The leader of Wutai of Shushan

022 Call Break·Lun Zhang Dafa

Bu Yinjia saw Yuan Yu coming to fight with him, and there was a smile on his face. Today, the only people who can make him a little bit afraid are Wei Fengniang and Yue Qing. Because Wei Fengniang is his beloved, Yue Qing let him see I can't see through, there is always a feeling of unfathomable depth, this feeling is not even in Yi Zhou, as for the formation of a different kind like Yuan Qi, even if it is a ten thousand year old demon, he can take his life with his palm.

When Yuan Tuo flew over, Bulu Yinjia continued to shake the prayer wheel to distort the space, and at the same time silently practiced magic skills, stimulating the dragon ball to spin and fly towards Yuan Tuo. There is a kind of connection, after he sacrificed with magic, there is another kind of mystery, if it wasn't for Yuanzheng who has been hiding on Wutai Mountain to practice all these years, relying on the secret induction between Dragon Ball and him, Bruyinga could manipulate him to do whatever he wants. Anything, even control his life and death.

For so many years, Bruyinga has never found a chance to make a move. He used magic to remotely view several times, but was covered by the invisible fog from Taiyi Palace, and there was no response when using magic. Since the poisonous dragon has arrived today, then There is no reason to be unsuccessful again, Bruyinga issued the dragon ball without hesitation, and cast magic, trying to control Yuan Mo, turning him into his own devil's son and grandson, and then let him kill the opponent who was killed on the opposite side. Wu Fan who is possessed by humans.

The dragon ball shoots up, with a ball of fire, it goes straight to Yuan Nai, the bead continuously exudes balls of luster, enveloping Yuan Nai, Yuan Nai's body is getting smaller and smaller, until it is blocked by the inhaled dragon ball, clothed Lu Yinjia sees that the trick is about to come true, as long as he collects Yuan Ni into the Dragon Ball, and when he releases it again, he will completely obey his subordinates!He seemed to have seen the cleanliness of manipulating the Eternal Dragon King to kill Wu Fan, and was secretly preparing magic to contain the foreign spirits that entered Wu Fan's body. Let's see who is so bold!

On his side, he has already pinched out the formulas for forcibly absorbing the Yuanshen, and he is ready to manipulate Yuanzhe to kill people. Who would have thought that Yuanzhao above his head roared, and the mutation suddenly rose, and six lamps of extremely shaped shapes suddenly hung from the top of Yuanzhe's head The ancient bronze oil lamps, each pair of lamps are divided into three kinds of flames, red, black and gold, jumping upwards and leaping up to a height of more than one foot, fused with each other to form a ball of colorful flames, protecting the top of Yuan Kai's head, and the dragon ball emitted As soon as the magic light was illuminated by this lamp, it immediately disappeared and dimmed.

The magic lamp of six suns in the Yuan Dynasty is an ancient relic left over 5000 years ago. It was collected from the ancient tomb of the Wuhua family. Yue Qing remade a new lamp for it, and filled it with the ten-thousand-year magic oil that the demons are most afraid of. Increase the power of the lamp flame, once the lamp comes out, the magic emitted by the dragon ball will be invalid immediately, not only that, a cloud of gangster energy suddenly bursts from the back of Yuan Kai, followed by the ancient god dove appearing out of thin air, spreading its huge and incomparable wings, First he opened his mouth and sucked the dragon ball into his stomach, then he flapped his wings, fanned a violent gust of wind, spewed out a blue flame from his mouth and flew towards Bruyinjia, and opened his iron claws like a goshawk fighting a rabbit. Usually to grab the top of his shiny head.

Bu Yinjia's complexion changed slightly, and he stabbed Wu Zhen out with his backhand. He used this treasure to fight all over the world. In order to help Wei Fengniang get rid of her master, he used this treasure to plot against Mrs. Guangming. Rao Mrs. Guangming The mana is so powerful, but he lost an arm because of it. He practiced Taoism for hundreds of years, and used this treasure to destroy the lives of many sword celestial beings. Today, he saw a strange bird suddenly appearing. Swallowed the dragon ball by force, wanting to give the opponent a big blow, so I played this treasure.

