my head

Chapter 151

"Miss Britney, help me sort out the documents this afternoon. I need to see what documents have not been signed during this time tomorrow."

"Good general."

"Also, Miss Britney, don't touch the safe in the corner. I just put some of our latest weapon information in it, and I have reset the password, so you don't need to worry about that safe."

"Good general."

The formula-like dialogue made Zhang Jun feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave. Since this was the case, Zhang Jun was in no mood to continue the conversation. After eating in a hurry, he left.

Zhang Jun put his weapon information in the safe of the equipment department, and told Britney that this is of course abnormal. Zhang Jun clearly knew that there was a super spy who wanted to steal his things. Isn't it stupid for Zhang Jun to dare to put the weapon information in the equipment department?

It was a big mistake to think so. Zhang Jun just put some unimportant weapon information in the safe, such as the information of the No. [-] tank and the No. [-] tank, and even related information about the Zeppelin aircraft carrier. They are lying neatly in the safe in Zhang Jun's office of the German Equipment Department, but there is a hair on top of these documents.

Zhang Jun was driving the school bus towards the National Defense Forces, thinking, "Mr. James, don't you want to steal my secretary's heart first, are you stealing my information? I will fulfill your wish, hehe, sir, I am waiting for you."


When Zhang Jun entered the meeting hall of the German Ministry of Defense, the senior generals of the Wehrmacht had already arrived, waiting for the protagonist Zhang Jun to appear.

"Hehe, everyone welcomes the triumphant return of the heroes of the SS."


There were only two or three occasional applause.Zhang Jun can fully understand the anger of the National Defense Forces.There is no surprise.Consciously come to the last position, which is the position where Himmler once sat.

As the host, Keitel still had to speak first. Keitel, who was sitting on the rostrum, cleared his throat and began to speak:

"Everyone, Field Marshal and General, since the Battle of Poland, the Wehrmacht has fought bravely. They have sacrificed a lot, but they have faithfully implemented the strategic plan formulated by the head of state and accomplished their combat missions brilliantly. The Wehrmacht has achieved brilliant results, killing and capturing There are more than 100 million people in Poland. Such a victory is huge, but our contribution and return are not directly proportional. Therefore, today we invite the commander of the [-]st Armored Army of the SS and the current Governor of Poland to discuss the aftermath. I believe that the SS The commander of the [-]st Armored Corps will recognize the situation and make a very wise choice."

"Damn!!! Give yourself a big blow as soon as you come." Zhang Jun didn't say this sentence, if Zhang Jun really dared to say such a thing.Most likely, he will end up with Himmler and be stabbed by these senior Wehrmacht generals.

"Papa..." Zhang Jun applauded Keitel vigorously, which made the generals of the National Defense Forces very puzzled. Cartel's words were clearly a provocation and a naked threat. Cartel's meaning was very clear , that is, you, Zhang Jun, must show enough benefits to appease the National Defense Forces, otherwise don’t blame the National Defense Forces for revenge. Of course Zhang Jun understands Keitel’s meaning, and Zhang Jun is here today for this matter.

Those dull and stubborn generals of the Wehrmacht looked at Zhang Jun very puzzled, which was completely beyond their conception, because in Germany no one would applaud those who threatened them, Keitel's words would only lead to a duel, but the stubborn gang The Germans ignore the fact that although Zhang Jun is of German nationality, Zhang Jun is a Chinese. The smoothness and accidents of the Chinese in the officialdom are something they can't learn in their entire lives. Let's not say whether this kind of national character is better or worse , just say this smooth and sophisticated, the Chinese are the ancestors of Germany.

As far as Himmler's "cock called" is called "the fighting chicken among cocks", it cannot solve the problem.The national character of the Germans is like a bitch in a brothel. If you become a fan of her, she will definitely give you enough money to redeem herself. Zhang Jun has figured out the temper of the Germans, and of course he will not now. Hard regret with them.

Zhang Jun stood up with a smile on his face and began to express his opinion:

"Dear marshals and generals, in this battle against Poland, the German Wehrmacht fought tenaciously, with superb military literacy, and was invincible wherever the sword pointed. In the case of the Polish army, the SS was able to penetrate through the gaps of the Polish army, thereby cutting off the retreat of hundreds of thousands of Polish troops, and taking Warsaw by luck. This is inseparable from the German Wehrmacht’s hard work. Therefore, on behalf of all the commanders and fighters of the SS, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to the German Wehrmacht. You are well-deserved heroes of Germany, and the honor belongs to the German Wehrmacht. With respect, hi, Hitler."

