The leader of Wutai of Shushan

077 Guideline·The Middle Way of Yin and Yang

Yue Qing made a big construction project in Qingluoyu, knocking down the original palaces built by Fanajiayiner and Kayinshabu, and rebuilt a more magnificent and majestic Demon God Palace, built ten courtyards around it, and built a magic palace and a magic palace in each of them. Bulu Yingjia took Long Hua and Lei Yin to live in Tianmo Palace, Master Feilong lived in Yinmo Palace, Yue Qing brought Lei Qilong and Shen Teng, a young apprentice Lei Yin had accepted the year before, to live in Demon God Palace.

In order to enrich the Demon Palace, Yue Qing took them everywhere to force people into the group, such as Pu Miaomiao from Chongming Island, Jiangsu Province, uncle and nephew Sikong Hu from Eight-Eyed King Kong, Qin Li's master and apprentice from Hongxin Cave in Baihua Mountain, Yunnan, Wushan Niu, etc. Wu Xing's master and apprentice in Ganxia Chuanxin Cave, as well as dozens of other casual practitioners, were all merged into Qingluo Palace.

He also has a choice in choosing people. First, the opponent does not have a strong backing, so as not to cause troubles due to small mistakes.He brought these people back to Qingluo, first selected people with good aptitude and character, and took them as his personal disciples, such as Beihai Sanxian Mizuo, Liu Yu'an, etc., and sent the rest to the corresponding magic palace to practice according to their understanding. their spells.

In just two years, Qingluoyu's strength has grown rapidly, and it stands side by side with the Western Demon Sect headed by Venerable Dulong, the Southern Demon Sect headed by Lupao Patriarch, and the Eastern Demon Sect headed by Five Ghost Heavenly King Shang Heyang.

Yue Qing strictly enforced the religious rules, forbidding disciples to run amok and rob men and women. What they have to do every day is to practice the exercises in the Ten Demon Sutras, including himself. , The skill has improved rapidly.

Everyone in Qingluoyu is like a machine with a string on it. In addition to practicing kung fu, it is also refining treasures. In order to avoid too much pressure and resentment, he asked Master Feilong to build a Tianyu Pavilion in the Yinmoyuan, and collected a lot of talents. The slutty nuns put them in there, and taught them some kung fu from the scriptures. Whenever someone made a contribution, they were allowed to go to the Heavenly Desire Pavilion to enjoy it for a day. After practicing the ** scriptures, the bed skills are unrivaled in the world. The men in other departments only need to enjoy it once, and they will never forget it. Going to find other women is also the same. Therefore, whenever Yue Qing sends out tasks, they are all scrambling. Very enthusiastic.

Yue Qing has a white jade screen in the Demon God Palace, on which are densely engraved with names, all of whom are monks he wants to recruit into the religion, and those who have already joined the religion, he uses his finger to scratch a finger mark on it to cross out the name, now One-fifth of the time had passed, and he stared at one of the "Ghost Old Danwu" and muttered: "It's almost time to build the Ministry of Gods and Demons..."

Let's put down Qingluoyu and let's not show it for the time being. Let's go back and talk about Wutai Mountain. Three years have passed in a flash, and all the magic weapons in the Tiangong furnace have been sacrificed successfully.On the top of Tai Chi Hall, Yue Qing's body was still sitting cross-legged, with the Taiqing Bajing Lantern in front of him. The flame in the center of the lamp was burning more steadily than three years ago, without the slightest trembling or jumping, and the flame was close to incandescence. His main soul has completely merged into the void, and there will be no separation phenomenon easily. As long as the main soul entrusts the void, he can be said to be in an immortal state. Unless the entire world collapses and destroys time and space, otherwise, there is no People can kill him completely.

There are still seven flames burning around, all of which are his split souls, who can control seven people like Wei Fengniang, but the split souls cannot take the initiative to seize the house, and must be passively flown by the other party's obsession.

When Wei Fengniang was still a little girl before she had attained Taoism, she met Yue Qing who was bathing in Tanzhong. The three-point impulsiveness was the most impressive scene in her memory. After a few days of getting along, Yue Qing personally pointed out her sword skills, so although she later slept with countless men, Yue Qing was always the one in her mind. The most special one, she is unwilling to admit that Yue Qing is the most important, but the obsession with him in the deepest part of her heart is indeed the most important, because of this obsession, Yue Qing can take her body, steal her heart. It's just a favor, otherwise Wei Fengniang's attainments in magic arts are a hundred times deeper than his, how could she be able to get her into the Tao.

Besides Wei Fengniang, there are quite a few people who are obsessed with Yue Qing, such as Situ Ping, who is as dependent on his father, or Wei Jin, who worships heroes as much, but it is naturally impossible for him to take their bodies .Seizing the house and transforming the gods is just an additional function of this spell. He has gone to the wrong way to treat Wei Fengniang like this, so he can use it if he can, just like Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch. He could have taken away the bodies of Xu Feiniang and loyal disciples like Yue Qing and Fa Yuan, but he didn't. If it wasn't for Wei Fengniang's disobedience and catastrophe imminent, Yue Qing would not have done so.

