The leader of Wutai of Shushan

013 Emei·Walking the Way for the Sky

Xu Yuantong didn't expect this devil to be so difficult to deal with. The flying sword was useless, and the god and demon had already rushed forward. He had to withdraw his hand that was stretched out to grab the black jade gourd, and hurriedly shot two Taiyi divine thunders. The arms of the god and demon were broken, but they grew back in a blink of an eye. He hurriedly called Kan Lishuo back, and the cold air burst out, shocking the god and demon to roll off the stage.

Xu Yuantong reached out for the second time to grab the gourd on the altar, grabbed it, and was about to fly away with Yujian, when suddenly his hand hurt so badly that four fingers fell off, dripping with blood, dyeing the apricot-yellow tablecloth into a bright red , when he looked intently, what kind of gourd was in his hand, it was clearly a silver sword radiating all over the place. At the same time, a flying sword shot out from under the altar, attacking back and forth, piercing his chest respectively.

boom!Xu Yuantong's whole body exploded into a piece of yellow light, and a lot of confetti fell, and his real body was already flying up by the escape light.

Yue Qing chased after him with two flying swords. The four gods and demons in the sky were slapped with 36 wind dragons by Wu Yuanzhi's wind and fire fan, and 72 fire dragons were entangled. Xu Yuantong obviously flew upwards, but he hit the ground with his forehead on the stone, and blood flowed out all over his face.Fortunately, his two flying swords were psychic, and he spontaneously protected the master, and caught Yue Qing's two silver swords, thus avoiding the bad luck of being torn apart by flying swords.

Xu Yuantong was in a very distressed state at this time, four fingers were missing from his right hand, his thigh was also cut with a sword, and his forehead was also cut, bleeding profusely.He fell to the ground, recalled Kan Lisuo and the double-sword bodyguard, took out a small porcelain bottle tremblingly, crushed it vigorously, and stuffed the elixir inside into his mouth.Only at this time did he recognize the flying sword that was chasing him, and couldn't help but curse: "Yue Qinbin! It really is the demon way of the Wutai sect! Dogs can't change their eating shit, and they practice such vicious magic. Sooner or later, they will be punished by heaven! "

Yue Qing didn't even reply, he looked up to the sky and saw that Wu Yuanzhi was alone driving away the four demons, the people in ambush hadn't made a move yet, he didn't dare to bombard Xu Yuantong with the array, lest people would see his flaws, He only used his two swords to intensify the fight, and sprayed two breaths of energy, driving two gods and demons to attack.

Although Wu Yuanzhi couldn't see clearly what was going on below, but when he saw that the wind was surging in the formation, there were magic lights and phantoms everywhere, and heart-piercing howls, but his junior brother Xu Yuantong was nowhere to be seen, he saw that something was wrong, and hurriedly waved the banana fan, urging The moving wind and fire dragon flew towards the altar, circling and dancing around the altar, but still did not see Xu Yuantong, so they wanted to bring the wind dragon and fire dragon up together and twist the altar into ashes.

The black jade gourd on the altar sensed the danger and counterattacked naturally, gulping out a large cloud of viscous demonic blood mist, covering the entire altar, preventing the wind dragon and fire dragon from coming forward.

Wu Yuanzhi didn't expect the gourd to be so powerful, so he couldn't help being startled. Suddenly, two young Taoist priests flew into the air, namely his apprentice Xu Xiang'e and Xu Yuantong's apprentice Lei Que. Jin Bo, said loudly: "Master! Master Fan Xia said that this formation is the direct succession of the Wutai Sect, and that demon head is also a means of the Northern Demon Sect in the past. The master has already gone to save Master Xu. Let us meet you and retreat quickly." !” After speaking, they knocked out the golden cymbals in their hands together,

Seeing that Wu Yuanzhi also entered the formation, Yue Qing was secretly happy, and was secretly closing the formation gate, and when he was about to kill Xu Yuantong with all his strength, suddenly a golden beam of light fell in front of him, shooting from outside the formation, it happened to break through the Shengmen gate, Cover Xu Yuantong inside, the surface of the golden light is like an iron wall, Yue Qing's two swords slashed inside, but bounced back, splashing first-class sparks.

The change in front of him surprised him. Just as he recognized it as the separation and reunion light of Master Ni Youtan, the God of Chaoyin Cave in Baihua Mountain, another girl flew down along the beam of light, holding Xu Yuantong with her left arm. After staying for the slightest bit, Yu Jian flew away again.

Yue Qing also recognized this girl, she was none other than Wu Wenqi, the first disciple of Master Huangshan Fanxia.

