() "When the porch is facing the bottle of wine, the hibiscus blooms on all sides!"

Facing Xiao Yuanshan's surprisingly powerful grabbing hand, Wang Yuyan had to change her moves to protect herself first. When she swung her long sword, she used a move called "Sword Moves Four Directions", which was taken from a sword in "Hundred Flowers Sword Manual". Brilliant, like a hibiscus blooming.

Under the moonlight, the sword light danced into a ball, and the silver light was everywhere, guarding her whole body firmly, it was almost impossible to penetrate.

Among the heavenly dragons, Murong Fu is undoubtedly the representative of the technical flow, but his sword is not as fast as Wang Yuyan's now, and his guard is not as tight.

Xiao Yuanshan's grasping hand is naturally incomparable to a sharp sword, once confronted head-on, his hand will definitely be cut off first.He responds like a stream, and when he gathers his fingers into palms, his luck is like the sea, and he can strike out with a palm from a distance.Although the distance is three zhang, but with one palm strike, it seems to be able to reach nowhere.


The air seemed to be shaken violently!

At this moment, Wang Yuyan had an illusion that she was Monkey King, and Xiao Yuanshan's palm was the Tathagata's palm.It seemed that as long as she flipped her palm, she would be crushed.

"Good palm!"

Wang Yuyan's two meridians of Ren and Du have been opened up, her internal energy is running smoothly, and the source is endless, and the true energy flows like a river, and the pressure created by that palm is suddenly emptied.

"Good come!"

Within two feet, Xiao Yuanshan's palm had already covered her. Although Wang Yuyan had a lot of powerful palms in her head, she had never practiced, and even if she had practiced, it was not as good as Xiao Yuanshan's palm.So she didn't face her palms together, but she didn't step back either. She just moved her footsteps from the position of Kun to the position of Qian.

At the same time, her right hand trembled, the long sword buzzed with zhenqi, and with a move of Changhong Guanri, she attacked and counterattacked, and shot towards Xiao Yuanshan with lightning.


But it was Wang Yuyan who came later and came first, when the edge of the long sword touched Xiao Yuanshan's giant palm, Xiao Yuanshan turned the palm into a finger, and flicked his index finger on the sword body.

Xiao Yuanshan changed his moves extremely quickly, and he was so daring, he even risked his palm being cut off, and flicked his finger to hit the blade of the sword within an inch, causing the long sword to slip and lose its strength.At the same time, he grabbed Wang Yuyan's right shoulder with his big left hand.

Wang Yuyan was also shocked when the long sword was flicked off.

Ever since she was cut off hair, tendons and marrow, and practiced "Hundred Fights with Proudness", she still wears a mercury ring weighing eighty catties every day. The average person has three to five hundred catties of strength in every gesture.

But this needle-like strike was broken by a finger.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yuanshan secretly learned Shaolin's unique skills in the Shaolin Cangjing Pavilion for more than [-] years, and he has actually practiced these unique skills to the point where he can change and perform them at will without hindrance.

"This old thief's martial arts are so powerful!"

AhZi dragged her big gun and stood ten feet away, still feeling the strong wind.She already had a horrifying understanding of Xiao Yuanshan's martial arts when Xiao Yuanshan was overwhelmed like a mountain, but she didn't realize that the so-called "high" she estimated was far from reaching its peak until the two actually made moves. .

Wang Yuyan and Xiao Yuanshan, Wang Yuyan wields the sword, the rabbit rises and falls, is fierce and flexible, between advancing and retreating, breathing back, the speed is so fast that the naked eye can hardly keep up.And Xiao Yuanshan kicked with his palms, fingers or feet, his punches were like mountains, the edges of his palms were like knives, his fingers were like arrows, his arms were like whips... Almost every part of his body was a weapon, majestic and fierce.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of tricks have passed.

But Xiao Yuanshan has always attacked more, while Wang Yuyan has defended more.Under Xiao Yuanshan's mighty offensive, Wang Yuyan was like a flat boat in the stormy sea, although she was stubbornly drifting with the tide, she seemed to be in danger of being destroyed at any time.

Seeing it, Ah Zi felt a little worried.

"How is this good?"

