Rebirth of Wang Yuyan

Chapter 5 Concentrating on Training

() She has been out for more than half a month. I don't know how worried the family is about her who can be said to have run away from home. It is probably very anxious.

So after seven days, Wang Yuyan didn't have any more nostalgia for this place, just went back to the inn to rest for one night, and then went straight to Suzhou to start a new round of driving at dawn.

Those who practice martial arts should not only have a brave heart, but also a perseverance.

Wang Yuyan is already familiar with Lingbo Weibu, combining her vast knowledge of martial arts to transform Lingbo Weibu into walking is not too difficult, so even though she abandoned the carriage and boat, it was even harder than when she came here , but it is also of great benefit to cultivation.

"It seems as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and the snow flutters like the wind blowing back." Wang Yuyan used Lingbo Weibu to drive the road, floating freely and gracefully, just like taking a leisurely walk in the garden, but it also satisfied her. The carefree thought of walking in the rivers and lakes.

It's just that in this way, it is a lot of high-profile, and it has attracted the coveting of many caring people.

After all, Wang Yuyan was the first to walk the rivers and lakes without much experience in the rivers and lakes, so she didn't notice it at first.Until he was accidentally surrounded by three hooligans, Haosheng was punched a few times.If it wasn't for relying on exquisite footwork to break out at the end, the consequences would have been disastrous.

"Everything is good in this world of Tianlong, except that there are too many people who know martial arts. Any random rogue knows a little bit of martial arts." After Wang Yuyan got out of trouble, she still had lingering fears in her heart. Fortunately, it's not that I suffered too much and didn't gain anything, I got a little bit of internal strength after being punched a few times."

Naturally, Wang Yuyan's practice of Beiming Divine Art will not only practice one branch like the pedantic Duan Yu. So far, she has learned ten of the 36 pictures.Fortunately, the part where I was punched happened to correspond to the acupuncture point I had learned, otherwise I might have been beaten in vain.

Caressing the beaten part, Wang Yuyan realized that she was a little too high-profile, and that she was too impetuous, so she decided not to use Lingbo microsteps to hurry.If you can take a car instead of walking, if you can ride a horse instead of taking a boat, go all the way to Suzhou.

I didn't have the mind to look at the scenery when I came, and it's the same when I return.

As Wang Yuyan expected, when she rushed back to Mandala Villa, she was greeted by her mother, Mrs. Wang, who was as cold as frost.

No matter how Wang Yuyan explained, she still couldn't get rid of the fate of being grounded in the end, and there were two more guard maids by her side, Xiaoming and Xiaoshi.

In her memory of "Tian Long Ba Bu", the name Xiao Ming seems to be a little familiar, and then she remembered that this little girl was a little undercover who was instigated by her, and she often tipped Wang Yuyan about Murong Fu .

As the saying goes, thunder, rain and dew are all maternal love.

Wang Yuyan, who was already mentally prepared for being grounded, naturally had no complaints, and just devoted herself to practicing Beiming Divine Art and Lingbo Weibu.

In fact, when she came back and faced her mother, Mrs. Wang, Wang Yuyan once wanted to tell her about Beiming Shengong and Lingbo Weibu.After all, Mrs. Wang and her blood are thicker than water now, and they are inseparable no matter what.But every time the words came to his lips, he swallowed them again.

Mrs. Wang, who was trapped by love and turned into hatred because of love, really couldn't hold too many things in her heart now. She wanted to kill all her rivals in love, from Bai Daofeng and Qin Hongmian to Gan Baobao and Ruan Xingzhu, and then snatch Duan Zhengchun over.If it wasn't for her not knowing the existence of this woman Kang Min, I am afraid that Kang Min would also be the object of her day and night thinking and wanting to get rid of.

In this way, even though Beiming Shengong and Lingbo Weibu are unworldly miracles, she may not be able to see them.Otherwise, after all these years, with the Langhuan Jade Cave in hand, and practicing any martial arts stunt for ten years, it would not be a third-rate martial arts.

Putting this matter aside, Wang Yuyan devoted herself wholeheartedly to the practice of Beiming Divine Art and Lingbo Weibu.

There are still 26 pictures of Beiming Shengong that have not been learned, so of course we need to continue to work hard; Lingbo Weibu is not only a light-weight footwork, but also can cultivate internal strength.

During her martial arts practice, she also knew in her heart that it was impossible to build a car behind closed doors.But now she is grounded and unable to go out to test what she has learned and practiced.And even if she could go out, she didn't intend to.The outside world is also like her mother, Mrs. Wang, said, there are many bad people and it is too dangerous. It is best for her to stay at home obediently until her martial arts have not reached a certain level.In fact, after she came back from Yunnan, she felt a little scared in her heart.It is said that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. When she thinks about it now, it is hard to imagine that she was like a stupefied young man. When she thought of cheating to get the scroll of Beiming magic skill, she ran over without thinking about it.Fortunately, Lady Luck seems to be paying attention to her.

Since she couldn't communicate with the outside world, she could only turn her attention to the servant girl in the villa.

