The leader of Wutai of Shushan

049 Apprentice · Flying Star Twin Swords

Yue Qing's answer was beyond everyone's expectations: "My sister also knows that I want to revive the Wutai Sect and restore the glorious achievements of my teacher when he was there, but I can't do it alone. Senior sister discusses, and plans to open the mountain gate after returning from here, and recruit more disciples, but elder sister also knows that good disciples are rare in the world." He pointed to Lu Rongbo and Wei Rong who were at the bottom of the table, "I think elder sister has the highest magic power, so I will I want to impudently ask my sister to cut her love and let them join my younger brother's sect. Of course, I think that what they have learned is not a direct inheritance in the palace, so I dare to say this. In fact, I like Wu Fan quite a lot, but it's a pity that the child is a cultivator. It is the authentic gold medal of the land in your palace, I only regret that I have missed it! I also ask my sister to make it happen!"

There was silence in Huang Jing Hall, Wu Fan wanted to go with Yue Qing the most, he was very depressed seeing that Yue Qing was not chosen, but he became happy again after hearing what happened later, he was very grateful to Yue Qing in his heart.As for Lu Rongbo and Wei Rong, they were stunned on the spot. They didn't expect that they would face the fate of being asked to leave. Together with the others, they stared blankly at Chufeng, waiting for her to make a decision.

Chufeng didn't expect Yue Qing to make such a request. He thought Yue Qing would ask him for all kinds of treasures in Ziyun Palace, and even watch the Dique Gold Medal and Heavenly Demon Secret Book, but he didn't expect him to ask for people.

Chu Feng's first reaction was that Yue Qing had colluded with Lu Rongbo and Wei Rong in advance, but he had been underground in Haiyan for more than two years and had never seen Lu and Wei at all. She even heard that Yue Qing came to On the first day, Wei Rongjiu made him lose face, so it didn't seem like the two sides were colluding to use tricks, and Yue Qing gave a good reason, so she immediately dispelled her doubts.

As for whether to agree to the request, Chu Feng made a decision almost instantly.Lu Rongbo was originally an Earth Immortal who had perfected his skills and was preparing to ascend. Although he ascended in a fairyland, it was still ascending. In the end, he was halfway through the ascension, but was scattered by Sanfeng with magic sand. He fell down, almost forcing Brought back to Ziyun Palace as a doorman.

As for Wei Rong, before entering the palace, he was already a Sanxian cultivator, and his motive for coming was also very good. After Sanfeng captured Lu Rongbo, he hurried over to worship Jinxu Nu as his teacher, and begged the two to bring him back together. In the palace, and after entering the palace, he is not as greedy as Wu Fan to indulge in the treasures of the palace, and often sneaks around with Lu Rongbo, so I am afraid he has no good intentions.

When two people like this were in Ziyun Palace, Chufeng relied on his magical powers and supernatural powers, so he was not afraid that they would turn over flowers, but if she could send them out, especially if she returned a big favor, she would naturally be happy to go along with it: " Lu Rongbo, Wei Rong, hurry up and meet your new teacher!"

Before the two could weigh the pros and cons, the future fate was determined by Chu Feng. Knowing that although the Great Palace Master is kind-hearted and soft-hearted, no matter how hard he speaks, it is difficult to change his words. Living in the cave of a dragon and a tiger, he is powerless to resist, so they had to come together apprenticeship.

Yue Qing waved his hand: "Listen to what I have to say first. From today onwards, you two will leave Ziyun Palace and join our Wutai faction. Everyone present should bear witness, especially the four fellow Taoists of Wudang. You belong to the first sect." Sanfang, it’s just right to do this justice. I am determined to reform the past dogma and rules. From now on, the disciples of the Wutai Sect will no longer accept mixed men and women, but men will accept men and women will accept women. Therefore, Lu Rongbo, you can worship under Senior Sister Xu .”

Lu Rongbo hated Xu Feiniang in his heart, but he didn't dare to refuse at this time, so he went to kowtow to Xu Feiniang.

Xu Feiniang said with a smile: "I know everything about you. After I go back, I will teach you the true understanding of Taiyi in my school as my teacher. In the future, I will guarantee that you will become a Yang God and ascend to heaven." After speaking, she said to Sanfeng and Chufeng "Second palace lords, since Lu Rongbo belongs to my sect, shouldn't she also give me her natal card?"

Chu Feng patted his forehead: "I forgot about that, Third Sister, the natal tablet is stored in the Jade Pillar in the Golden Court, you go and get it."

It turned out that because Lu Rongbo was forced into the palace, Chu Feng was afraid that she would betray and run away, so she specially used magic to cultivate a natal metacard to restrain Lu Rongbo's primordial spirit. He will be burned by the devil fire, and his body and spirit will be destroyed within two hours.

