The leader of Wutai of Shushan

089 Invitation Card·Zhu Ling

Yue Qing and Xu Feiniang set out to reform the Wutai Sect, opened the gates of the mountain, and recruited more disciples. They followed the model of the Maoshan Sect and recruited [-] disciples. They were responsible for sweeping the pavilions, raising rare birds, sewing and cooking, etc. Monthly salary, and at the same time teach some basic qi refining skills. If the aptitude is good, after three months of observation, the character and temperament are also acceptable and directly promoted to the disciples of the upper court. Dao Xincheng, who has worked for three years, can also become a disciple of the Lower Court.

The disciples of the upper court were taught by Yang Li, and taught the authentic Taoism of the Wutai School, from the Great and Small Five Elements to the Taiyi Xuangong, they practiced step by step carefully, and there was absolutely no problem in cultivating the status of a god.Lingqi is in charge of the disciples in the lower court, who will teach some Qi training and body training, sword skills and sword skills, and kung fu that is suitable for medicine. Those who are willing to make progress, fly with swords, and go in and out of Qingming are not a problem. The worst ones can catch ghosts and exorcise demons, and keep righteous Avoid evil, be a Mr. Yin and Yang, and the disciples of the two schools are all learning Taoism in Huanglong Palace.

Liu Quan is in charge of the Qixing Palace and is responsible for managing all things in the teaching; Deng Bagu is in charge of the Xiantian Pavilion, and Yue Qing asked everyone to put all the medicines and magic weapons that are not used here. On the top floor, as a reward for the meritorious disciples, as long as they make contributions to the Wutai faction, they can enter the Xiantian Pavilion to choose a prize. It is an honor to be able to get a sword, and he thinks that he is a real disciple of the Wutai sect if he holds a sword.

Xu Feiniang is in Huangji Palace, wielding the Taiyi Yinyang Sword, and is responsible for punishing those disciples who violate the canon. Of course, only direct disciples are eligible to let her take action, and Liu Quan will deal with the others, while Yang Li, Tao The direct disciples like Jun all abide by their duties, practice hard like a competition, and no one violates the canon rules. Therefore, besides homework at four o'clock every day, she either collects medicine to make alchemy, or refines the Heavenly Demon Zhuxian Sword. The patriarch passed on to her the method of refining the sword of the Heavenly Demon Zhuxian Sword before sitting down. He is determined to refine the Heavenly Demon Zhuxian Sword, and wait for the third sword fight in the future to wipe out Emei with it!Yue Qing persuaded Xu Feiniang several times earnestly, but she refused to change and give up. In the end, it was up to her. Fortunately, now that there is a dragon sparrow ring to protect the primordial spirit, there is no need to worry about being taken advantage of by foreign demons and going crazy.

Yue Qing was in Taiyi Palace, and his task was to comprehend the Tongxuan Sutra, and he descended to Huangji Palace every once in a while to tell everyone the scriptures and Taoism he had comprehended.He looks the most leisurely, but in fact he is the most stressed, because in addition to the Wutai faction, he also has to manage the four groups of demons in Qingluoyu, which are thousands of miles away.

According to Yue Qing's plan, after the split of the Wutai faction, it can be said that their vitality will be greatly damaged. The Emei faction will never allow them to rise safely. As long as they send seven or eight elder-level masters, they will be able to drive Yue Qing and the others out of Mount Wutai. After being killed, he became a bereaved dog, and it would be a joke to talk about the revival of the Wutai School at that time.Although Yue Qing has formed many good relationships in recent years, as long as he sends a letter with a flying sword, sects such as Maoshan and Laoshan will come to help, but after all, they cannot stay in Wutai Mountain permanently, and the Emei sect can kill them at any time.Therefore, Yue Qing let the Qingluo Valley expand rapidly, entangled many sect cultivators, and formed four demons. Because Qingluo Mountain is located at the junction of Sichuan and Yunnan, it is almost under the nose of the Emei Sect, which makes the Emei Sect deeply jealous. .

When Yue Qing took Deng Bagu into the sect, he used tricks to make them fight fiercely with the Emei sect. Wei Fengniang beheaded Zen Master Yuanjue with a white light sword, and broke the two legs of Taoist Drunk. Under the Yinhun sword of Fei's nine sons and mothers, the heads of both were given to Shang Heyang to refine the bone lock hammer.

The elders of the Emei faction lost two more people. The most exasperating thing is that their heads and primordial spirits were used to make magic weapons. The humiliation to the Emei faction is far more than that of Yue Qing beheading Xu Yuantong and Wu Yuanzhi, so the Emei faction is calling for friends Huanyou, planned to wipe out Qingluoyu with all his strength, and had no time to trouble the Wutai faction, so he won a precious respite.

Yue Qing remotely controlled Qingluoyu in Taiyi Palace, and the four demons practiced magic attacks day and night, practiced magic formations, and prepared for battle with all their might. They also formed an alliance with the Eastern and Western demon sects to fight against Emei, and at the same time sent people to Ciyun Temple. He lobbied Fa Yuan to make the Ciyun Temple unite with the Huashan School and summoned dozens of swordsmen to gather in the capital. For a while, the Sichuan and Yunnan areas were full of evil spirits, swords were on the verge of breaking out, and a war was imminent.