The fiery figurine on the top of the Taiqing Eight Scenery Lantern suddenly flew up and plunged into Yue Qing himself. The next moment, Yue Qing slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, the Tiangong Furnace has completely extinguished the fire, the earth's dark fire has retreated into the earth's crust, and the dry air has been consumed and dissipated.

Yue Qing shot out the Hunyuan Zhenqi from both hands, respectively, on the holes above the Liangyi Hall, and after a while, the doors of both halls opened at the same time. First, two cold circles of light flew out from the Anode Hall, and a ball of bowls flew out from the Cathode Hall. The big fireball, before Yue Qing could make a move, twelve colored lights swished out from inside, and the entire mountain was illuminated in colorful colors.

Yue Qing had prevented them from escaping in the early morning, and covered the Taiyi Wuyanluo in the air in advance. These treasures were all blocked by the colorful mist, and they flew around like swimming fish, looking for the exit.

The last thing that came out was one black and one white two Zhang Xu lengths of phosgene, slashing and fighting each other in the air, Yue Qing shot out the Hunyuan Zhenqi, forcing them to join together, he sprayed three breaths of Zhenqi in a row, and finally they joined together At this point, a golden light flashed and turned into a treasured sword that fell into Yue Qing's hand.

Yue Qing collected all kinds of treasures with the Taiyi Wuyan Luo, Yujian flew out of the Tiangong Furnace, and when he came out of the Hunyuan Hall, Xu Feiniang and Liu Quan had already brought the direct disciples of the Wutai Sect to wait here. Xu Feiniang opened her mouth and said, "Congratulations, Junior Brother, for improving his Taoism to a higher level!" She had a unique vision, and she saw that Yue Qing's eyes were clear, his spiritual consciousness was restrained, and his Taoism was much more refined than before.Liu Quan congratulated Yue Qing on his success in refining treasures.

Yue Qing closed the Arctic Immortal Palace, and then everyone returned to the Seven Star Hall together. Liu Quan and Xu Feiniang took out all the magic weapons they had collected and sent them to Yue Qing. Yue Qing only picked up a set of Xiantian Four Spirit Flags: "Look Pick up the ones you need, and leave the rest to the senior sister. In the future, there will be those who have excellent moral character, diligent Taoism, and outstanding achievements, and then reward them." He took out the last treasured sword and handed it to Xu Feiniang. "Senior Sister, here is the Taiyi Yin-Yang Sword, one of the five great swords that suppress mountains in our sect. It took us a long time to refine it. From now on, this sword will be in the hands of Senior Sister, who will monitor the canon and reward good and punish evil. Send the first protector for Wutai!"

Xu Feiniang took over the fairy sword surrounded by immortal energy, one side was black and the other was white, and she gently rubbed the spine of the sword with her hand, her voice trembling: "The middle way of yin and yang is Taiyi, the degree of relaxation is the yardstick, this Taiyi yin and yang sword is a law-abiding guardian At the beginning, he was going to refine the Taiyi Yin-Yang Sword, but he couldn’t find a few materials in it, so he went to refine the Five Poison Immortal Sword. Rules are the yardstick, and strict observance of the rules is the protection of the law. It’s so simple. I understand the truth... Sigh, what if I did not practice the Five Poisons Immortal Sword back then, but practiced this Taiyi Yin-Yang Sword?" She recalled the past scene of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, and unconsciously burst into tears.

Yue Qing said: "Senior sister, there is no need to be like this. It is God's will that this sword can be forged. We have found Wannian cold iron and Tianyi true water in Ziyun Palace. As long as we work hard, every step will be in line with the way of heaven, and in harmony with the common people. The Wutai faction will definitely grow stronger, and the spirit of the master in heaven will be gratified."

Xu Feiniang wiped away her tears, and smiled embarrassedly: "Junior brother is right." She took out her seven-mouthed Qinglong Naohai sword, and called Lu Rongbo to come closer, "I have the Taiyi Yinyang sword for my master. There is no need for the Qinglong Naohai Sword. This sword was forged by your master back then, and it has been cultivated by me for more than [-] years. There are only a handful of fairy swords that can match them in all sects. I will give them today. Here, I will help you in cultivating immortality and enlightenment in the future!"

Lu Rongbo didn't expect that Xu Feiniang would be willing to give her the sword that he had carried with him for many years, so he couldn't help being surprised and happy, and hurriedly accepted it with both hands.

Yue Qingdao: "Our Wutai Sect's sword refining method is unique in the world, and even the Emei Sect is a bit inferior. You are the eldest disciple of Senior Sister Xu, and you are also the No.1 female fairy among the second generation disciples of the Wutai Sect. Feijian can't be too shabby, so as not to be laughed at."

As he was talking, he suddenly saw a young boy standing next to Lu Rongbo's seat. The child looked only five or six years old. Around the waist, tied with a jade ring, his bones are extremely aptitude, even stronger than Yang Li, he couldn't help being taken aback, and asked Lu Rongbo, "Who is that child?"

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