The leader of Wutai of Shushan

086 Baishen·Ginseng Doll

Yue Qing took Deng Bagu to the door, and asked Bai Lingxian to worship under her. Deng Bagu took out a thunder-gathering talisman and gave it to her: "You are a different kind of cultivator. Apart from the calamity of heaven and man, you are most afraid of natural enemies. This talisman is my previous one. Given by my master, Aunt Lei, it can gather thousands of thunders and specifically restrain all kinds of strange monsters, such as centipedes, if you meet them, even with thousands of years of practice, it will be difficult for you to be as powerful as the god of thunder."

Bai Lingxian was overjoyed after hearing this, and quickly kowtowed to thank him.

Deng Bagu looked at the ginseng doll again: "Just now I was sick for the first time, thanks to your contribution of blood, I can't take advantage of you in vain, you are also a heterogeneous shape, why don't you also worship under my sect?"

The ginseng doll could already understand human speech, although he was still a little ignorant of what Deng Bagu said, seeing Bai Lingxian gesticulating with him repeatedly with a happy face, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Deng Bagu.

Deng Bagu sighed, and took out a blue-green treasure umbrella: "This treasure is called the Taiyi Qingling Umbrella. It was my master who went to the Eastern Great Barren Mountains as a guest, and exchanged a treasure with the owner there. You are shaped from ginseng. , is full of treasures and is the most coveted by others, so this umbrella will protect you." She touched the ginseng doll's forehead, "You also follow Ling'er's surname Bai, and you are also in the form of ginseng, and you will be called Bai Shen in the future. Well, let's see if you're going to be able to speak in another 30 years... I heard that there is Tianyi Zhenshui in the Ziyun Palace in the South China Sea. Dingdao asks for some soul-solidifying glue for you to help you conceive and shape the meridians in your body, and then you will be able to practice like us humans."

Liu Quan said from the side: "Senior sister, you don't have to go to the South China Sea and Beihai. Senior brother has the two things you mentioned."

Deng Bagu was slightly surprised: "These two things are rare in the world..." She didn't say a word, in fact, she wanted to shape the meridians in the body for Xiao Baishen. The refining method has been lost, Liu Quan brought a total of six pills from the jade bottle, and just now he used two pills for himself, this time because Bai Shen gave her a lot of ginseng blood just now, for compounding the medicine and recovering from paralysis She is the most unwilling to owe human favors to her limbs. Yue Qing has the grace of rebuilding her, and it is not appropriate to say more. He can only join the Wutai faction in the future, and then rush to the front when fighting with the Emei faction, and go to death. She reciprocated, and Bai Shen donated her own blood, and she also felt the great kindness, so she received a gift from her apprentice and went overseas to seek medicine.

Yue Qing said with a smile: "I still have some Tianyi Zhenshui, I don't have Guyuanshenjiao, but our Wutai Sect's Xuanjindan has a better effect than Guyuanshenjiao, it is more than enough for the little guy to create meridians and coagulate veins."

Deng Bagu has also heard the name of Xuanhuang Pill: "The three elixir of Taiyi, Hunyuan, and Xuanhuang are the most precious treasures of the Wutai School, but I heard that the raw materials are hard to find. Back then, when the founder of Taiyi Hunyuan was around, there were not many. It couldn’t be better to think that the senior brother has actually made it.”

Deng Bagu packed her things, left the Xuanbing Valley where she had lived for many years, and went back to Wutai with everyone. Because Tao Jun was still trapped in the Qingluo Demon Palace, Yue Qing asked them to go back first, and went to rescue Tao Jun by himself. Liu Quandao: "Nowadays ten thousand demons are gathered in Qingluo Mountain, I'm afraid it's not appropriate for senior brother to go alone, it's better for us to work together."

Yue Qing said: "You were injured, how powerful is Shang Heyang's bone-locking hammer? Although there are elixir medicines to treat it, Deng Shimei has not fully recovered from the poison of fire. If you fight against others at this time, you will definitely die." Consuming essence, maybe there will be some hidden dangers in the future. Besides, although it is said that there are thousands of demons gathered in Qingluo Palace, the main demons Wei Fengniang, Shang Heyang and Venerable Poison Dragon are all old with me, It may not be that there will be wars against each other."

Liu Quan and Deng Bagu looked at each other, they were unwilling to meet Venerable Dulong and the others under the current situation, and the fact was just like what Yue Qing said, they were not in an endless enemy relationship like the Emei faction, saying Maybe if he came out to ask for someone, he would release Tao Jun immediately and treat them as mentor and apprentice graciously.So there was no further struggle, the four of them, plus the ginseng baby Bai Shen, rushed back to Mount Wutai first.

