The leader of Wutai of Shushan

047 Sword Refining·Deep into the Eye of the Sea

Chu Feng lowered his head to think about Yue Qing's words, and San Feng suddenly came over happily and said, "Sister Xu has promised to allow Fellow Daoist Yue to teach us how to make swords! Let's give Fellow Daoist Yue the Tianyi Zhenshui, anyway, it's useless for us to keep it .”

Jinxu Nu hurriedly said beside him: "Tianyi Zhenshui is a rare treasure between heaven and earth, how can it be easily given away? Besides, a drop or two of ordinary water is extremely precious, and it must not be taken out and ruined."

Sanfeng immediately retorted: "That day, the real water has been stored in the jade pillar in the golden court for 500 years. Although it is rare, what's the use? It's just that you reshaped it and used it once. No matter how rare it is, it is also a waste in our hands. , why not give it to Junior Brother Yue, he is a great expert in refining weapons, if he really refines some treasures in the future, can he really treat us badly?"

Jin Xu felt bitter, so he could only persuade Chufeng again, and Chufeng finally made a decision: "It is really useless to keep the real water in our hands that day, so I will give it all to Fellow Daoist Yue!"

Yue Qing cupped his hands: "Then I would like to thank the palace masters! I will write down the refining method of the Five Poison Immortal Sword."

The two sides reached an agreement, and Chu Feng immediately went to the jade pillar in the Jinting Court to take the Tianyi Zhenshui filled with coral gourds and handed it to Jinxunu: "Here is the method of refining Zhenshui left by the Tianyi Golden Mother in the past, and I also I copied a copy for a fellow Taoist. None of us know how to use this water, and we have never paid attention to it in the past. It seems that the refining method uses Daoxi Taiyi Gold Essence. If there was Taiyi Gold Essence, it would have been refined with it The fairy sword is a secret treasure, who would be willing to use it to refine this Laoshizi real water."

The Five Poison Immortal Sword is a set of five: the snake is named Poison Dragon, the toad is named Yuehua, the spider is named Pansi, the scorpion is named Yiwu, and the centipede is named Qianmu.

This sword is very famous in the Wutai School and even the whole world. Many disciples of the Wutai and Huashan Schools imitate it to practice their own flying swords, such as the flying sword of the golden Luohan Fayuan, which is a few red lines when it is released , instead of the normal sword light, they are all forged from the imitation of the Pansi sword, and some people's flying swords are arc-shaped, like a Wu hook, which is made from the imitation of the Yiwu sword.

Back then Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch spent nearly ten years practicing this set of flying swords in Maoshan. Yue Qing's suggestion to Ziyun Palace was to train five people separately. It is already possible to rule the world. If you can combine the five swords in times of crisis, then you will be invincible.

Chufeng led everyone to discuss, and finally decided that Chufeng would refine the Poison Dragon Sword, Erfeng would refine the Moon Flower Sword, Sanfeng would refine the Pansi Sword, Huizhu would refine the Yiwu Sword, Dongxiu would refine the Qianmu Sword, and each of the five girls would Take a bite.

The treasure house of Ziyun Palace was opened wide, and all the best materials were used to refine the sword blank, and then the five-poison thick pulp was refined and washed repeatedly, and then blessed with specific spells to worship.The five swords have different temperaments, and the methods they use are also different. Some are polished with poisonous sand, some are roasted with fairy fire, and some are soaked in venom... Therefore, the five girls usually practice swords in their respective halls, every 25 days. Gather together in the Huangjing Palace, and practice together with the jade. After 25 times, the flying sword is considered a small achievement. In order to increase its power, Yue Qing also took out the Five Poison Sword Formation recorded in the Hunyuan Supplementary Book and taught them to practice.

During the sword training period, Chufeng promulgated the Ziyun Palace Law Order, a total of twelve commandments, and Yue Qing helped her modify the additions and deletions, and finally reached 37 rules, from the palace master to the maids, all must abide by, If there is any violation, they will be taken to the Heavenly Execution Room for punishment. Chu Feng also asked Xu Feiniang and Yue Qing to be the elders of Ziyun Palace to supervise the laws and regulations of Ziyun Palace.

Sanfeng and Dongxiu didn't care about it at the beginning, thinking it was just to restrain the palace people. Later, there was a time when the South China Sea killed poisonous dragons and used scrubs unscrupulously to kill many fishermen. They were sent to the Heavenly Execution Chamber, where they were burned and needled, and died and resurrected twelve times, and only after that did they restrain themselves.

