The leader of Wutai of Shushan

075 Suspicion·Bruyinga

Yue Qing reached out to catch the Demon God Mirror, flicked it lightly a few times, and said flatly: "Then you can't help Master! Today I will give you two ways, the first one is to enter the seat of my Qingluo Palace." , to be the elder of the Yin Demon, the second one, die under my white light sword, and your soul will be scattered!"

Master Feilong sneered: "Although I don't often go out for a walk, I've often heard people mention your master monk's name. We don't offend each other. You can find two other beasts to pay me. That's all, if you want to bully others, you will find the wrong person!"

Yue Qing stopped talking nonsense to her, and raised his hand to release a white light, like a rainbow piercing the sun, straight towards Master Feilong on the hillside.

Wei Fengniang's flying sword was made by practicing for more than [-] years beside the Yaochi Lake in Tianshan according to the sword refining method in the Yaochi Heavenly Book. Before approaching, the chill was piercing to the bones, Master Feilong was too powerful, he hurriedly stretched out his hand, and released five white deer swords with milky white and gray inside. Wherever it shoots, it will condense into a mist, and after a while, the whole forest will turn into a cold winter season, with snowflakes floating.

Yue Qing's differentiated soul has merged with Wei Fengniang's soul, and her sword skills are all deeply imprinted in his mind, as if he had practiced for more than a hundred years. The Tianshan sword is fierce and fierce, but only thirty The rest of the moves, Master Feilong couldn't hold it anymore, he split the White Deer Sword, piercing through the chest, Master Feilong hurriedly blocked it with a crutch with a dragon's head, Yue Qing opened his mouth and spewed out a burst of true energy, the brilliance on the white light sword exploded, stabbing For human eyes, Master Feilong's crutch made of the bones of wild beasts was sliced ​​lengthwise by the white light sword.

Master Feilong let out a cry of surprise, fell back, and turned into a blue fire that flew up, cursing: "The lowly servant is too deceitful!"

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, a cloud of poisonous green miasma exploded in the air, and fell down suddenly.

The green cloud miasma was made by mixing the saliva of many snakes and insects with the juice of poisonous weeds. She could smell a pungent stench from a long distance.

Yue Qing raised his hand to get angry, and turned Wei Fengniang's hard-working Demon Subduing God Flame into a ball as big as his mother's, and charged upwards. When they met each other, they exploded into a rain of fire. The sparks sizzled and fell downward, emitting foul-smelling blue smoke.

Master Feilong shot down the five white deer sword hidden in the poisonous miasma, Yue Qingzao defended her, and also placed the white light sword in the golden flame of subduing demons, facing upwards, the fire cloud and poisonous miasma were blown up together, six mouthfuls The swords are mixed together again, the Tianshan swordsmanship is indomitable, each sword is a fierce killing move, Master Feilong wanted to rely on his own swords in the beginning, and split one or two to go around and attack, but Bai Guangjian is fast and ruthless. , the five swords worked together, but they were still in danger, and even the fragrant beads hanging on the chest were cut off by the sword.

The old Taoist yelled loudly: "Baby maid! Today I will let you never be reborn forever!" Raising her hand, a big ball of fire was emitted, and densely entangled insects crawled out of the flame.It was made from the most poisonous insects in the crypts of Lushan Mountain. They are called fire caterpillars, each of which is more than two inches long, covered with burrs, spewing out strands of sparks, with large mouthparts. Zhang, squirming ferociously, took advantage of the fire to swarm towards Yue Qing.

Yue Qing sent out the dew of the heaven and earth mist, and saw a clear light passing by, which covered the fire cloud, and the fire disappeared in an instant, and the caterpillars inside were also dissolved by the dew, without even a trace left Down!

Master Feilong was so horrified that she had never heard that Wei Fengniang had such a powerful baby. The million fire caterpillars that she had worked so hard to raise for many years were wiped out in the blink of an eye by the other party.

She didn't know that the Qiankun Wulu and the Yaochi Lenghunjian were treasures left by the ancient immortals. Although Wei Fengniang also practiced the Yaochi Tianshu, what she got was only fragments, and most of them could not be comprehended. The magic weapon has not been able to exert much power, and it is not even as good as the Huangyun nail that I refined.However, Yue Qing comprehended the Tongxuan Sutra, and his realm of Taoism was extraordinary. The Yaochi Tianshu can be understood at a glance. These days, he has already refined this treasure offering to send and receive freely.

Master Feilong didn't dare to fight anymore, so he turned his sword light and fled to the distance. Two sword lights flew head-on from the north, blocking her way, showing his body shape, one with a leopard head and eyes around her, two Yellow eyebrows, a pair of golden eyes, with a golden hoop on her forehead, dressed as a tutu, her messy hair and beard underneath are connected together, each one is like golden needles standing upside down, she is her cousin, the lion king Longhua.The other one with a broad forehead, square nose and wide mouth, bare head, wearing a cassock, holding a rosary in one hand, and a bowl in the other, is the nephew of Master Feilong, with a tiger face Jialan Leiyin.