Yue Qing came to Qingluo Valley alone, and when he arrived at the mouth of the valley, he saw thunder billowing here, and the flames were soaring into the sky, Qingluo Palace and Emei faction were fighting fiercely.

At this time, there are four divisions in the Qingluo Palace, the Heavenly Demon Division, the Yin Demon Division, the God Demon Division, and the Blood Demon Division. There are more than 2000 disciples, all of whom are casual cultivators from the evil sect accepted from all over the world. People stationed at the door, responsible for receiving foreign guests and resisting enemy invasion.Today is the duty of the Gorefiend Department. We sent Jin Duo, boy of Panghuang, and Jiang Yan, boy of Flying Locust, to bring the 36 blood demon flags of the headquarters to set up the blood demon array here. As long as ordinary people inhale the blood, their blood will boil and their mind will be confused. If they don't receive medical treatment immediately, they will even go mad and die.Moreover, these gang-refined blood energy can also condense into 36 blood demons. As long as they are hit by them, they will immediately suck up the blood and die as a mummified corpse.

The drunken Taoist was entangled by Li Yuyu and Zhao Qingwa as soon as he came up, and missed the best time to escape. After the formation was activated, he was even more unable to escape. Together with the drunk Taoist, they repelled the second daughter and the two boys, and were about to break out, the golden thread goddess Pu Miaomiao came to the palace, accompanied by the slender fairy Liu Ruhua and the golden girl Tong Yaofeng. He is a master of the Yin Demon Department. From the Blood Demon Department, Wu Xing, the heart-piercing Taisui, and Qin Li, the blood-knife killing god, brought Feng Wu, the flying beaver boy, and launched 72 blood river carts into the formation. When the car got off, the entrance of the valley was almost turned into a sea of ​​blood. Zui Taoist and Master Baiyun had no choice but to rely on the evil spirit jade to hold on, and could not break through the formation and rush out.

Qiu Huai, the god-eyed boy in the sky, fought against Li Yuanhua. He was naturally not Li Yuanhua's opponent, but he just held him back and prevented him from going down to rescue the two fellow disciples. When Li Yuanhua was in a hurry to escape, the crane he was sitting on was hit by the ghost claws of the Danwu Wuyin and fell into the clouds. Knock it down and throw it into the blood demon formation below.

After a moment of stalemate, Zen Master Yuanjue, a haha ​​monk of the Emei School at Kaiyuan Temple in Kunming, Yunnan, and Master Yuanjue, a master of Sorrow Eagle Cave in Luoyan Mountain, Guizhou, arrived one after another. Learning Buddhism with Ascetic Toutuo has become more and more powerful. Although he is also trapped in the magic circle, he is able to bloom patches of green lotus in the sea of ​​blood, and the top is protected by a mountain-like Buddha light, so although he still cannot break through the magic circle However, the people in Qingluo Palace couldn't do anything to them for a while.

Yue Qingyin watched the fierce battle between the two sides from the valley slope on one side, and suddenly a magic light flashed on the valley slope opposite, and a group of people appeared, standing in the center was a graceful woman in palace attire, who was the owner of Qingluo Palace Wei Fengniang, on her left stood Shang Heyang and Venerable Poison Dragon, and on her right stood Bu Yingjia and Feilong Shitai. Behind her were four demon masters lined up in wild goose wings, a total of 30 people.

Venerable Poison Dragon said: "Since Junior Brother Yue is here, why do you only watch the battle at Taniguchi instead of entering the palace to talk about it?"

Yue Qing said: "I originally wanted to go to the palace to catch up with old friends, but when I arrived, I did a divination and found out that there is an old friend in the valley who really doesn't want to see me. The palace lord sent a letter to send my apprentice out, and when this turmoil in the future is over, I will bring my apprentice to thank you with a generous gift."

Venerable Poison Dragon asked suspiciously: "Is there anyone here who doesn't want to see you?"

"He's talking about me!" A white-clothed man walked out from behind Master Feilong. It was Yasha Longfei with seven hands. Xu Feiniang's lowly servant conspired to occupy Wutai Mountain. These are our family affairs, so I won't say much. He also used the name of rectifying the religious rules to eradicate dissidents. Even Senior Brother Fa Yuan was driven down the mountain by him! He messed up those religious regulations They are all those hypocrites who learned from the Emei Sect, just imagine that we have been practicing for hundreds of years, even when our teacher is here, there has never been a reason why we are not allowed to kill people and make treasures, and we are not allowed to be women!" He said with a sneer "He has completely discorded with us, and has boarded the big ship of the Emei School. His Holiness also called him an old friend. You are loyal, but you have to be careful that one day you will be stabbed in the back by this old friend. When I got to the King of Hades, I still complained inexplicably!"

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