Now Sanfeng is full of ambitions, and she and Xu Feiniang are like sisters, so she has nothing to do with it, so she went to get the yuan card and gave it to Xu Feiniang.

Xu Feiniang held the yuan card in her hand, rubbed her hands together, and five elements of true energy gushed out from her palms. Under the mutual friction, the magic restraints on the yuan card were broken one after another, and finally the whole plate made of pure gold melted into golden water.

After destroying the natal tablet, Xu Feiniang took out another gourd: "In the past, I got several magic weapons in the cave where Guangchengzi practiced Taoism in Kongtong Mountain, all of which were treasures of Guangchengzi who lived 5000 years ago. The immortal collected and condensed the most yang energy at noon with great mana, condensed it into the real fire of the sun and hid it in it, and cultivated seven or 49 sun god needles in the fire. After thousands of years, it has already possessed infinite power , a magic weapon designed to overcome Yin and evil. You are the body of the Nascent Soul, and you are most afraid of being coveted by cult monsters. Their various Yin, Fire and Yin Thunder will do you great harm. With this treasure to protect you, you will be safe. "

Lu Rongbo didn't expect that Xu Feiniang would give him such a good treasure, and she was stunned for a moment. Xu Feiniang delivered the gourd to her hand before realizing it, and hurriedly thanked him again. Take the gourd over.

After Lu Rongbo was Wei Rong, who worshiped Yue Qing as his teacher. Yue Qing took out his two swords and said solemnly: "You are the first disciple I accept, and I will give you all I have learned all my life. Aptitude and comprehension, it will not be difficult to achieve the celestial karma in the future, even if you are in the Golden Immortal Realm, you are not absolutely without a share. These flying star swords were given to me by your master back then, and I will give them to you now, I hope you can do it in the future Lead by example, as the big brother of the Wutai School, set an example for the younger brothers and younger sisters!"

Wei Rong took the two swords, and saw that the two swords were like crystal jade, almost transparent, when they were turned, the light and waves seemed to flow like liquid, with a light wave, they scattered silver stars, which was better than his original master It's ten times better when used!

Compared with the sun god needle left by Guang Chengzi that Lu Rongbo got, the pair of swords he got seems to be much inferior, but this sword was forged by Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, and it was sacrificed by Yue Qing for more than 300 years , this meaning is very different. Regarding the fact that Yue Qing asked him and Lu Rongbo to come from Ziyun Palace to be apprentices, he has not yet figured out the two people's true intentions, so he can't help but feel uneasy, but now Yue Qing has all the flying swords with him. Taking it out to him, Lu Rongbo also got such a magic weapon that everyone coveted, and his heart felt a little heavy for a moment.

Dongxiu took the lead in congratulating the two on their acceptance of good apprentices, and the others followed suit.

Chu Feng said: "This time, the four Taoist friends from Wudang have put in a lot of effort to train the formation for this palace. Now that you and fellow Taoist Xu have gained a lot of money, they will end up with a bamboo basket to fetch water for nothing. Two years of hard work have been wasted!"

Yue Qing laughed and said: "They have been friends with Senior Sister Xu and me for many years. If they lose money, just let me take care of them. Sister, you don't have to pay attention to them, just accept my favor!" Everyone laughed after saying a word.

After everything was done, Yue Qing and Xu Feiniang lived in Ziyun Palace for another ten days and began to make arrangements to leave. Chu Feng and the others couldn't stay, so they had to make an appointment to visit again when they were free. A lot of crystal sand elixir produced by Ziyun Palace was given away, and the whole palace went out of the palace to Yingxian Island to give them away.

The eight people left Ziyun Palace and headed north all the way, Jian Guang was swift, and they reached the sky above Hainan Island not long after.

Yue Qing invited the four friends of Wudang to visit Wutai Mountain in the future: "Since the former master left, the Wutai faction has been torn apart, and the brothers either retired or switched to other factions. , self-willed to degenerate, and never change the evil. My senior sister and I want to reorganize Wutai and reproduce the glory of our mentor in the day. After thinking about it, we can only start with strict discipline and order, and want to follow the example of the noble school of the day. The story of Linglingzi, a fellow Taoist, went to Wutai Mountain with his senior sister to practice the Taiyi Yinyang sword, and used it to clean up the sect and rectify the religious rules."

The four friends of Wudang were secretly surprised when they heard this: "You two are really admirable for their courage,'s just that when Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch was there, the rules of your sect did not limit contacts with the Demon Sect. The Emei faction took revenge and made friends with all their strength, and the forces involved are complicated, which is far more difficult than my Wudang faction back then."

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