She wanted to help Wang Yuyan, but she knew that her martial arts were too low, she was like an ant in front of this giant elephant-like old thief.Even if you use all the jade phosphorus needles, bliss thorns, heart-piercing nails, invisible powder, and Xiaoyao powder on your body, they are probably useless.

Just when Ah Zi was struggling, Wang Yuyan, who seemed to others to be struggling to resist, felt that although she was still defending more than attacking, she had slowly gained a firm footing.

Now she doesn't have to worry about not having enough internal strength, as long as she perseveres, the longer she fights, the better the situation will be for her.

After all, she is a young man, after cutting hair, changing tendons and washing her marrow, she also has external skills such as "Arrogance and Hundred Fights", Thunderbolt Spear Technique, etc., and her strength of energy and blood is far from that of Xiao Yuanshan, who is already seventy or eighty years old. What the elderly can compare.Moreover, Lingbo Weibu is the most exquisite footwork in the world, with enough internal strength to display, she is already invincible.

Wang Yuyan understands this truth, how could Xiao Yuanshan of the old Jianghu not know.

But every time he used a ruthless move, intending to take the girl down in one fell swoop, the opponent would always suddenly burst out with a strange force, dodge it at the nick of time, and then counterattack with an even more powerful move.

After fighting for a long time, he could clearly feel that the opponent's internal energy was endless, and it was far from being exhausted, and the moves were becoming more and more proficient, which seemed a bit jerky and stagnant at first. place, and slowly become handy.

This is obviously using him as a training partner!

"What a bold girl!"

When Xiao Yuanshan read this, he felt that he had been teased, his heart became more angry, his aura became more powerful, and his moves became stronger and stronger.

As a result, the momentum Wang Yuyan showed just now was suppressed again.But she is like a copper pea that can't be steamed, cooked, pounded, fried, or cracked. If there is a gap, she will return one or two tricks like lightning, and if there is danger, she will use Lingboweibu Blink moved away... No matter how aggressive Xiao Yuanshan was, he couldn't take Wang Yuyan down.

The time of a stick of incense has passed, the time of a cup of tea has passed, a quarter of an hour has passed, after hundreds of moves, the battle between Wang Yuyan and Xiao Yuanshan is far from over.


Suddenly, there was a long howling sound like billowing thunder in the distant sky. It seemed that someone had discovered the battle here and came rushing after the howling sound.

It is obvious that the visitor not only has profound skill but also has excellent lightness kung fu, one moment he was far away in the sky, and the next moment the whistling sound was like a raging wave, resounding in his ears.

"Could it be him?"

Hearing such a terrifying howling sound, although the two had different thoughts, they slowed down their attacks a little.

"Senior Xiao, there is a fierce person coming, I don't know if it is an enemy or a friend, why don't we stop for now?"

Wang Yuyan already guessed who was coming, taking advantage of Xiao Yuanshan's offensive was not as violent as before, so she spoke.

I just don't know if Xiao Yuanshan guessed it, maybe he guessed it too.

In fact, after fighting for so long, the two sides had dismantled no less than five hundred moves, Xiao Yuanshan knew in his heart that there was nothing he could do about the girl in front of him now, he was already old.

What's more, one bang, then decline, three exhaustion!

He is indeed old, and he can no longer be like his son Qiao Feng, who can turn into a berserker after drinking alcohol, his courage surges, and he is invincible against the enemy.Wang Yuyan secretly sighed, in the world of martial arts, warriors are like beautiful women, but they are also afraid of losing their heads.

Xiao Yuanshan is undoubtedly a warrior, a real warrior, but he is also no match for the natural birth, old age, sickness and death, the body is getting old, and the energy and blood are weak, which is an irresistible trend.

So following Wang Yuyan's words to let go, Xiao Yuanshan suddenly became less interested, he slapped a palm casually, and immediately jumped three feet away.

Wang Yuyan put her long sword back into its sheath, she only felt a mouthful of bad breath in her chest, and her heart was extremely happy.

ps: Today is Sunday, tomorrow is Monday, it will be a new week, and it will also be the last week for this book to be on the new book list, a very critical week.I hope that all students will be able to give a helping hand starting tomorrow, click, recommend, and bookmark!Let this book climb higher on the new book list, because there is no new book list, and books that are not signed or recommended will sink into the sea.Of course, in order to repay everyone, I will try my best to write more updates!

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