As soon as AhZi finished speaking, another poisonous corpse threw at Wang Yuyan.

In fact, Wang Yuyan is well aware of Ding Chunqiu's various methods, even if Ah Zi doesn't mention it, she still knows that Ding Chunqiu's method is the poisonous technique of "rotten corpse poison".

In fact, no matter how powerful the "rotting corpse poison" is, it can be seen and avoided, as long as it is not approached, it will be fine.In contrast, "Three Xiao Xiaoyao San" is invisible, traceless, colorless and tasteless, and it is even more difficult to guard against.

Her internal strength has not yet reached the level of being able to bounce back "Sanxiao Xiaoyao San" during the fight, so she has already contained the detoxification pill of "San Xiao Xiaoyao San" in her mouth before starting the fight.

In this way, the battle between the two sides will only depend on the level of martial arts.

In this regard, she is very confident.

Facing the attacking poisonous corpse, she just picked up the big gun in her hand, and then picked up the poisonous corpse again, exactly the same as the attack just now.

Ding ChunQiu knew that Ah Zi stole his "Poison Classic", although he was very annoyed, but he didn't really care.

For one thing, poisonous skills such as "Rotting Corpse Poison" can't be practiced overnight, Ah Zi can't practice to the point where he can threaten him in a hurry.Secondly, the materials needed to crack the antidote of the poison poison are very complicated. Ah Zi is a little girl who is lonely. made.

It's just that he never thought that the greatest use of the "Poison Classic" stolen by Ah Zi is not to practice poison skills, but to prepare the antidote to the poison recorded in the "Poison Classic", and it has Su Xinghe's cooperation and help.Su Xinghe himself was originally a member of the Qihuang family. The apprentice Xue Muhua he taught was called "the enemy of the king of hell" by the people in the world. Naturally, his own ability is not inferior to that of his apprentices, so refining the antidote can be said to be a matter of hand. .

Ding Chunqiu, who was kept in the dark, was still arresting disciples in order to gain a breather, and kept throwing poisonous hidden weapons at Wang Yuyan.

But Wang Yuyan was a soldier who came to cover her with water and earth, and when she threw one, she would fly one, and the poison did not contaminate her body at all.

In a few breaths, seven or eight disciples of the Xingxiu Sect were arrested and killed.

The other disciples of the Xingxiu sect were frightened when they saw the horrific death of those disciples who were poisoned to death by the "rotten corpse poison", and they might be the next one. They didn't dare to run away, but kept a little distance from the master's surroundings, so as not to be caught as a scapegoat. At the same time, they secretly prayed in their hearts that the master would not come over.

Ding Chunqiu saw that although the disciples did not dare to run away, they were all evasive, no one praised him anymore, he was immediately ashamed and angry, thinking: "This little girl must be the last support of the old thief, As long as I can poison this little girl, none of those old thieves and little thieves are my opponents. If they want to survive, they can only hand over all the cheats. As long as this is done, this It doesn’t matter if all the disciples who fail to be approved die, but if we want to recruit disciples, there will be fewer braggarts in the world?”

Thinking of this, Ding Chunqiu didn't show any anger on his face, his demeanor was very leisurely, with a confident look.

Several times in a row, he grabbed three or four more, and when he wanted to grab back again, he was caught in vain.

His heart tightened, and he looked around, and found that all the disciples had already hid far away and shrunk in the corner, even if he wanted to catch them, he couldn't catch them.

"Old Freak Ding, you have betrayed your relatives, you have no other way out, why don't you quickly wipe your own neck." It was Ah Zi who saw his embarrassment and couldn't help but sneered.

When Ding Chunqiu heard this, he was startled and angry at once, but Wang Yuyan's murderous big gun had already reached him, he flew up in danger and jumped into the crowd.

This group of disciples, there are about 30 to [-] people, it is more than enough to serve as a shield for the dead ghost, so Ding ChunQiu became calm and relaxed again.

He looked up to the sky and laughed three times, then suddenly moved his hand, and when the wind blew up, he caught and threw nine Xingxiu sect disciples in a row. One after another, they flew towards Wang Yuyan quickly, like launching Lianzhu arrows are like.

"Do you want to make a fuss, it really is insane!"

When Ding Chunqiu used "Lianzhu Putrid Corpse Poison" but his attention was on AZi, Wang Yuyan had already discovered his trick.