He originally thought that the Wuzhen thorn was extremely fierce and highly poisonous. If it was hit, even an earth immortal would not be able to bear it. If it is not cultivated into an immortal body, it will need the right medicine, otherwise it will be difficult to escape the doom of the army. No matter how powerful this monster bird is, it can't stand it. Use this treasure to kill this monster bird, and then go to wound the monster dragon together, and then capture it. Although it can't be controlled immediately to deal with Wu Fan, but It can also be used to deal with Yue Qing.

His attention was excellent, but he miscalculated again this time. The ancient god dove lived for five to six thousand years. When he was in Xuanyuan Huangdi, he was invulnerable to all poisons. It is getting more and more powerful. Although the poison of the Wuzhen thorn is powerful, it is not worth mentioning to him. As for the magic demon fire attached to it... Wuzhen thorn is not afraid at all. He let out a long cry, opened his mouth again, He sprayed out a stream of green fire to hold the Wuzhen thorn, rolled it up, retracted it into his mouth, and swallowed the Wuzhen thorn together with him!

This time, Bruyinjia became completely irritable: Today's events are so weird. This Wu Fan is obviously just an ordinary disciple of Dongxiu, and he has seen it many times, but how could he suddenly have such a great ability? Especially the secret demon heart fire of the heavens, I have cultivated for hundreds of years, and I have never seen anyone who can possess it, and I have never even heard of it. I don't even know the origin of the fire.Wu Fan became like this in an instant. Apart from his appearance, he changed into another person. A blind person could tell that he was possessed by someone else. The clues of possession, suddenly remembered, this is quite similar to Wei Fengniang's changes back then.

When he used magic remote viewing to investigate, he only saw Yue Qing on the island reef with Yuan Yu, but never saw the ancient god dove, even the ancient god dove preyed on sharks in the sea, causing such a big battle, It was also covered by Yue Qing's bodhi circle, so at this time the ancient god Jiu suddenly appeared, killing him by surprise, and he didn't expect this bird to be so powerful that it could even swallow his own black thorns alive.

The ancient god dove spread its wings and rushed towards it, spitting out green fire from its mouth. In the green rain, a jade knife flew out, like a flying sword of a fairy family, and turned into a bunch of green fire that went to Bruyin first. Add to the body and chop away.

Bruyinjia frowned slightly, stretched out two fingers to clamp the jade knife, and followed Dafang Guangming, emitting light red luster, rippling like water waves, although it was just waves of light, but inside it contained The overwhelming power is the result of the combined spellcasting of Bruin and tens of thousands of magic troops. Even if a mountain sinks into it, it will be crushed to pieces!

Yue Qing saw that he was fighting with Master Feilong. Wu Fan's physical body was too weak. Although he had a lot of magic weapons, most of them were useless. They were used to deal with Master Feilong and Bu Yinjia. It will be broken by the other party at will. When he came over, he only brought this invisible magic flame with him. The Shura Baojian was given to Wu Fan when Sister Chufeng celebrated her [-]th birthday. , produced by Jinshenjun, still can't stop Bruyinjia's casual blow. At this time, with a magic flame alone, although there is no problem in self-protection, it is impossible to obtain an overwhelming advantage as soon as possible.

Seeing that Bruyinjia was going to deal with the ancient god Jiu, Yue Qing was almost about to be shot by the deity outside, but in the end he held back, after all, there were people from the Hengshan Sect and the Lianshan Sect watching from the dark, this time the three sides Conspiring with the Ziyun Palace, whoever makes the move first will be at a disadvantage. Bulu Yinjia was originally scheduled to launch an attack on the Double Ninth Festival, when Emei was opened. Jia had to do it in advance, which disrupted his time step. Now that the Wanmoshen Palace has entered the game, Yue Qing has come to a split soul.

