my head

Chapter 218 The British Princess Disappears

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2000 meters, 1500 meters, 1000 meters, "beep beep..." Carpenter's altimeter issued an alarm, but Carpenter did not press the bomb button, but silently counted 1,2,3, 500, [-] in his heart and then suddenly pressed Press the bomb release button, and two [-]kg aerial bombs are fired at the red heavy cruiser Ukraine like fired shells.

Carpenter felt that his plane was light, and quickly pulled up the joystick. You must know that Carpenter's number is 1,2,3, 87, 800, and the bombing altitude of his ju[-] dive bomber is already about [-] meters. Such a fast dive speed, There is no way to pull it up when it is low.

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

Carpenter firmly held the joystick with his hands, and his whole body was firmly attached to the seat of the plane due to the acceleration. Because of the violent and violent steering movement of the ju87, the plane began to tremble violently. If the plane trembled beyond a certain Intensity, it is likely to disintegrate in the air.

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

Carpenter's plane drew a perfect arc, pulling up as if rubbing against the mast of the red heavy cruiser Ukraine. Carpenter was already sweating profusely at this time, and then two earth-shattering sounds came from under the plane. Explosion, two huge plumes of smoke shot straight into the sky, the red Ukrainian heavy cruiser was directly hit by two bombs, one hit the tail gun of the red Ukrainian heavy cruiser, as a result, the 500 kg aerial bomb knocked out the red Ukrainian heavy cruiser The tail cannon directly blew up, and then fell into the sea.Another aerial bomb hit the middle of the heavy cruiser Red Ukraine, almost destroying all the steel buildings in the middle of the heavy cruiser Red Ukraine, and the center had the most anti-aircraft weapons.This aerial bomb basically reimbursed them directly.Although the heavy cruiser Red Ukraine can still sail.In the case of losing a large number of anti-aircraft weapons, the German ju87 can only be slaughtered at will.

"Woooooo... Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom"

When all the planes of the Carpenter Squadron finished throwing their bombs and looked back, the heavy cruiser Red Ukraine had already been martyred. Flames and smoke soaring into the sky enveloped the heavy cruiser Red Ukraine. Ponte began to return, while other planes were still bombarding the Soviet Black Sea Fleet indiscriminately, and it is unknown how many Soviet warships could escape the bad luck.

The air raid on Germany also lost a dozen bombers.However, the results obtained are also brilliant, sinking two heavy cruisers, four destroyers, severely damaging one battleship, and more than 20 other warships and transport ships. It can be said that this air strike has hurt the Soviet Black Sea Fleet. The commander of the fleet hastily ordered the remaining warships to sail out of the naval port to avoid it.

The entire Black Sea Fleet lost the support of the air force, and there was no way to persist in the port of Odessa. Oktaburiski, as the commander of the fleet, must be responsible for the entire fleet.He hastily sent a telegram to Stalin requesting a retreat.But Oktaburiski did not wait for Stalin's order foolishly, but ordered his fleet to withdraw after sending the telegram. It was precisely because of the decisiveness of the commander of the Black Sea Fleet that the entire Black Sea Fleet escaped the catastrophe .

Because the planes performing other bombing missions have basically returned, Rommel can continue to increase the scale of the air strike. For the second air strike, Rommel mobilized six brigades of planes, but when they fly to Odessa for the second time Just now, the Black Sea Fleet of the Soviet Union has sailed into the depths of the Black Sea slowly. It is unrealistic to find the Black Sea Fleet in the sea based on the poor voyage of ju87. Finally, he escaped the fate of the entire army's annihilation.

When the situation was reported to Rommel, Rommel could only admire the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, who could choose to retreat so decisively. Even if this kind of thing was put in Germany, the entire fleet retreated to defend the city without Hitler's order, absolutely impossible , and the commander of the Soviet Union did it, then we must applaud his courage. People with such courage should be respected.


