my head

Chapter 33 "Blitzkrieg" Theory

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The main task of the squadron is to set fire to all directions and burn those bastards to death.The desperate Japanese soldiers began to commit suicide in batches, and the fate of Iwane Matsui was no longer important. His only choice was to go to hell with his 20 invading army, which has always been the fate of the aggressors.By the time Zhang Jun sent people into Danyang City, it had become the "Sura Field of Hell" where there were charred corpses of Japanese soldiers everywhere, emitting a stench, and all kinds of guns had long lost their original shape. , none of the Japanese soldiers survived, and the old devil Matsui Iwane also turned into coke, only a black general's command knife beside him, bitterly telling the identity of the deceased.

The squadron annihilated 20 elite Japanese troops in just ten days, which shocked the world. At the same time, they became very interested in the new German tactic "Blitzkrieg". Zhang Jun was the first to use Guderian's "Blitzkrieg" Commanders who use theory for actual combat, but this mode of war was put forward by Hitler and written by Guderian.

Blitzkrieg - the war mode created by Guderian (English translation blitzkrieg or lightningwar. But it was proposed by Hitler, which fits Guderian's taste), also called blitzkrieg, is the first and often used tactic of the German army. With the armored force as the decisive force and air supremacy as the premise, regardless of the danger of flank exposure, make a quick and bold attack to the enemy's rear.It makes full use of the fast advantages of aircraft and tanks to defeat the enemy and win by means of surprise attacks.It often uses aircraft to violently bomb the enemy's important strategic facility-the communication center, and destroys the enemy's aircraft at the airport, gaining air supremacy, and paralyzing the enemy's command system.Then use a large-scale tank group to quickly charge and completely destroy the enemy's chaotic positions bombed by the air force.

Blitzkrieg is to combine surprise attacks and quick attacks to strike the enemy like lightning.It can demoralize the enemy under sudden threat, so that they will collapse immediately under the first huge blow.

Blitzkrieg theory was the basis of German military strategy in World War II.This theory calls for the victory of the war in a very short period of months or weeks before the enemy has time to complete the mobilization and deployment of its own armed forces in the future...

The most important principle of the blitzkrieg theory is: quickly concentrate and deploy combat troops before the enemy forces to ensure the surprise of the strategy.Carry out the most powerful first assault in order to achieve a decisive victory that will determine the outcome of the war in the initial engagement, concentrate superior forces on the main attack direction, and annihilate the enemy's armed forces by encircling and encircling.

Hitler in Berlin received two telegrams at the same time, one was from Zhang Jun and the other was from the Emperor of Japan. Zhang Jun’s telegram was of course a victory. How could Zhang Jun, a slick guy, give up advocating the founder of the "Blitzkrieg"? It is a great opportunity to increase the prestige of intimidation for the head of state, and it is even more impossible for Zhang Jun to give up. Hitler's power in Germany is not very strong now. When Germany invaded Austria, there were countless generals in the German army who conspired to arrest Hitler. After all, Hitler was elected by the people, he did not completely control the Wehrmacht, and now there is Goering who holds a grudge, waiting for the opportunity of revenge like a poisonous snake.

Hitler quickly opened the telegram from the Emperor of Japan:

"Dear head of state, the military instructor group sent by your country has already posed a serious threat to the Imperial Japanese Empire in China, and Japan and your country have always had good relations and close ties with each other, so I request the head of state to immediately recall the military personnel in China. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to export weapons to China."

After reading the telegram from the Emperor of Japan, Hitler snorted and put the telegram aside. Little Japan robbed a German port in China during World War I. Hitler has always been worried about it. Besides, Hitler has always looked down on it. Little Japan.

After reading the telegram from the Emperor of Japan, Hitler seriously read the telegram sent by Zhang Jun. The telegram was a bit long, but Hitler still read it very attentively.

"My head of state, the colonel of the SS sent Chinese instructors to report to the great head of state on behalf of all the people. On the Chinese battlefield, the Chinese army suffered a complete defeat in the early stage of the war with the Japanese invaders. Later, the Chinese side handed over the command to me. I As a glorious and sacred German SS officer, with infinite loyalty and admiration for the head of state, he used the blitzkrieg tactics created by the head of state to wipe out 20 elite Japanese troops like a storm. It is entirely the head of state's responsibility to achieve such brilliant results. The strategic thinking has been realized, my head of state, your wisdom is as radiant as the sun, I believe that in the near future, our German army will be invincible under the arm of the head of state's blitzkrieg thinking, sweeping away all obstacles that block Germany's progress.

The various experience summaries of this actual combat have been sorted out by me and the officers of the dispatched regiments, and I will report them to my head of state now.

blitz theory

strategic level

Utilize superior firepower including armored forces, mechanized infantry and artillery, and air force to carry out highly coordinated attacks at the operational level.

Disturb the enemy's deployment, force the opponent to change its frontal force, and even cause the enemy to mess up its own position in the organization and distribution of troops.Separate and cut off their forces in a sideways detour.

obstruct their way out.Threats to their rear, the loss of contact and supplies between them and the base.

