became impatient.

"There is a village called Majiazhuang in front, that stinky girl Ah Zi must have hid there." Lion Nose replied.

The color of the moon is not bad after nightfall, even if you don't light up the lanterns, you can still see the way ahead.

"Majiazhuang? It can't be such a coincidence. It seems that Kang Min's prostitute lives here." When Wang Yuyan heard the word "Majiazhuang", she couldn't help but think of Kang Min, the first scorpion beauty in Tianlong, also known as "Poison Widow" woman.

"Brother, look, there is my favorite work - Baili Tracker Fan. Since the tracker fan appeared near here, there are three tile houses in front of her, she should be hiding in one of them."

"Second Junior Brother, you have done a good job. It just so happens that we come to beat the dog behind closed doors and catch the turtle in the urn."

"Senior brother, your level of Central Plains dialect is getting higher and higher. I admire you very much."

"Second Junior Brother, you are fine too."

While the two were talking, they passed a small wooden bridge. Behind the wooden bridge was a grain drying field, and the three tile houses were located behind the grain drying field.And the one in the middle of the three tiled houses had a faint candlelight shining through, obviously someone in the house hadn't slept yet.

"Brother, what should we do next?" Lion Nose asked.

"Of course, we use our Xingxiu sect's specialty - to kill him with poison, and that little guy, Ah Zi, has to give her some trouble, otherwise he won't hand over the Shenmu Wangding. Anyway, we have a solution medicine, she won't be able to die in a while." The fat middle-aged man said sinisterly.

"Haven't you heard of the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind?"


The fat middle-aged man and the lion-nosed man were talking harsh words, but they didn't expect that someone sneaked up to him without knowing it. His heart tightened, and when he looked back, he saw a black man standing on the bridge. The figure, whose face cannot be seen clearly.

"The one who will kill you!"


Before they finished speaking, they heard a choking sound, the long sword was unsheathed, and a ray of moonlight was shot back by the long sword, just piercing their eyes.

When they closed their eyes subconsciously, there was a whoosh, and suddenly there was a sound of piercing through the air, and both of them felt a pain in their throats at the same time, as if some sharp knife had cut their throats.Blood gushed out from their throats, and they instinctively covered it with their hands, but all their strength seemed to flow out with the blood, and they fell limply to the ground.

A sword seals the throat!

Wang Yuyan sent out a burst of sword energy to kill the two scum of the Xingxiu Sect, walked across the bridge, and picked up the corpses behind the willow tree by the river with a big spear.


At this time, someone in the room obviously heard the movement outside and opened the door.

A young woman dressed in plain white hair, trembling in the same white wind, asked a few words timidly towards Ye Se, "Who is there?"

It wasn't until Wang Yuyan appeared at the door that she seemed to calm down.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" Seeing that she was also a woman, who was three points better than her, the young woman who had always been self-pitying for her beauty couldn't help asking coldly with a little jealousy.

"But Ma Dayuan's widow, Kang Min?"

The young woman frowned slightly, thinking that this man was so rude, she ran to the door in the middle of the night to ask his name, and her words were full of sarcasm, she said angrily: "It is the widow, if the girl is fine, please come back."

In fact, Wang Yuyan already knew who she was when she saw the ghostly white dress on her body, and asking such a question was just to annoy her.

When you look carefully, cough, it is said that the moon looks at the beauty, this Kang Min looks like now, she really deserves to be the number one watery woman in Tianlong, the whole person is like a ripe peach, if you think about it The addition of a pretty and filial piety, I still feel pity for adding a little bit, it is indeed charming and extremely attractive.

"Originally nothing happened, but when I saw you, something happened." Wang Yuyan said with a smile, she just followed the two Xingxiu disciples passing by here, and never expected to meet this prostitute Kang Min.

"I'll wait until the day to talk about anything. It's late at night, and I'm going to sleep." Kang Min didn't know why, but when he saw this girl who was more beautiful than himself, those bright and deep eyes seemed to be able to see through everything. , making her involuntarily feel a little uneasy.

Especially the other party's words that implied deep meaning made her even more afraid.But we are both women, even if she wants to charm each other, she can't do it.Her most powerful weapons were useless, so she had to pretend to be glamorous and noble.

A widow, or a pretty widow with a dissolute nature, who stays up late in the middle of the night, it would be strange if there were no ghosts.And judging by the way she came out in a hurry, her hair and clothes were still messy, maybe Bai Shijing, the number one hypocrite of the Beggar Clan, is hiding in the tiled house at this very moment.

Thinking of this, Wang Yuyan's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately said, "In that case, let's take my leave."

However, she said goodbye, but at the next moment, she used the kung fu of changing form and shadow to pass behind Kang Min and dodge into the tile house.

"What are you going to do?" Kang Min never thought that Wang Yuyan would make such a sudden move, and he shouted in panic, his voice was piercingly piercing, not without the intention of reminding the people in the room to run quickly.


As soon as Wang Yuyan rushed into the room, she saw a figure flash, and then there was a loud noise, but the figure had already hit the window and ran out.

"Where did the jerk escape!"

Seeing this, she immediately turned around and chased after him. When she passed by Kang Min, she casually pointed to the "Zhangmen point" on her waist.

Under the moonlight, two figures ran one mile away, one behind the other, chasing the wind and lightning.

"Bai Shijing, don't run away, you can't escape."

When the man heard the word "Bai Shijing", his whole body trembled, and his body slowed down a lot after being shocked, and the distance between the two sides suddenly shortened a lot.His qinggong is much inferior, if he hadn't caught him by surprise just now, he might have been overtaken by him long ago.

"Bai Shijing, you've already had an incident. Be lenient when you confess, and be stricter when you resist. 'Arrest' will not end well..." After Wang Yuyan got through the two veins of Ren and Du, her inner strength went smoothly, and she absorbed Ye Erniang's inner strength. Her skill has improved to a higher level, compared to Duan Yanqing's, it's only a thread away, so when she performs lightness kung fu, she can focus on two things and speak well.

Bai Shijing was really taken aback when he saw that the other party was able to chase and talk at the same time. Obviously the other party's internal strength was much deeper than his own. Seeing that the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, he knew that it would be impossible to escape if he continued to run. I secretly groaned in my heart, regretting that I shouldn't go to that prostitute again.

After running for another incense stick, the distance between the two sides was only one to two feet, so he stopped altogether.

"who are you?"

"Tianlong's No. [-] arrester, the guardian of law-abiding citizens, and the nemesis of evil."

"How dare you come to amuse me, sir."

"Among the four villains, Yun Zhonghe and Ye Erniang, who are extremely vicious and evil, have already been put to death. The Crocodile God of the South China Sea can no longer do evil. Duan Yanqing lost to Xiaojing Lake. How can he not be called the nemesis of evil?"


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