Although the maids and maids in the villa are not martial arts masters, they all have certain martial arts skills. It is most suitable to be her as a training partner for a hardcore rookie among rookies. Girls Xiao Ming and Xiao Shi who entered the Rose Realm from the Lolita Realm.

"Xiaoming, Xiaoshi, are you coming with me?" Wang Yuyan opened the door of the room.

"Miss, where are you going? Madam ordered you not to leave the room even one step?" Xiao Ming and Xiao Shi were concentrating on guarding outside the door, and when they heard Wang Yuyan's order, they couldn't help becoming nervous all of a sudden, for fear that Wang Yuyan would coerce you into the room. Let them do something against Mrs. Wang's orders.

"Don't worry, it's in the yard outside."

The winding paths in the yard lead to secluded rockery and flowing water, and the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers are so intoxicating.But now Wang Yuyan is not intoxicated with the Yaxing, and directly explained her thoughts to Xiao Ming and Xiao Shi.

Xiaoming and Xiaoshi were hesitant at first, because they both knew that although the young lady had thoroughly studied martial arts, she actually hated martial arts, and had never seen her practice. I just don't understand why I suddenly proposed to compete with the two of them.But soon, under coercion and temptation, and after Wang Yuyan showed Lingbo Weibu's subtlety, they reluctantly agreed.

In fact, although the two of them also know a little bit of martial arts, it is enough to take care of Wang Yuyan who is powerless, but if they are put in the arena of Tianlong World, they are really not popular, and they are far different from Mrs. Wang. It may be worse than Yu Guangbiao, Wu Guangsheng and other Wuliangjian disciples.

But what Wang Yuyan wants is such a rookie, because she herself is a rookie among rookies.Seeing them facing him with their hands tied and unable to do anything, I couldn't help shouting in my heart that the plot had succeeded.

He wasn't very good at martial arts in the first place, but because of his bad status as a maid, he gave a discount to the young lady, and the result was almost the same as Wang Yuyan's now.

The sparring session started, and Xiao Ming played at the beginning.

Laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway.As soon as Xiao Ming took a stance, Wang Yuyan knew that what she was about to perform was Taiyin Lily Boxing. The moves were light and delicate, and the movements were elegant and beautiful. It was a boxing technique very suitable for girls who love beauty.

Since Wang Yuyan knew Taiyin Baihe Fist like the back of her hand, she naturally knew the direction of Xiaoming's punching.So even though Xiaoming's fist avoided her intentionally when she opened it, she still used Lingbo to move forward with small steps.

Seeing that it was about to hit the young lady's main acupoint, Xiao Ming was surprised and wanted to take it back, but she was not very proficient in Taiyin Lily Boxing, she could send it out but not retract it, and finally hit Wang Yuyan's Tanzhong acupoint.

Feeling that the fist had really hit the young lady, even though her arm felt limp and weak, and her heart felt more empty, Xiao Ming couldn't notice it at all at this moment, instead she closed her eyes in fright and trembled all over. Looking at it, a pitiful appearance of trembling like walking on thin ice, grievances and fear, wanting to cry but not crying.

After a long time, Xiao Ming, who didn't feel any movement, opened his eyes secretly.But I saw that the young lady was standing there with her eyes closed, as if she was paying attention to her dantian's luck.

Of course she didn't know that Wang Yuyan had already absorbed all the internal energy contained in the punch she just punched, and was currently digesting it.

"Okay, that's really the case." Wang Yuyan opened her eyes and said, with a dazzling light shining in her beautiful eyes.

"Xiao Ming, are you alright?"

"I, what can I do, Miss, I hope you are fine..." Xiao Ming replied hesitantly, she thought her limbs were so weak because of fear.

"Well, that's okay, Xiaoming, you've worked hard, take a break for a while. Xiaoshi, it's your turn next." "Miss, can you do this?" "No!"

In this way, the two little girls, Xiaoming and Xiaoshi, under Wang Yuyan's "leading order", kept sending her internal energy until they were exhausted.

Naturally, the internal strength of the two of them will not be very strong, but the victory lies in the accumulation of little things.As Beiming Shengong said, the sea is inclusive of all rivers and rivers, and the more the better, the more the better, and no one will be rejected.

In the following days, Wang Yuyan had more and more training partners. Gradually, except for her mother Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Wang's confidant Yan Po, all the old maids in Mandala Villa were tossed by her. After a while.As long as these middle-aged and young people are Dong Wugong's servant girls, she will not let them go.

Every time these maids and maids finished training with the young lady, they seemed to be seriously ill in severe cases, or seemed to have stayed up for days and nights in a row without sleep.This is something Wang Yuyan did not expect at the beginning, and it can be regarded as the corner of the harvest and the corner of the west.

She was too weak before, otherwise she wouldn't be bullied by a mere strict mother-in-law in Tianlong's main drama.

Wang Yuyan is very satisfied with this effect. Now she is quite majestic in Mantuo Villa, and more importantly, her internal strength has accumulated from a small amount to a large increase, which may be even worse than Mrs. Wang.Sure enough, a cheating tool like the Beiming Shengong Goldfinger is not in vain.

There has been no sun and moon in Zhuangzhong, and it has been two years in the world.

Time is like a fleeting horse, passing by suddenly in Wang Yuyan's continuous practice.

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