Emphasis on speed;

The basis of blitzkrieg is mechanization, and the premise is air supremacy, which lies in the coordination of air, tank, and infantry, and tactics lie in one point and two sides.Find a breakthrough point, the artillery opens the gap, the armored group enters the gap and develops the results, and the motorized infantry follows up.After finding the two wings of the breakthrough, the air force opened the gap for 5-10 minutes, and the armored group then attacked, followed by the mobile infantry.Quickly destroy the enemy's command center, communication hub, and transportation hub.The enemy is trapped in a blind and deaf situation, and cooperates with the frontal forces to quickly encircle the enemy's main infantry group.

Aircraft, tanks, and motorized infantry are fast and capable of firepower.But the premise is to maintain air supremacy. However, Germany later encountered the U.S. Air Force, which has air superiority, and was unable to use blitzkrieg.In addition, this tactic is very dependent on logistics. Once the supply of gasoline, ammunition and food is not available, it will be wiped out. (For example, at the end of the war, the "Battle of the Bulge" launched by the German army encountered this situation. The German army returned without success, and there were no more armored troops to resist the Allied attack)

tactical level

Putting together a comprehensive overview of the Blitz. "Blitzkrieg" can be roughly divided into the following stages:

build up


In order to maintain the necessary momentum after the breakthrough, the mechanized troops will be deployed in depth in echelons.


Use the overwhelming superior force created by forming a focus to penetrate the enemy's front with a decisive impact.The task of breaking through is generally entrusted to the tank troops. The tank troops will form a "wide cone" (breitkeil inverted triangle, the most commonly used attack formation by German tank troops) or a "vertical" (cone shape) with battalion or company-level units. keil equilateral triangle) for a breakthrough.However, if you want to preserve the strength of the armored troops for future combat planning, there are also cases where the breakthrough task is entrusted to the infantry. After the infantry breaks through, the armored troops enter from the gap, and then maneuver to advance behind the enemy to expand the results of the battle.


This stage is a continuation of the breakthrough.After the breakthrough, the main force of the armored force and other mechanized support units will pass through the opened gap and enter the enemy line to begin to penetrate behind the enemy.At this time, the commanders of each unit will take the lead in the unit, use their own observations to grasp the overall situation and report back the enemy's situation at any time.In addition to tanks, the assault column will also include combat engineers and armored infantry to provide support to advancing tank units under any circumstances. They usually ride on half-track armored personnel vehicles, and combat engineers carry various Equipment and even bridging equipment to overcome all natural or artificial obstacles.

voiding and drilling

The breakthrough period is over, and the full-speed and deep advance to the enemy's rear begins.This approach has abandoned the traditional tactics of sweeping to the two wings, but this is a faster method created by the French.

Once passing through the breach, the columns spread out in a fan shape and spread forward along a number of parallel roads extending forward to avoid traffic congestion.The vanguard usually consists of reconnaissance troops, who search forward or on the flanks, search for open roads, detect enemy situations, provide early warning, and seize important tactical points such as commanding heights and bridges.The assault column will follow their intelligence and choose an appropriate route without the enemy's concerns.When facing the enemy, if there is no need to fight, try to avoid it, choose to bypass it, and use devious infiltration methods as much as possible, and only fight when there is no other way.As for the bypassed enemies, the follow-up troops will catch up and eliminate them.

Due to the constant movement, the battle will be supported by mobile artillery or tactical air fire support.This mechanized army deep behind enemy lines does not worry about the gradually lengthening exposed flanks, because the rapid maneuver will provide them with sufficient protection.As a last resort, the assault force will not leave the road for cross-country movement, as this would create unnecessary delays.Behind the leading armored unit is the mechanized infantry unit to fill the gap created by the advancing armored unit, and behind it is the general infantry division moving on foot.

Supply convoys of mechanized units followed the same network to catch up with combat units.In order to move thousands of vehicles on the few available roads to maintain the high momentum of its offensive, traffic control will also be extremely important and the work will be extremely complicated.


This is the last stage of the "Blitzkrieg".The entire assault force would target the enemy's lines of communication, divide and encircle the isolated enemy main body.Almost carried out encirclement operations with two wings.After the double pincers are encircled, the remaining work is to encircle and wipe out the enemies in the encirclement net.This work is usually assigned to infantry units, while armored units resupply and integrate combat forces from the front line before moving on to the next target.


There are two biggest weaknesses of Blitzkrieg:

As long as the enemy troops left behind are not completely wiped out, it is easy to launch a counterattack to the rear.Due to the rapid advance of the blitzkrieg, the supply line was quickly stretched overnight. Once the supply could not keep up, the troops in front were likely to be exhausted, and the offensive stagnated, and they might be counterattacked.At the same time, supply units are also vulnerable to counterattack forces.If guerrilla warfare, counterattack warfare, and street warfare are used properly, blitzkrieg warfare may be restrained.

My Führer, I wish you health!

——Your little carrot head"

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