If the Emei faction wants to attack Qingluoyu, it must first eradicate Ciyun Temple, which is close at hand. Yueqing's plan is that if they can't stop the Emei faction at Ciyun Temple, they have to stop the Emei faction at Qingluoyu, and they can't stop them at Qingluoyu. To live in the Emei faction is to block the Emei faction in Ziyun Palace. If the Emei faction cannot be stopped in Ziyun Palace, they can only fight to the death with the Emei faction in Wutai Mountain itself!

One day, a young Taoist worshiped the mountain with a post. He claimed to be Zhu Bailing, a disciple of Wu Li, the head of the Laoshan School. Because the Laoshan School was opening soon, he specially came to Mount Wutai to deliver the invitation on behalf of his teacher. He flew to Taiyi Palace to ask Yue Qing for instructions, and came back after a short while: "Master uncle and my master are both practicing in Huangji Palace, let me take Master Zhu to meet in the palace."

Zhu Bailing followed Shi Sheng along the mountain road to Huangji Palace, and was led to the side hall by two upper court disciples who were on duty here.

Yue Qing and Xu Feiniang were drinking tea and talking, when Shi Sheng brought in a boy, about seventeen or eighteen years old, handsome and handsome, with beautiful eyes, even more handsome than Yang Li, but slightly less masculine, dressed in Dressed in purple clothes, he bowed at the entrance of the main hall and kowtowed: "Disciple Zhu Bailing, pay homage to the two uncles."

Yue Qing asked him to get up: "You don't need to be too polite, your master and I are old friends and comrades, and our two factions are even more connected, and we sat on that chair and drank some good tea from our Wutai faction. Let me ask you."

Before Zhu Bailing came here, he had heard that the Wutai faction was the only super-large faction in the world that could compete with the Emei faction. It was only because Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch lost the second time in the sword fight that he was defeated. A few years ago, Yue Qing After rectifying the religious rules, expelling many unruly colleagues from the sect, and opening the Tiangong Furnace left by the ancestors to refine the magic weapon, just now the atmosphere is completely new and the vitality is restored.My master is full of praise for this Uncle Yue. Whether it is character, character, or means of Taoism, all people look up to him. Wu Li is an upright character, and the Sanyang Yiqi sword in his hand is a gift from Yue Qing. He did not shy away from this matter, and everyone in the Laoshan School knew it well, so Zhu Bailing was very curious about Yue Qing. Sitting there, he wanted to sneak a peek at him from time to time, but felt that this uncle Yue was sitting there. , just like the majesty of Mount Tai, the aura of Kyushu, although it is different from the sharp and domineering feeling of his master, but it also makes people dare not act rashly.

Yue Qing waited for him to drink half a cup of tea before asking: "Your name is Zhu Bailing? I don't care if you look quite different from Brother Wu's lineage, but you are an art investment teacher?"

Zhu Bailing leaned forward and said, "This disciple originally cultivated on Whale Whale Island in the South China Sea, but it's just a small way, and it's hard to achieve a real fruit. A few years ago, I was recommended by my brother, and I just joined the master's sect."

"Your brother...which one is it?"

"The disciple's elder brother was originally the Sanxian of Yujing Island in the East China Sea, named Xiaoyao."

"Zhu Xiaoyao?" Yue Qing frowned, "How did he worship Laoshan?"

Although Zhu Bailing didn't know why this Uncle Yue was so interested in their two brothers, he still answered truthfully: "Back then Taoist Yi encouraged the East Sea to flood Laoshan, flooding many people along the coast. The people of 72 counties along the coast hated Daoist Yi because of this, and was wounded by him, and wanted to be captured by monsters under his sect, and planned to take him back to Dapeng'ao to sacrifice evil methods. Thanks to being met by his master, he killed hundreds of water demons and rescued his brother Seeing that his aptitude is fair, he was recruited as a disciple." After he finished speaking, he saw that Yue Qing still wanted to continue listening, so he also told the story of how he got started, "My brother and I had an accident over a hundred years ago. The woman turned her face into an enemy, and there has been no contact since then. A few old friends from the past came to Nujing Island to invite me to join Qingluo Palace. With my way, I am not afraid even if they come together, but after they joined the Qingluo Palace, they learned the Heavenly Demon Da. I was imprisoned by the devil, and I was about to be forcibly taken back to Qingluo Palace. Come, drive them away, share the stories of the past, and take me to Laoshan to learn from a teacher."

Yue Qing looked at him, and suddenly asked: "You brothers turned against each other back then, but for Cui Ying, the jade lady under the seat of the saint?"

Zhu Bailing turned pale with shock: "How do you know?"

Yue Qing waved his hand: "Forget it, since your master doesn't bother you, I don't feel comfortable pointing fingers."

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