The leader of Wutai of Shushan

102 Holy Mother and Xuannv Needle

Shi Sheng and Situ Ping flew straight with their swords and did not stop. They heard from Yue Qing that the three fierce beasts of Mount Heng raised many spiritual birds and beasts, many of which were rare and rare in the world. They planned to capture them alive and bring them back to the mountain as pets, so they did not He didn't confront Huang Meng and the others, let alone stay for a moment, split left and right, passed the people on both sides, and went straight to the front cave. Ding Jiazhuan and the others were only negligent, and they ran away without a trace.

It was Yue Qing who came in from the cave with the four sons of Chunyang. Yue Qing propped up the Taiyi Wuyan Luo to block the blood-sucking needles from all over the sky, and then waved the Xuanguang ruler. Suction force, the divine needles all over the sky are divided into five torrents, and they gather together towards the center of the circle. Huang Meng fought against it and sprayed his true energy, but he couldn't retract the needles. Among them, the five-color light flow circled three times, and there was a continuous sound of bang bang, and all the magic needles were smashed into pink smoke.

It was just a matter of a moment, and the others released their flying swords one after another. Ding Jiazhuang fought Ming Yizi and Ke Yizi alone, Zhuo Yuanfeng faced Shuiyunzi Su Xianxiang, Wu Xun faced Ling Xuzi, the swords and lights twisted each other, The thunder of the gods confronted each other, and the hole was enlarged ten times in a blink of an eye!

Shui Yunzi flew out backwards: "This place is too narrow to use your hands and feet, do you dare to fight outside with me?"

Zhuo Yuanfeng didn't want to destroy the house, so he chased after him: "Where is the traitor, I want you to be destroyed today!" He hurriedly chased to the edge of the cliff outside the cave, and countless yellow and white stars fell from the top of his head, Rolling backwards like a waterfall, Zhuo Yuanfeng recognized the legendary Yiwan Jinsha Sword, and was startled, "Are you Su Xianxiang, the son of Shuiyun who monopolized all demons in Taihang Mountain in the past?" Feijian was hard to resist, so he hurriedly took out an ancient bronze mirror from under the sleeve of his robe, sprayed it with true energy, it immediately grew to the size of a millstone, hung and rotated above his head, countless dark red light needles shot out from the mirror, and the hundreds of millions of golden sands falling The swords collided with each other, crackling, piercing and exploding, exploding clusters of emerald green sparks.

His precious mirror is the most precious treasure he has refined all his life, and it has been with him for more than three hundred years, and it was evenly matched with your billions of gold sand swords for a while.

At this time, Ling Xuzi and Wu Xun also fought outside from the cave, and were fighting swords by the stream, but Ming Yizi and Ke Yizi couldn't beat a Dingjia building, and were forced into the cold cave leading to the lungs of the earth , that hole was opened downwards by the three evil spirits with their mana, absorbing the filth from the ground to practice their spells. Ming Yizi and Ke Yizi fought while retreating, but felt the dark wind blowing behind them, and the evil spirit was blowing, which made people frightened and penetrated to the bone marrow. The man tried his best to use what he had learned in his life to attack Dingjia Building, but there was a golden treasure building hanging above his head, shooting golden light to help his whole body, but a mountain chisel and a wave breaking cone hit it, bursting into blooms. Duo Jinxing, who is like the sound of gold and stone, is hard to shake at all, and was chased and beaten by twelve corpse demons in Liuding Liujia, and retreated step by step.

Ding Jiazhu controlled three golden flying swords and shot out thunderbolt electric snakes. He was about to push the two of them into the lungs of the earth with more force, and then sealed the exit. The Qi and Jiuyou Disha gradually corroded the Yuan Dan of the body, and died bit by bit, so that the anger in the chest could be vented a little.

"Ding Jiazhuang, do you still recognize the old woman?" Just three feet away behind Ding Jiazhuang, a blue light flashed, and the Virgin of Hydrating appeared.

Ding Jiazhu was chasing and beating the two sons of Chunyang, when he heard her voice, he was taken aback and turned around quickly: "Hengshan Temple is small, when did you attract so many great Bodhisattvas, are you here to help me? Or help Wutai?"

Our Lady of Golden Needles smiled and said: "Of course it is to help Wutai. Fellow Daoist Yue invited me to come to Shanxi to establish the Hengshan School, and I am going to use this place as a dojo."

After hearing this, Ding Jiazhu not only didn't get angry, but showed a bit of surprise: "Yue wants to drag you here to establish the Hengshan faction? If that's the case, why don't you say it well? Old sister, you come to take charge of Hengshan, and it's only natural for you to obey the sky Little brother is willing to give up this place, and elder sister will follow suit!" He said, and the offensive against the second son of Chunyang eased a lot.

