The leader of Wutai of Shushan

092 Fighting Swords·3 Flower God Shuttle

Shi Sheng stopped the meaningless quarrel between Situ Ping and Qi Jinchan: "Don't tell me how upright the Emei faction is, and I won't say how clever my Wutai faction is. Let's just fight swords to decide the outcome like our predecessors."

Jin Chan laughed and said, "I also have the same intention." He pulled out a sword case taller than himself from behind the rock and carried it on his back, "The sword skills of my Emei School are far beyond your comprehension. yes."

Shi Sheng smiled and said: "Since sword fighting must be fair, we naturally decide the winner one on one. Our Wutai faction is not as shameless as your Emei." He didn't wait for Jin Chan to say anything else, and rushed He said, "We are all guests here. It is not a way to be a guest if you destroy the host's scenery and utensils. If you have the courage, how about going out to sea with us and finding an island and reef to have a good time?"

Jin Chan stomped her feet resentfully: "Who is afraid that you will fail?"

The five children went down the mountain in batches as if they were all right, and went out to sea together with their swords when they reached the East China Sea, and found an island and reef nearly a hundred miles away. Don't bully you, just me and you to decide the outcome." Situ Ping and Bu Tiantong were going to end, Shi Sheng stopped them, "This time is between us Wutai and Emei, Brother Ping, you are older than him , going on stage is to bully him. Besides, the Emei faction is best at intrigue, how do you know that they don't have helpers around to ambush? You and Uncle Zhuang are on the sidelines to help my little nephew."

Jin Chan said angrily: "Have you finished nagging? If you continue talking, the moon will rise tomorrow! Otherwise, you can go to bed together."

Shi Sheng said: "I'm ready, if I lose later, don't cry!" He opened his mouth and sprayed out three silver lights.

Jin Chan reached out and slapped the sword box behind her: "Everything is done according to the rules of fighting swords, life or death do not matter!" There was a thunderbolt, and two sword rainbows, one purple and one red, shot out from the sword box, following Jin Chan's fingers Direction, flying towards Shi Sheng, Shi Sheng calmed down, and urged three Taibai lightsabers to resist his head. As soon as the swords touched, Jin Chan's sword let out bursts of thunder, exploding balls of purple light However, Shi Sheng's sword burst into a silver light, like a rain of stars.

The Taibai Light Sword was evenly matched against the Mandarin Duck and Thunderbolt Sword. Shi Sheng looked focused, holding the sword formula in his little hand, and unfolded the Taiyi Sword Formula that he had practiced hard for the past few years, driving the three flying swords like comets, flying up and down, towards The opponent slashed and shot wildly.Jin Chan also tried her best to deploy the Emei School's Shaoqing Sword Art, urging a pair of flying swords to make thunderbolts, and the swords swam like dragons, defusing the opponent's attacks one after another.

Jin Chan was taught by his mother Xun Lanyin himself, and often competes with his elder sister Qi Lingyun. The Shaoqing swordsmanship of the Emei School is unrivaled in the world, and almost all the sects of Sanxian can't beat him.What Shi Sheng learned was the sword technique passed down to Lu Min by Master Ji Le. Although it is not superior, it is not weak. Personally taught and taught Taiyi swordsmanship, Shi Shenggengu's comprehension can be said to be the first in Wutai, and he has practiced Mahayana in a few years. The three flying swords in his hands run like flying, superb.

The two fought for a cup of tea, but Jin Chan gradually couldn't resist, and was killed by three Taibai Fen lightsabers. , His face turned pale with anxiety, he bit his lips tightly, suddenly turned the flying sword, and with the two swords striking each other, there was a big rain of light, covering himself, he took out a slingshot from his bosom, buckled a golden pill, and shot at Shi Sheng shoot.

Bu Tiantong was the first to notice the abnormality, and shouted: "Be careful!"

I saw a golden light hitting Shi Sheng with an arc, and before the voice of Bu Tian's fairy tale fell, Shi Sheng used the method of catching dragons and cranes to put the sword light in his hand, and saw that it was a golden pill the size of a longan, with spells engraved on it.

Jin Chan couldn't help being surprised when he saw that he caught the golden pill empty-handed. The slingshot and the golden pill were given to him by Master Shanxia a few days ago. He would be seriously injured if he saved his life. He never expected that Shi Sheng could catch him at such a young age. He took a deep breath and shot the remaining eleven golden pills. , then slipped into the sleeve, and took all the twelve golden pills in a blink of an eye, and asked Jinchan with a smile: "What other magic weapon do you have, just use it, and see if I can catch it!"