The two of them practiced in Guiyuan Temple on the Golden Summit of Mount Jiuhua. A few years ago, Miao Yi's wife, Xun Lan, opened Emei Biefu in Suoyun Cave of Mount Jiuhua, and lived there with a pair of children. Dare to go back to the mountain to visit friends all the year round, because Longhua's elder brother Qishou Yasha Longfei practiced with the Bone God Lord in Shenmo Cave, and his sister Feilong Shitai lived in Bailu Cave, so the two of them often came to Lushan Mountain.

The two stopped Master Fei Long, and Long Huaweng asked in a low voice, "Why is Eldest Sister so panicked?"

Master Feilong didn't have time to explain: "The enemy is powerful, you come with me!" She wanted to climb over the mountain to go to the cave of gods and demons to ask for help from the god of bones. Sister Zhi Nai's profound Taoism and profound magic power made her afraid that such an enemy would be difficult for her to resist, so she immediately turned around and ran away with Master Fei Long.

It's just that Yue Qing prevented Master Feilong from escaping, and shook off the mist of heaven and earth to cover the entire mountain peak. The three of Master Feilong had just flew less than a thousand meters before they encountered Bao and crashed into a cloud of water mist.It was a treasure left by the ancient immortals, and every drop of true dew on it could turn into a vast lake. The three of them bumped into each other and immediately fell into the infinite ocean.

Yue Qingyang took it back in his hand, folded it up and put it in his bag, then stepped into the White Deer Cave, swept away all the wealth that Mrs. Fei Long had accumulated over the years, packed it away, and took it away.

Back at Qingluoyu, as soon as my feet touched the ground, I saw a lama wearing a big red robe standing at the gate of the palace, holding a prayer wheel made of pure gold and inlaid with gems in his left hand, chanting secret mantras while shaking , Lei Qilong held the Hanlu sword in his hand and saw that he was about to use magic, and was about to escape, when he stepped forward, his body was already weak and could not support his body, and fell to the ground with a thud.

Yue Qing pressed down the sword light, the white light flashed, and he was already standing in front of the lama, and said coldly: "Bruyinga, why did you hurt my disciple?" In his memory, this Buluyinga was A well-known figure in the Western Demonic Cult, whose mana is second only to the current leader, Venerable Poison Dragon. At the beginning, Wei Fengniang ran down the mountain under the pretext of honoring the lintel of the gate, and acted recklessly. It was this lama who hid in the dark and stabbed Guangming Shitai's arm with the magic weapon Wuzhen. He was young and handsome with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Inside is the most powerful Sutra of the Demon King in the Western Demon Cult, and in his right hand is a Buddhist bead made of Xingyue Bodhi. An important figure in the Demon Cult.

Bu Yinjia's face was full of concern: "Feng Niang, I went to the West Pole to collect Taibai Sands a few days ago, intending to refine the Asura Saber, and when I practiced my kung fu, the magic lamp went out. I was worried that something might happen to you, so I took a picture of you with a crystal ball and saw that you have violated the norm in the past few months. You have dealt with the eight demons of Xichuan and the two monks of Qingyuan Temple, and drove away all the disciples and servants. I am afraid that something will happen Something happened, so I hurried back to look for you." He came to hold the hand of his sweetheart while talking.

This Bu Yinga is also Wei Fengniang's guest at the scene, she is the only one who is relatively stable in bed with her, if the real Wei Fengniang sees Bu Yinjia coming to her, she will definitely be very happy and put down the things at hand , invite him into the palace to have a good time, but now that the flesh is replaced by Yue Qing's differentiated soul, naturally he will no longer have close contact with him.He took a step back, his face still stern: "I asked why you bullied my apprentice?"

Bu Yinga was stunned, withdrew his hand in embarrassment, and explained: "I can see from the crystal ball that all these changes started on the day when Jin Shenzi gave him to you. I suspect..."

"Do you suspect it's Jin Shenzi? Or the Huashan School?"

"Jin Shenzi doesn't have that much ability, but Patriarch Lie Huo is very cunning, and he is from the Northern Demon Cult. I'm afraid he will use you to deal with the Emei Sect." Bu Yinga said while staring at the other party's eyes. The magic light flickered in the eyes, and the gaze went straight to the depths of the soul.

Yue Qing was extremely shocked by what Bu Yinjia said. This monk was tens of thousands of miles away, and he guessed his plan and intentions by just relying on the observation on the crystal ball. The black hand behind it is not the Huashan faction but the Wutai faction, and the cunning and cunning is not the Patriarch Lie Huo but Yue Qing.


There are recommendations this week, continue for three more!

It is said that the manuscript depositor has shrunk by one-third, and will die in one month!

Almighty friends, please give me motivation, let me burn the small universe to the highest level of the seventh sense!

Increase the four attributes of click, red ticket, monthly ticket, and collection to the highest, and turn them into a steady stream of true energy, and then ask the Lord of the Three Purities and the Three Holy Saints of the West to bless them, the great God, Jehovah, and his wife, the divine blessing... Good Well, the editor asked me to ask everyone for votes when I have a recommendation, or the data is not good-looking.

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