British Prime Minister's Department:

Chamberlain was delivering his resignation speech. Chamberlain was very frustrated. He just said a few words and then left the prime minister's office sadly and independently. Then Churchill, who was directly appointed by the British king as prime minister, delivered his inaugural speech:

"Dear gentlemen and ladies, hello

On Friday night I accepted His Majesty's commission to form a new government.The formation of the cabinet this time should include all political parties, both those that supported the previous government and those that were in opposition to the previous government. Obviously, this is the hope and will of the parliament and the country.I have completed the most important part of this task.A war cabinet had been formed, consisting of five members, including Liberals from the opposition party, representing national unity.Leaders of all three parties have agreed to join the war cabinet, or to hold senior national executive positions.The command structure of the three services has been enriched.Due to the extreme urgency and seriousness of the developments, it was absolutely necessary to complete this task in just one day.Many other key positions were appointed yesterday.I will present the supplementary list to His Majesty this evening and hope to complete the appointments of the key ministers to the government by tomorrow.The appointment of the other ministers usually takes a little more time, but I trust that when the Conference meets again my task will be completed and the government will be complete in every respect.


Before us is a painful ordeal.Before us are many, many long years of struggle and suffering.

You ask: what is our policy, and I would say that our policy is to wage war by sea, land, and air with all the power we have, with all the power God has given us, on the same ground as the War was waged by a heinous tyranny like never before.That's our policy.

You ask: what is our aim, and I can answer it in one word: Victory - to win, at all costs; to win, however dire it may be, to win however far and hard the road may be.Because without victory, there is no survival.This must be recognized by all: without victory there would be no Empire, there would be no Empire, there would be no Empire for all, and there would be no strong, generation-by-generation drive for humankind to move forward towards its goals.

But when I took on the burden, I was cheerful and hopeful.I am convinced that people will not allow our cause to fail.At this moment, I feel that I have the right to ask for your support, and I want to say, "Come on, let's move forward together."

Although Churchill's speech did not explicitly say that he would launch a war against Germany, Churchill clearly told the British high-level present that his cabinet was formed for the victory of the war, which also showed that Churchill was a typical hawk.

Relating to Churchill’s frequent contact with the United States some time ago, buying advanced weapons, loans, leases, and rectifying the local military service system, it seems that Churchill’s Navy Secretary for more than a year is really not in vain. .Churchill is actively preparing for the upcoming war in Britain, and it seems that everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

What is this east wind? That is the timing. Britain and France successfully diverted the water to the east and let the damn Germans attack the Soviet Union. You must know that the Soviet Union’s vast land, unlimited resources, and huge population base will at least beat the Germans to exhaustion. Well, Britain was waiting for this opportunity. The time when Germany and the Soviet Union were exhausted was when the British and French allied forces stabbed Germany in the back.

Germany’s attack on the Soviet Union finally started this morning. The British and French leaders and people held warm celebrations. The British and French people were happy that the Germans taught the damned Stalin, and the British and French leaders saw that the Germans were about to fall into the quagmire of war. After the joy of attacking the Soviet Union, even the great Napoleon failed in the ice and snow of the Soviet Union.

Churchill estimated that Germany would fight the Soviet Union until both sides were exhausted in about two years. By then, all the preparations for war in Britain would be ready. At that time, if Germany was stabbed in the back, Germany would undoubtedly die. Thinking of this, Churchill smiled knowingly.

A piece of news quickly stopped Churchill from laughing. The eldest princess of the British King George VI, Princess Windsor, was missing. This made the king and his wife very anxious. They quickly ordered the royal guards and British agents to search everywhere, but Windsor still did not disappear. Finally, the king ordered Daisy, Princess Windsor's maid, to be arrested and tortured harshly, only then did she know the whereabouts of Princess Windsor. It turned out that Princess Windsor secretly went to Germany to meet her lover, and Princess Windsor's lover was not simple.

He is the Minister of Equipment of Germany, the former commander-in-chief of the German Southern Army Group, the commander-in-chief of the [-]st Panzer Army of the SS, and the Earl of Denmark-German Chinese Zhang Jun.Now the British king and the people in the wartime cabinet were dumbfounded. Germany and the United Kingdom are already in the same situation, and Britain has declared war on Germany, but for some other reasons, it is conducting a "sit-in war" or a fake war. It is inevitable to go to war. Under such circumstances, the princess of one's own country, the first heir to the throne, secretly went to meet the high-ranking commander of the enemy country. This is even more tragic than Shakespeare's tragedy.

Churchill and everyone in the wartime cabinet shut their mouths knowingly. This is the king’s family business. We should not get involved. Man, that's impossible, Germany is trying to take a member of the British royal family as a hostage!It is barely feasible to search for it secretly, but the secret police in Berlin, Germany, are overwhelmed. It is indeed too difficult to take Windsor out of Berlin and return to England... (To be continued...)

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