The leader of Wutai of Shushan

054 Open·Taiyi Palace

After leaving the Qixing Palace, not everyone can come up. The main road diverges and leads to Xiantian Pavilion, where the rare treasures collected by Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, as well as the Buddhist, Taoist and Demonic Three Kingdoms are stored there. All kinds of Daoist notes taught, unfortunately, after Master Tuotuo sat down, when everyone went their separate ways, they had already divided up all the things inside. The one who snatched the most was Sikong Zhan, who almost moved half of the Xiantian Pavilion. Yunmeng Mountain has gone.

Going up along the main road, you will arrive at the Huangji Palace. This is the place where the Patriarch Hunyuan died. Every year during the Sanyuan Festival, the Patriarch Hunyuan will come down from the Taiyi Palace above and come here to pray for all the disciples. preach.Back then, when Patriarch Hunyuan was practicing in Taiyi Palace, Master Tuotuo led this group of juniors and sisters to practice and learn from each other here.

The scenes of the past are still vivid in my mind, but now things are different, and the big furniture sighs repeatedly.

The mountain road above Huangji Palace has been blocked by the sea of ​​clouds. Not far away is Fengwu Pavilion. From here, you can go directly to the Bingji Cave on Beitai Mountain through Hongguangyun Road. If you continue to go up, you will walk through the [-] white jade cloud steps. Then I came to Taiyi Palace. Only the head of Taiyi Palace can stay in it. Since Master Tuotuo sat down, it has been automatically sealed. There is a Hunyuan Locking Immortal Formation outside, and only the head of the Wutai faction uses Hunyuan True Qi. Only then can the fairy array be opened and enter the palace.

Yue Qing knelt at the foot of the white jade steps, prayed silently to his teacher, then raised his hands and shot out the Hunyuan True Qi, the True Qi seemed to be a mixture of black and white, swirling into the sea of ​​clouds, and soon the thick milky white clouds began to boil Rolling, as if a pot was boiling, large and small cloud groups quickly formed various forms of birds and beasts, ranging from small squirrels and sparrows to large dragons and giant whales, wandering around and roaring.

After about a cup of tea, Yue Qing's forehead was covered with sweat, and the animals formed by these clouds opened to the left and right like a water curtain, revealing a staircase paved purely with suet white jade.

Yue Qing was a little weak, he staggered when he stood up, and almost fell, Liu Quan hurried over to support him: "Senior brother?"

Yue Qing waved his hand: "It's okay, it's just that it takes too much energy to open it for the first time, and it will be easier in the future. This is the central hub of the entire Wutai Mountain. Once the Taiyi Palace is opened, the mountain protection formation will be opened, and the dragon veins in the underground will also be blocked. Wake up, the essence of heaven and earth vitality within ten thousand miles around will gather continuously, within three months, Mount Wutai will completely change, let's go, let's go to Taiyi Palace to have a look."

Fa Yuan looked at Yue Qing with horror in his eyes, because he knew that two conditions must be met in order to open the Taiyi Palace, the first is to be the head of the Wutai Sect, and the second is to have Hunyuan Zhenqi in cultivation.There are very few Wutai sects who practice Hunyuan Zhenqi, only four or five people, but including Sikong Zhan, they all tried it, and no one was able to open the Taiyi Palace, but Yue Qing did it today!

He didn't believe what Yue Qing and Xu Feiniang told him yesterday about Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch manifesting his holiness. His body and spirit were destroyed, and this person disappeared completely. How could he still manifest his holiness?Although he knew that his master had a heavenly book, he didn't know what it was called. At the beginning, Patriarch Hunyuan taught him half of it, but he couldn't understand it for a long time. Carbon, relying on Yuanshen, tempering Tianyuan", naturally did not believe that the master manifested the sage, and only thought that this was a little means used by the two of them to call together fellow disciples and proclaim themselves orthodox. Now seeing Yue Qing actually opened the Taiyi Palace , Can't help but start to be dubious about this matter again.

The Taiyi Palace was created by the Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch who scoured the essence of Taiyi from the heaven and the earth and put it into the Tiangong furnace. The whole palace is the size of a mountain peak, with steps, doors, windows, columns and courtyards all integrated into one.

The whole palace has 33 floors. The main hall enshrines the giant statues of Taishang Laojun and Tongxuan Daoist. With a height of five meters, a mighty green bull with a ferocious face, with four legs stepping on auspicious clouds, hovers above the cloud-shrouded pool.