Yue Qing saw that Chufeng didn't just talk about it, but really did it, so he taught her the method of "suppressing the palace": "This Ziyun Palace is hidden deep in the eyes of the sea, and it is supported by golden courts and jade pillars. , the palace lord only needs to use the prohibition to connect the foundation of the whole palace with the sea eyes. Once a strong enemy comes to seize the palace and destroy the gate, we can't resist it. Shattering the eyes of the sea, releasing the infinite magma and fire in the lungs of the earth, boiling the South China Sea, and causing endless catastrophe, even the three immortals and two elders of the Emei sect, the three demons and five monsters of the magic way, and the four monks and two nuns of Buddhism would not dare I'm going to kill you with all my might."

After hearing this, Chufeng hesitated: "Ziyun Palace is hundreds of miles deep, with 63 floors up and down. If you want to connect it with the sea eye below, you can't do it by simple means."

Yue Qing smiled and said: "As long as the Grand Palace Master can trust me, I am willing to help the Grand Palace Master complete this matter."

Chu Feng was overjoyed after hearing this: "Fellow Daoist, how can I repay you for your kindness?" She thought for a while, "If Fellow Daoist doesn't dislike it, how about we call each other siblings in the future?"

Yue Qing was also very happy: "Since the Grand Palace Master loves you so much, I'll give it a go! Our Wutai sect has a Taoism called the Twelve Heavens Secret Demon Restriction, which can seduce the power of the stars with mysterious magic power, and can also Going the other way, using the star power of the heavens to derive the supernatural powers of the mysterious demons, the two are endless and never cut off. My uncle Maha is the best at this technique. Once the thunders of the mysterious demon gods of the heavens and the big ones he refines are activated, they will have a radius of thousands of miles. Within, the ground, water, fire, and wind boiled together, the five elements and the four elements rubbed against each other, and continued to be violent. Within the forbidden circle, all the flying submerged animals and plants were turned into ashes, and the mountains, rivers, and rivers would also be moved to flat ground. It is used to destroy Ziyun Palace, Blowing through the sea eye is enough."

Chu Feng was dazzled when he heard it: "There is such a powerful power?"

Yue Qing nodded: "In the past, when our mentor was around, we were not allowed to sacrifice such magic treasures. He thought that even if we were killed, we could be reincarnated. There is no end, so...that's why I ended up like that! In order to prevent the Emei faction from being wiped out, I also thought about it, but I didn't have what I needed. Grand Palace Master..."

Chu Feng pretended to be angry: "You still call me the Grand Palace Master!"

"Haha, the treasures in my sister's palace are piled up like a mountain, and there are many helpers. It is not difficult to complete the forbidden law. It will take at least five years. By then, the two elders of Songshan want Ziyun Palace, and they will not dare to take it rashly." !"

Yue Qing drew out the formation diagram for setting up the prohibition of secret demons in twelve heavens and gave it to Chufeng: "This forbidden method can mobilize the power of stars and stars in the sky, produce secret magic induction, even reverse yin and yang, and disturb the five elements, so a large amount of time is required. The essence of the five elements is used as the foundation, and you need to help me find five people to gather the essence of the five elements."

Chufeng's five daughters all have to practice swords, only Jinxunu and Xu Feiniang are idle, and there is still a shortage of three masters with similar mana. To help, Xu Feiniang went for half a day, and when she came back, she brought four sword immortals from the Wudang School, Zen Master Yougen, Zhuge Ying, Daoist Madman and Xinyi.

The relationship between Wudang Sect and Wutai Sect has always been good, and they are closer than Emei. When Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch was alive, the master of the four of them called Hunyuan Patriarch as uncle. Xu Feiniang wants to be a younger generation, but the two have known each other for hundreds of years, and they don't discuss these things in detail, they all have their own opinions, and they can be regarded as fellow Taoists of the same generation.

Xu Feiniang introduced them to the people of Ziyun Palace, and the four of them secretly admired all the wonders in the palace, and the people of Ziyun Palace also admired them for their profound knowledge and extraordinary bearing, and they took out the best fairy wine in the palace Treating each other is also a joy for the host and guest.

Yue Qing first smelted five spirit furnaces out of red copper, and placed them on the bottom floor of Ziyun Palace, above the water eye. The four friends of Wudang presided over one, and Xu Feiniang was in charge of the overall situation at the top of the center, casting spells together to search the five elements between heaven and earth Infuriating, gathered in the furnace.

Yue Qing jumped down from Haiyan, and was immediately pulled by the invisible suction from the center of the earth. Even the Taiyi Wuyanluo used to protect his body was distorted and deformed. He designated two swords with his right hand, which turned into a shuttle-shaped silver light, twisted and stirred separately With the Xuanguang ruler in his left hand, he descended slowly.

Yue Qing sat cross-legged in the dark eyes of the sea, with the light ruler across his chest, forming five halos of light hanging above his head, he pinched the magic formula with his hand, cast the restriction of the secret demons in the sky, and moved the stars in the sky Force, the five apertures of the Xuanguang ruler are far away from the five stars of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and they are induced to absorb the light and energy of the five stars.

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