Now that she has seen through Ding Chunqiu's trick, she naturally took her time and used a quick sword to urge the big spear in her hand.

The big gun suddenly shot out countless starlight like an arrow in the wind, picking up, smashing or blocking the nine poisonous corpses, all of which were blocked in the blink of an eye.


At the same time, as Ding Chunqiu raised his left hand, Ah Zi let out a cry of surprise, and was pulled out involuntarily.

Naturally Wang Yuyan knew that Ding Chunqiu's move was not the "Dragon Capture Kungfu" or "Crane Control Kungfu" that can capture objects in the air, she had been prepared for a long time, and pressed the sword back at this moment.

With a clang sound, like a dragon's chant, when the long sword was unsheathed, there seemed to be something between Ding Chunqiu and Ah Zi cut off by Wang Yuyan's sword energy.

Ding ChunQiu never imagined that not only his tactic of attacking east and west was seen through, but also one of the "Three Treasures of Constellation" "Flexible Silk Thread" was cut off.

His "soft silk thread" is made from the silk of the snow silkworm by Xingxiu sea.The snow silkworm grows wild on the snow mulberry, its body is much smaller than the ice silkworm, and it is also non-toxic, but the silk it spits out is extremely tough, a single thread is not easy to break, not to mention the "flexible silk thread" It is made of countless snow silk.

"That's a divine weapon!"

Thinking about it, Ding Chunqiu couldn't help looking at the long sword behind Wang Yuyan.

"Ding Chunqiu, don't try to use any conspiracies and tricks. It's useless. You should fight me openly. Maybe you still have a chance." Seeing Ah Zi shrinking behind Su Xinghe with some fear, Wang Yuyan felt relieved , and turned to Ding Chunqiu with a half-smile.

Seeing that Ding Chunqiu was still hesitating, Wang Yuyan simply put all the weapons aside and said, "I won't take advantage of you either, everyone will decide the outcome based on their skills."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ding Chunqiu's answer, Wang Yuyan slapped Ding Chunqiu with fluttering palms.

Once "Six Sun Palms of Tianshan Mountain" is used, it will circle and dance, it is aggressive, forcing Ding Chunqiu to fight back.

Ding Chunqiu had already secretly released "Three Smiles Xiaoyao San" just now when he was throwing at the doorman, but now it's been a long time, and he found that the other party showed no sign of being poisoned, knowing that the other party had taken precautions, this "Three Smiles" "Xiao Xiao Yao San" is no longer useful.

And the "Rotting Corpse Poison" couldn't do anything to the opponent, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and greet him with the palm of the Xiaoyao School.

Xiaoyao School's martial arts emphasize lightness, elegance, elegance and elegance, Wang Yuyan and Ding Chunqiu fought each other, but saw a graceful and graceful figure, like a fairy, and a monk with a boy's face and white hair, like a fairy.Both of them touched and left, really like a pair of butterflies among flowers, vacillating around, and the word "Xiaoyao" was brought into full play.

But in fact Ding Chunqiu was secretly complaining, the opponent's palm looks elegant and beautiful, like a dance, but in fact the palm strength is like the waves on the Yangtze River, the waves have not gone before, the waves have risen, one wave after another, so majestic and majestic His breathing was stagnant.

"How can such a young girl have such profound skills, it must be the old thief who taught her skills!"

Wu Yazi was able to overwhelm Wu Xingyun and Li Qiushui to become the head of the Xiaoyao Sect back then, Ding Chunqiu can naturally imagine how high his internal energy is.Thinking about it this way, Ding Chunqiu couldn't help but shrink back.Since he wanted to retreat, his moves became frivolous, revealing flaws.

Wang Yuyan doesn't have Xu Zhu's pedantic benevolence, she has used all her skills to [-]%, she has destroyed all the most masculine moves in "Tianshan Six Sun Palms", all of which hit Ding Chunqiu's weak spots.

Although every palm didn't touch Ding Chunqiu's body, Ding Chunqiu had to retreat, because his poisoning kung fu all over his body was useless, "Hua Gong **" needed two palms to connect firmly.

In this way, he retreated one step with one palm, and he retreated nine steps in a row, that is to say, he was hit by nine palms, which were like a tidal wave.


When he reached the ninth step, Ding Chunqiu couldn't hold on anymore, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

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