However, this fierce monk, Bruyinga, is really powerful. Amidst his invisible waves of magic, the body of the ancient god dove also began to shrink, and was restrained by the magic power. Flying thousands of miles, but in the Demon Realm, instead of being able to advance half an inch, he was pulled backwards and flew down, finally shrunk down to the size of a fist, and was forced to land on Bruyinga's shoulder , it was furious, spread its wings and stretched its beak, and pecked at Blue Yinga's fat ear.

With a kind face on his face, Bru Yinjia stretched out a finger and tapped on his head, causing the ancient god dove to emit a series of emerald green sparks.

Bu Yinga said with a smile to Yue Qing: "Thank you, Master Yue, for giving me such a precious treasure. I want to open up the eight divisions of heavenly demons in addition to Buddhism and the way of magic. Chance, it’s really a pleasure! In the future, I will create a pure land of heavenly demons in all worlds. At that time, the leader Yue will reward him! I will build a Vajra Wutai Mountain for the leader in this pure land! To comfort the leader’s merits!"

Yue Qing sneered: "Although my old man is the leader of the sect, his surname is not Yue. You, a monk, have mortal eyes, and even I don't recognize it. You dare to imitate the Buddha to create some demonic pure land. It really makes people laugh!"

When he came to split up the primordial spirit just now, he expected the possibility of being seen through by Bruyinga, but if he didn't come, these disciples of his would be killed, and he also knew that Bruyinga had always been suspicious of Wei Fengniang. Well, Yue Qing possessed Wu Fan in front of him today, and he was on the side of the Wutai faction. It would be strange if he couldn't be suspicious at all.

However, he is confident in the mystery and magic of the Eight Scenes Distraction Technique, and he has always used magic spells, and the other party will never see any flaws. Now he can only be suspicious, and then ask Yue Qing, Yue Qing, the division spirit, He has always disguised himself as a demon patriarch. Even Wu Fan, who has merged with his consciousness, does not know his exact identity, and has no distracting thoughts in his heart. , he knew that as long as he was stunned and shocked, he would be sensed by this demon monk, so he did everything so naturally: "This bird is an unworldly and fierce bird from Xuanyuan Huangdi's time. Take it back to raise, even if you want it, you have to ask me if I agree or not!"

He was also pinching the Heavenly Demon seal formula with both hands, chanting the Heavenly Demon Heart Mantra, his aura suddenly changed, and circles of radiance spread out, exactly the same as that of Bu Yinjia, except that he didn't have that number. With the help of the Ten Thousand Demon Army, Wu Fan's physical body is really too bad, and the power is much smaller than that produced by Bruyinjia.

But even so, Bruyinjia was dumbfounded: "This method is the untold secret of my Ten Thousand Demons Palace, the supreme master in the Heavenly Demon Department, where did you come from?" The magic name It is called Tianmo Vientiane Reincarnation **, which is not recorded in the Ten Demon Sutras, but was co-created by him and "Wei Fengniang" back then. If Yue Qing used other magic, he would still doubt Yue Qing's identity. After all, the Ten Demon Sutras have five There is also Pai, that is a well-known thing, but Yue Qing has used this now, which made him unbelievable, and immediately thought: whether Wei Fengniang taught Yue Qing secretly, but quickly denied this possibility, because He created this magic together with "Wei Fengniang" more than 20 years ago. At that time, Wei Fengniang didn't like oil and salt, hated all men getting close, and had nothing to do with the Wutai faction. He started to fall in love with Yue Qing wholeheartedly, and the method used by the person opposite him was by no means cultivated in just a few years... For a moment, the demon monk was worried about gains and losses, and his thoughts were in chaos.

——The following is not counted——

It's a change today, I feel unwell, have a headache in the right half, the moon waxes and wanes, and people have misfortunes and blessings, please be considerate.

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