Our Lady of Golden Needles laughed and said, "Wutai Sect is revived. Fellow Daoist Yue wants to wipe out all the evil spirits in Shanxi. In the future, the Hengshan Sect will be established with the Wutai Sect's canon, the [-] precepts of Earth Immortals. Can Daoyou Ding keep it? If you can, the old woman will take you to tell Fellow Daoist Yue that you will be counted as fellow disciples of the Hengshan Sect in the future. If you can’t, the so-called differences of ways do not conspire with each other, and you can leave here and still be safe. Otherwise, with your usual behavior, I am afraid that you will not escape the doom of the soldiers!"

Ding Jiazhu was furious when he heard the words: "I call you a shameless old bastard! I thought you were the original pope and established your own sect, but you didn't want to be someone else's puppet! Although Ding You are not talented, but you don’t want to be under others, even if you are practicing, you should follow your heart’s desire and abide by those dogmatic rules, how can you talk about the way of freedom?”

The Holy Mother of the Golden Needle was not angry, she still smiled and said: "If that's the case, the old woman will offend you!" The acupuncture formulas of the period are said to be written by the Nine Heavens Xuannv, which recorded various methods of refining and using needles, which are infinitely mysterious. Our Lady of the Golden Needle".

The Xuannv Needle is one of the three most powerful flying needles recorded in Taoist scriptures. Each needle is a chi-long blue light, which is not very dazzling, but it is extremely powerful when used alone. If you release all 81 roots, you will be invincible, especially the nemesis of all kinds of Gu insects.The Holy Mother of Golden Needles knew that Ding Jiazhu's Taoism was profound, and that Xuannv's needles might be taken away by him when used separately, so when she came up, she fired the whole set, and dozens of green lights shot on the golden light released by the golden treasure building, penetrating only half an inch. Being stopped, the Holy Mother of the Golden Needle spurted out a mouthful of true energy, and the Xuannv Needle shone with light, and penetrated half a foot inward.

Ding Jiazhu yelled loudly, the golden treasure building flashed with light, jingled, and there was a series of crisp sounds, all the Xuannv needles were ejected and flew back.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Needle said loudly: "Stand back, fellow daoists, let me set him on fire!" Flying out from under the sleeves of the robe was the Nine-Dragon Wheel of Zhenshan's most precious treasure. It was done, only the sound of dragons chanting, nine Zhang Xu long real dragons opened their teeth and danced their claws and rushed towards the Dingjia building, the sun dragon, the yin dragon, the golden dragon, the wood dragon, the fire dragon, the water dragon, the earth dragon, the yellow banner dragon, the leopard dragon, etc. The tailed dragon entangled Dingjia Building with the golden light across the precious building, and the Virgin of the Golden Needle took out the Chiqi Banner, and when it was swaggering, it emitted yin-yang and five-element flames, wrapping Ding Jiazhuang inside, "This guy will be dealt with by the old woman , the two fellow daoists can help fellow daoist Yue to decide the overall situation!"

Ming Yizi and Ke Yizi walked around Dingjia Building and returned to the back cave, Shui Yunzi was fighting with Zhuo Yuanfeng inextricably, the two were about to step forward to help, Shui Yunzi said: "Fourth Junior Brother is going down with Wu The lawsuit is struggling, you go and help him!"

The two hurriedly flew down the mountain stream with their swords to help Ling Xuzi fight Wu Xun.

Yue Qing fought against Huang Meng, broke several of his magic weapons one after another, Huang Meng hated and feared, turned around and fled into the cave.

The popularity of the Hengshan Three Evils is very poor, and most of the immortals in the world are unwilling to associate with them. At first, in order to avoid the fight between the Wutai Sect and the Emei Sect, they lived in the cave for more than a hundred years and rarely showed their faces. Outside, it is to be happy with women, and the extra energy is used to develop the cave. The interior of Mount Heng extends in all directions, and it is full of caves opened by them with magic. In the Sanqing Immortal Palace, the left hole has a pool of fine nectar and jade liquid for offering sexual pleasures, and the right hole is a labyrinth of fairy prisons where spirit birds and beasts are raised and criminals are punished. Because the ambushes are the heaviest in the fairy prison, Huang Meng can't beat Yue Qing. , and fled straight here.

This time to fight Mount Heng, Yue Qing made the best preparations. He calculated the human geography, cause and effect of Mount Heng clearly in advance with the innate divinatory symbols. This labyrinth is the most dangerous place in Mount Heng. He could only figure out a rough idea of ​​the evil array of the five elements, but he couldn't grasp all the pathways.

Huang Meng entered the maze, and disappeared with a flash of red light. Yue Qing followed closely, chased to the door, took out the Taiqing Eight Scenery Lantern, and with a light shake, the six figurines formed by splitting souls turned into The flames that were more than a foot long left the lamp holders one after another and plunged into the surrounding caves.The split primordial spirits each walked their own way, and were able to pass through mountains and walls, and there were no barriers to the barriers of formations. Yue Qing knew all the scenes where he passed. He quickly found Huang Meng's position, and then quickly chase after.

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