"Hi! Hitler... smack... smack... smack"

Well, Zhang Jun praised the Wehrmacht first, and the atmosphere in the meeting hall of the Ministry of National Defense became much more harmonious. At least everyone accepted Zhang Jun's statement, "The honor belongs to the German Wehrmacht." For the generals of the National Defense Forces whose lives are still important, it is really useful.In the hearts and minds of those Wehrmacht troops, that is what Zhang Jun said, the honor originally belonged to the German Wehrmacht.If anyone dares to sneer at the German Wehrmacht, the Wehrmacht doesn't mind blasting him as a "chrysanthemum" immediately, even the leader of the SS Army is no exception. Zhang Jun is not as awesome as the "fighting chicken among roosters", and he doesn't want to be called These self-righteous Wehrmacht blasts "chrysanthemums".

"Thank you, General Zhang. The sacrifices made by the National Defense Forces need some realistic rewards, so we should open up and talk about some of the aftermath work in Poland."

Air Force Commander Kesselring was still relatively sober, and was not completely stunned by Zhang Jun's honey, and directly proposed their idea of ​​splitting the bill.

"Hehe, Marshal Kesselring, your proposal is completely justified. I fully agree with and understand your legitimate and reasonable request. Now, please come up with a plan for how to deal with the aftermath. If I can help myself, don't shirk."

"Cough cough..."

Keitel, the chief of the general staff of the High Command coughed deliberately, saying that I am the boss. You, Kesselring, the commander of the Air Force, don't steal my limelight. Kesselring is also very knowledgeable, so immediately shut up.

"General Zhang, this is how we deal with the aftermath. This time you seized a lot in Poland. The head of state has ordered your SS to expand. I think you also know that you will be expanded into an armored group army with 4 armored corps. , each army has 4 armored divisions, and an aviation army. You also know that the German Wehrmacht asks for tanks and planes from me every day, but our current output is only a little bit. You are expanding this time. With 12-20 armored divisions and 3 aviation divisions, the Wehrmacht will no longer be able to get a copycat Type 99 tank. Now the annual output of Germany’s copycat Type 99 tanks is only 1950, and your SS will use the most advanced All the tanks have been robbed, and the Wehrmacht can't justify it.

What we mean is that we will continue to implement the order of the head of state. You will continue to expand into an armored group army, but those tanks need your SS to preside over the production in Poland. Didn’t you call many entrepreneurs to Warsaw? I think it must be It's hard for you, the son-in-law of the Krupp company. "

Well, this condition is not too much. If the SS is expanded into a Panzer Army, 12-20 armored divisions will need to be added directly. That is Germany’s annual production of fake Type 99 tanks. The SS army is absolutely unrealistic. In order to keep Poland firmly in his hands, Zhang Jun nodded, deliberately embarrassed and about to cry, and said very sadly:

"Chief of the General Staff, your request is completely reasonable. The head of state ordered the expansion of the SS armored army. We cannot resist the order of the head of state, so I decided to continue to expand the army. As for those tanks, all of them will be given to the Wehrmacht. Such advanced tanks should be First assigned to the brave and fearless Wehrmacht, we will first organize those expanded troops into infantry."

After Zhang Jun finished speaking, tears rolled in his eyes. In front of the generals of the National Defense Forces, Zhang Jun took out a handkerchief to wipe the tears in his eyes without any scruples.

Instead, the generals of the National Defense Forces looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't know why they continued to speak. After a long silence, the new commander-in-chief still gritted his teeth and made a request:

"General Zhang, I know our request is not very reasonable, but the National Defense Forces really need fake 99 tanks too much, and your armored army is all equipped with fake 99 tanks. We are fully aware of the powerful combat power of fake 99 tanks , so everyone is eager to change to the copycat Type 99 tank, and that’s the only way to go, but the whole of Poland is in your hands, which can be regarded as compensation for you. We have another requirement, that is, we need 60.00% of the lmg oil field Yield."

This Zhang Jun had expected it a long time ago, and continued with red eyes:

"I think everyone knows that the reserves of the LMG oil field are only 725 million tons, and the annual output will not exceed 50 tons. If Germany enters an all-out war, it will consume 900 million tons of oil every year. That oil production is simply a drop in the bucket. In addition, the civilian oil in Poland still needs to be produced from the LMG oil field, so the LMG simply does not have any excess oil for the Wehrmacht.

But I have other compensation methods, that is, this time our SS seized a total of 150 million tons of Polish oil reserves and handed them over to the Ministry of Defense for unified arrangements.In addition, the Wehrmacht and the SS joined forces to put pressure on Romania, allowing Romania to export a large amount of oil to Germany, and what we paid was the captured infantry weapons from the Czech Republic and Poland. Our bottom line is that Romania cannot supply less oil to Germany every year. At 300 million tons.

Calculated in this way, our current oil reserves are 500 million tons, plus the seized 150 million tons, Romania’s 300 million tons, and our coal-to-oil conversion of 100 million tons, so our current oil reserves can fully support a Years of total war have been consumed, and you see how it goes. "

... (To be continued..)

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