Rebirth of Wang Yuyan

Chapter 65 Lori, I'm Guaranteed

As soon as Wang Yuyan's scolding fell, the audience fell silent.

Countless pairs of eyes stared at Wang Yuyan, either angry, disdainful, fearful, wronged, or...

"The torture we suffered under Tianshan Child Elder's subordinates was ten times worse. This is called retaliation!"

"As long as she is a member of Vulture Palace, she deserves what she deserves, regardless of whether she is a baby or an old bird."

"You are a Kunlun faction, do you want to meddle in your own business?"

"Are you the lord of the martial arts alliance or something, and you actually came to our 36-hole 72 island?"


After the silence, the crowd began to sneer and ridicule again.

If it weren't for the face of Taoist Injustice, I'm afraid some people couldn't help but want to do it.

Wang Yuyan sneered and said: "If you want revenge, go to Tianshan Child Elder and arrest a little girl under her, what's the use?"

Wu Lao Dao: "Naturally it is useful."

After he finished answering, he raised his voice and said: "Brothers, let's work together today to defeat Misty Peak. From now on, we will share the blessings and share the misfortunes. Let's make an alliance with blood to achieve great things. Is there anyone who is unwilling to do it? Yes, you want to quit?"

After he finished speaking, he asked a few more questions, but no one made a sound.When the third sentence was asked, a burly man in the crowd suddenly turned around and ran west without saying a word.

Seeing this, Boss Wu exclaimed in surprise: "Island Master of Jianyu Island, where are you going?"

Not only did the man not answer, but he ran quickly, and he turned around the valley in a blink of an eye.

The crowd shouted: "This man is cowardly, he fled before the battle, stop him quickly."

In an instant, more than ten people chased him down, all of them were excellent in lightness kung fu, but they were far away from the island master of that area, I don't know if they can catch up.

Suddenly, a long cry of "ah" came from behind the mountain.Everyone was startled, looking at each other, and the dozen or so people who were chasing also stopped, only to hear the whistling wind, and a ball-like thing flew out from behind the mountain depression, flew across the air, and shot at people. It fell from the bushes.

Boss Wu jumped forward and took the round object in his hand. Under the light, he saw that the object was bloody and bloody. It was actually a head. Looking at the face of the head, he saw that the man's eyebrows were splayed and his eyes were wide open. The district island master who fled just now, Boss Wu tremblingly said: "The district island master..."

For a moment, he couldn't figure out why the island owner of this area would die so quickly, and a terrifying thought faintly rose in his heart: "Could it be that Tianshan Child Elder has arrived?"

Taoist Buping laughed loudly, and said, "Sword God and Excalibur really deserve their reputation, Brother Zhuo, you guard it so tightly!"

A clear voice came from the back of the mountain col and said: "If you run away, everyone will be punished. Cave masters and island masters, please don't blame them."

Everyone woke up from the panic, and they all said: "Thanks to the sword god who wiped out the traitors, our event will not be ruined."

Boss Wu was ashamed of being suspicious just now, and said loudly: "Brothers, please take out your weapons, and each of you slashes and stabs this girl with a sword. Although this girl is young and dumb, after all The character of Misty Peak, everyone's blade has drank the blood from her body, and from then on, they are at odds with Misty Peak, even if you have half-heartedness, you will not be allowed to shrink back." As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately shook the ghost. Head knife in hand.

A group of people shouted in unison: "That's right, that's how it should be! Let's make a alliance with blood, and we will never retreat from now on. We will fight the old villain to the end."

Boss Wu nodded in satisfaction, raised the ghost knife in his hand, and shouted: "Boss Wu is the first to strike!" He swung the knife and chopped down at the girl in the bag.

Seeing that the girl in the cloth bag was about to splatter five steps with blood, someone suddenly said, "If you want to kill her, you haven't asked me if I agree!"

Immediately afterwards, Wu Boss, who had just cut halfway with the ghost head knife, felt a majestic momentum coming over him like a mountain. He was startled, but he didn't give up. Cut off the girl.Unexpectedly, just as he was about to increase his strength, he was blown away by Qi Jin like a leaf.

And in the process of flying, he kept spraying blood mist.

"Boss Wu, I'll catch you!"

A big man with a height of eight feet and bulging temples flashed out of the crowd and shouted. He yelled and stretched out his hand to resist the blown boss Wu.


The big man folded his arms together, and at the same time spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then the two of them fell to the ground together, unable to get up for a while.

"Zhuo Lingzhao, what are you doing?" Daoist Buping's face was very ugly. He just said kindly to mediate, but he didn't expect the other party to be so ignorant.

At the same time, everyone else seemed ready to move.It was just because the leader Wu Boss was defeated, they were a little hesitant.

Wang Yuyan didn't care about Taoist Injustice's scolding, she didn't want to explain at all, she walked to the side of the girl, looked around, and said softly.

"Sword come!"

As she spoke, she stretched her right hand to the side, and then heard a clear "clang", and the long sword in the hand of a Taoist closest to her came out of its sheath automatically, and flew to her right hand in the air.

"This is……"

When everyone saw Wang Yuyan's hand, they were all shocked: the distance between the two was at least three feet, and she just stretched out her hand, and...

The Taoist who was taken away by the volley with the long sword in his hand was even more horrified, ashamed and indignant. If he hadn't been shocked by the opponent's palm just now, he might have rushed forward to fight to the death.

"Who exactly are you?"

None of them believed in the so-called Kunlun sect Zhuo Lingzhao.

Wang Yuyan pointed her sword at the ground, and said with a light smile, "Long victorious in eight hundred battles, the master of swordsmanship in the world, Kunlun Sword Master Zhuo Lingzhao is also!"


A cold snort came from the air, and then a middle-aged man in his fifties, with a long beard and a handsome face, walked out wearing a green shirt.

"Brother Sword God." Taoist Buping said when he saw the middle-aged man.

"So he is the sword god!" Everyone suddenly realized.

"Isn't he the one who beheaded the island owner of Jianyu Island just now?" Everyone couldn't help but respectfully said, "Isn't he guarding the periphery? Why did he come in?"

When everyone was puzzled, they immediately thought: Zhuo Bufan is known as the "Sword God", but the title of "Sword Master" is even higher than "Sword Master", not to mention that the so-called "Sword Master" is still a girl in her teens. The first Wu has no second, so it is no wonder that Zhuo Bufan would look angry and ask his teacher for his crime.

"The Kunlun sword bleeds into the ocean, driving the Yellow River for thousands of miles!"

Wang Yuyan turned a blind eye to Zhuo Bufan's arrival, whispered softly, and swiped the long sword on the ground, forming a circle centered on her and the girl.

"Anyone who dares to enter this circle will be killed without mercy!"

When everyone saw the one-foot-deep circle, they hesitated.

Only Zhuo Bufan sneered and said: "Arrogance, such a big name, such a big style!"

"Little sister, don't be afraid." Wang Yuyan still turned a blind eye, put the long sword aside, squatted next to the girl, and said softly, "Sister will protect you well, and promise not to let those villains hurt your whole body." a hair."

Seeing Wang Yuyan's face, the girl involuntarily let go of her covered hands. At the same time, she saw an unknown smile on the corner of Wang Yuyan's mouth.

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