Daoist Shanxia was originally an apprentice of Daoist Changmei, and her Taoism was still above the Seven Immortals of Luofu. She opened up a Befu in Wenbi Peak of Huangshan Mountain. The second sword fight was held in Huangshan, and she was still the host.After the second sword fight, she entered the Buddhist sect and worshiped under Master Youtan. She practiced both Buddhism and Taoism, and her mana has made great progress, far surpassing Wu Yuanzhi and Xu Yuantong's former fellow sects.

If Yue Qing faced the Luofu Seven Immortals, he would have no fear. Even if he faced two or three at the same time, he would be able to retreat unscathed. What's more, the other party is not only one person!

At this time, Xu Xiang'e and Lei Qu'e knocked down the two demon-subduing thunder cymbals. This is also a magic weapon refined by Master Youtan. Lightning struck into the blood mist, and with the heart-piercing howls of the Liujia gods and demons, the sticky blood mist made a hissing sound, continuously turning into wisps of blue smoke amidst lightning and thunder, It was full of a strong burnt smell.

Yue Qing turned around and fled into the cave. Situ Ping was meditating and doing his homework at noon. He saw Yue Qing hurried in, and just called out to Master before being hugged: "Hold my neck, don't let go!" Situ Ping He hugged Yue Qing's neck obediently, clenched his two small hands tightly together, and then a ribbon was tightly tied around Yue Qing's chest around his waist.

Yue Qing took some useful things from the cave, stuffed them into the treasure bag, and then turned around and left the cave.

The demonic cloud around the altar has been cleared away. There is a middle-aged nun standing on it, wearing a purple robe and holding a dust whisk. It is Huangshan Fanxia. The gourd, because he didn't know the techniques of the Wutai School, couldn't be as happy as Yue Qing took it from Zhu Hong that day, so he could only suppress it with the Clutch Divine Light first, seal it with magic, and then slowly crack it in the mountains.

Yue Qing walked out of the cave and laughed loudly: "Master Fan Xia, don't come here without any harm!"

Master Shanxia suspended the Clutch Divine Light in his hand, and politely slapped his head: "Fellow Daoist Yue, you are so polite!"

Yue Qing laughed aloud: "It's really polite, it's very polite to break my formation as soon as you come up and come to snatch my treasures!"

Master Shanxia said: "Although Taiyi Hunyuanzu was domineering and arrogant, he was still a Taoist master. Since the end of Song Dynasty, he has never practiced such a vicious magic weapon. Daoist Yue also strictly abided by the rules and never touched this demon. The thing I taught, I only faintly heard that you were forging the Divine Infant Sword after the second sword fight, but now you have even forged such a vile gourd?"

Yue Qing sneered: "What I practice, of course I have my reasons, what does it have to do with you Emei Sect?"

Master Fanxia sighed and said: "This thing is too sinister and vicious, and it will be condemned by heaven on the day it is refined."

Yue Qing said in a deep voice: "Heaven wants to punish me, and that's God's business. You Emei are too lenient!"

Master Fan Xia reached for the gourd: "What the Emei School does is to do justice for the heavens."

"The way of heaven is in its own right, why do people need to replace it? There are often rulers who kill, and husbands who replace masters kill those who kill. It is said that those who cut on behalf of master craftsmen, and those who cut on behalf of master craftsmen, hope that they will not hurt their hands! This is the teaching of the old master, fellow Taoist. Don't you think so?"

Master Shanxia was about to speak, when suddenly another old nun in white robes fell from the air, holding a beam of colored light onto the stage, and said loudly: "Senior sister, why waste your lips with this monster!" shoot.

Yue Qing recognized this old nun as an expert among the Seven Immortals of Luofu, the elder nun of Xiangxue Cave in Luofu Mountain. Her sword is called Qingni Sword, which was forged with 19 embroidery needles. At this time, as long as the opponent greets him with a sword, all the needles will be fired at once, piercing the enemy's body with random needles.So he didn't dare to use the flying sword to resist, so he hugged Situ Ping and dodged into the cave behind.

Hearing Yuan Yuan's old nun's shout, the sword really dispersed into the shadow of needles all over the sky, piercing through the air, Yue Qing urgently merged his body with the sword, and turned to the right while sticking to the ground, all the tens of thousands of steel needles pierced behind him above the rocky opening.As soon as he flew off the ground, those steel needles jumped out of the rock one after another, forming a torrent and chasing after him into the air, and the rock at the entrance of the cave was already shattered and collapsed.

Yue Qing took Situ Ping and wanted to escape with Yujian. Suddenly Wu Yuanzhi, a Taoist of Fenghuo, appeared in the clouds in the sky. Appearing, they are Wu Yuanzhi's apprentice Xu Xiang'e, Xu Yuantong's apprentice Lei Que, Master Fanxia's apprentice Wang Juanjuan, and Yuan Yuan's disciple Wu Wenqi. The four of them hold a precious orb in each hand, form a formation, and release thousands of Taoism. The golden sword shadow formed into a ray of light, trying to smash Yue Qing into pieces!

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