Jin Chan was ashamed and indignant: "Our Emei School is full of masters, and my swordsmanship is the worst. If you win, I won't be honored."

Shi Sheng said with a smile: "That is to say, you admit that you lost to me in this sword fight?"

"You're dreaming! I won't admit defeat even if I die!" Jin Chan breathed out three breaths of true energy, urging the two swords to thunder, trying to fight Shi Sheng desperately, and even resorted to a style of fighting that would hurt both sides.

Shi Sheng took the fight carefully, pressing him all the time, and after another half an hour of stalemate, Jin Chan finally couldn't hold on, the left bun on the top of his head was swept away by the sword light, and half of it was cut off, Jin Chan felt the cold light on his body, and his body was covered with fine hair They all stood up, hugged their heads and rolled away. When they stood up again, Shi Sheng grabbed the Yuanyang Thunderbolt sword with two swords, and the remaining one came over and pressed it on Jin Chan's neck: "Do you admit defeat?"

Jin Chan stared: "If you want to kill it, kill it! There is no coward in the Emei faction who admits defeat!"

"That's good, I'll cut off your head and show it to your mother!" Shi Sheng shouted, and the silver light of the flying sword pressed on the Golden Chan sword exploded, as if he was about to decapitate Jin Chan in the next moment.

"Don't go crazy, demon boy!" There was a sudden voice in the air, and four girls appeared out of thin air. They were the apprentices of Master Baiyun, Yu Fangheng, Li Wenyan, Wan Zhen, and Yun Zixiao who had just started. The four released flying swords at the same time, Yu Fangheng resisted Taibai Fen's lightsaber to save Jin Chan, Li Wenyan flew his sword to guard against Situ Ping and the three of them, while Wan Zhen cursed endlessly, and Yu Jian flew to kill Shi Sheng, "Evil heretics, quickly die!"

Situ Ping yelled angrily: "Are we afraid of you because you bully the few?" He released the flying sword to chop Wanzhen, and was immediately caught by Li Wenyan.

Shi Sheng laughed loudly: "The Emei faction is really shameless, the agreed fair sword fight is no match for us, so we will attack together!" He called back the three flying swords and went to meet Wan Zhen.

Wan Zhen frantically urged the flying sword, pressing down on Shi Sheng and beating him: "What kind of righteousness and fairness is there with you little monsters of the devil way?

Bu Tiantong had originally intended to make friends with Shi Sheng, and after hearing Wan Zhen's words, he let out his Civil Flying Crystal Sword angrily: "The Emei School is really unreasonable, so shameless!"

Yu Fangheng hurriedly Yujian caught Bu Tiantong to fight, and shouted: "Everyone stop! Listen to me!"

Wan Zhen said: "Heretic demons, kill them first!" Dozens of cold wave thunderballs flew out of his sleeves and exploded around Shi Sheng.

Shi Sheng had already protected Ligou Bell around his body, a mass of chaos surrounded him from head to toe, thunder beads exploded one after another, all blocked by Hunyuan Qi, the bone marrow-condensed cold air spread, and frost flowers fell out of thin air.

Shi Sheng said loudly in Ligou Bell: "We originally said that the two factions are here to fight swords fairly. You witch not only wins with numbers, but also dares to stab people in the back. Do you think we have no magic weapon?"

"Shi'er is right!" Situ Ping took out the yin and yang alms bowl early on, and saw the purple gold alms bowl spinning in the palm of his hand, and the two real fires of the sun and the yin were spraying out, not only Li Wenyan, but also Wanzhen and Yu Fangheng. All wrapped up.

"The evildoer is wanton!" Wan Zhen saw how strong she was, she merged her body and sword, and slashed at Situ Ping with fire and smoke, but was stopped by Shi Sheng's flying sword. The colored rays of light intertwined like shuttles, thousands of golden flowers exploded in the front section, and thousands of electric snakes exploded, blasting away the flames in the bowl with one stroke, and directly aimed at Situ Ping.

Situ Ping didn't expect to be so powerful against Fa Bao, so he couldn't help being taken aback. Thanks to Bu Tiantong standing beside him, seeing that the situation was not good, he hurriedly sent out the true energy of the civil engineering and engineering. He shot it out, and when it touched the Sanhua Shenshuo, the Golden Flower Electric Snake exploded immediately, but he still couldn't resist, he was also terrified, stretched out his hand to grab Situ Ping and flew back, opened his mouth and sprayed his true energy, the two lines were true The air condenses earth, wood and crystal sand, flying like rain, hitting Wanzhen like hail all over the sky.

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