Reverend Tongxuan stood a little behind the Taishang Laojun, wearing a kerchief on his head, holding an ancient lamp in his left hand, and a scroll of bamboo slips in his right hand. Under the seat was a huge ancient strange bird, Kunpeng, with two arms. Spread the wings, as if flying across the sea.

Yue Qing brought the big guys here to pay homage to the patriarch, and visited the Wind Pavilion, Yu Pavilion, Thunder Pond, Electric Tower, as well as Yin and Yang Candles, Four Elephant Pagoda, Eight Xuanzhu and so on.

Coming out of Taiyi Palace, Yue Qing blocked the cloud road and began to assign deacons. Liu Quan was in charge of leading people to clean the palaces, Xu Feiniang was in charge of repairing the abandoned formation restrictions, and Fa Yuan was in charge of receiving fellow disciples who came back from various places. And introduce them, and reveal Yue Qing's plan in advance to test their reaction.Yue Qing went to Beitai Mountain to open the Taiyi Tiangong Furnace.

The Wutai Sect was prosperous and strong in those days. There were more than 20 direct disciples of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, all of whom were scattered in various places. The two started relatively late and belonged to the level of Junior Junior Brothers. Both of them originally followed Fa Yuan. Although they were not monks, they both shaved their heads and put on cassocks.

Hu-style practice is the body-refining method of gods and demons. According to the records of the Ten Demon Sutras, he can be immortal after cultivation to the extreme, and now he can catch people in the air with flying swords. His cassock is also a magic weapon. There are two pieces in total. The pieces are made of jade rings. When activated, they become two wings, unstoppable and unstoppable, so it got the nickname of Fire Wing King Kong.

Sun Fu practiced the law of transformation and generation of blood demons. He can emit red lotuses of magic fire, condense flames into lotuses, and hold the enemy's flying swords, so everyone calls him Venerable Furong.

A few years ago, they offended Qingluoyu's magic hand Biqiu Wei Fengniang, and were driven to heaven and earth by Wei Fengniang, and fled back to Wutai Mountain to seek the protection of Fayuan, but Fayuan was not Wei Fengniang's opponent, and finally Xu Feiniang came forward, They fought fiercely with Wei Fengniang and drove her away. From then on, the two began to worship this senior sister who endured humiliation and became Xu Feiniang's hard-core followers. , they also rushed to it with all their strength, so they rushed back immediately after seeing the letter signed by Xu Feiniang this time.

Xu Feiniang introduced Liu Quan to them, and the two immediately called them juniors. They only wanted to work with their senior sisters. As for the future development of the Wutai faction, it didn't matter, and they didn't need to be assigned. They immediately rolled up their arms and began to follow Xu Feiniang When I was working and repairing the fairy formation, I saw that my senior sister's mana was more advanced than in the past, and the worship in my heart deepened several layers.

The next day after the two returned to the mountain, Monk Zhitong, a disciple of Master Tuotuo, also rushed back. He has always regarded himself as the eldest grandson of the Wutai School, and he has practiced for a long time. This time, I received a letter from Feijian, saying that the three of Yuan would reorganize the mountain gate and rejuvenate Wutai. I suddenly felt that I had to preside over such a major event, and I couldn't be absent, so I immediately rushed here with my four disciples.

Zhitong is tall, with a dignified appearance. At first glance, he is an eminent monk. He has studied Buddhism for a period of time with his master Tuotuo. Unlike Fa Yuan, they are just fake monks in cassocks. He is especially good at the Lotus Sutra. He is often invited by the abbots of other temples to visit him. After years of his management, the incense in Ciyun Temple is extremely prosperous. Many people travel thousands of miles from other provinces to Chengdu to worship Buddha and offer incense at home. He has taught more than one million lay people!When mentioning the wisdom of the monks in Ciyun Temple in the whole Sichuan area, they all raised their thumbs up and praised: the Dharma is profound!Be merciful!Strict discipline!

Zhitong was not wearing cassock, but was wearing a yellow monk robe. He held a nine-ringed tin staff in his right hand and a purple gold bowl in his left hand. Four Vajras: Vigorous Vajra Iron Palm Monk Huiming, Invincible Vajra Saidama Huineng, Multi-armed Vajra Little Nezha Huixing and Multi-eyed Vajra Little Vulcan Huixing. Each of them is over nine feet tall and is similar to an iron tower. Holding the four instruments of lotus lantern, treasure pestle, jade pagoda, and golden wheel, he followed Zhitong and drove a golden light to land in front of the mountain gate. Originally, he wanted to go directly to the Seven Star Palace, but the defensive formation had already been raised, and he knew It was so powerful that it landed at the mountain gate and walked up.


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