The leader of Wutai of Shushan

114 Painted Skin·Brothers and Brothers

Speaking of this You Huang is also a very scheming person, he sees that Yue Qing has real kung fu, although he still can't tell whether it is magic or extremely high internal strength, but no matter what the situation is, he is willing to learn from a teacher, so I have been following Zhu's mansion, and I also want to see Yue Qing's skills and character. It is said that a master chooses an apprentice, and an apprentice also chooses a teacher. If Yue Qing is a monster, he will not worship a teacher.Therefore, Yue Qing asked him to be a bait to attract Feng Wu. He just regarded it as a temptation from an expert. Master, after subduing the demon, he will immediately become a teacher. If Yue Qing is a swindler, he will lose his life at worst!

Yue Qing asked Zhu Yuanwai to find tools, dressed You Huang as a wandering Taoist priest with a long beard in a bun, blue robe and yellow crown, and handed over the banner, bell and sword box to him, and at night, he Let him stay in the garden where the embroidered building is located.

Yue Qing himself asked Zhu Yuanwai for a quiet room: "I want to practice luck here, you are not allowed to disturb me! In case Feng Wu finds out, if you scare the snake away, your family will have endless troubles!" Scared Zhu Yuanwai Hurry back and tell the servants to hide in their rooms and not come out before dawn.

He closed the windows and doors, took out the Taiqing Eight Scenery Lantern and put it on the table, and then sat cross-legged on the floor, practicing silently.

As night fell and the sky was full of stars, the clapper had just tapped twice when suddenly the flames of the Taiqing Bajing Lantern on the table began to jump.

"Pfft!" The flames rose more than two feet high, but the brightness in the room did not increase, only the scene outside appeared in the flames.

In the flames, a middle-aged man in a black robe fell from the sky. His clothes were torn, half of his body was bloody, his face was covered with sweat and mud, and he crawled tremblingly into the flowers under the porch in a panic.At the same time, there was a white sword light in the sky, streaking across the sky like a shooting star from north to south.

Yue Qing could see that it was Master Baiyun of the Emei School flying by with his sword, and he stretched out his hand to press it. In the flames, a close-up of the face of the man in black appeared, and he recognized it as a bone demon that Qingluoyu had brought in not long ago. The tribe, named Shen Wu, is the eldest disciple of Lin Rui, the elder of the bone demon elder Tianmen. His Taoism is not weak, but it is a pity that he met Master Baiyun, and it is his luck to escape with his life.

That Shen Wu waited for nearly half an hour among the flowers before he dared to show his face. He climbed out cautiously, looked around, and made sure that Master Baiyun had gone far, so he was completely relieved.He didn't run away in a hurry, instead he broke into a nearby kitchen, looking for something to eat. He has a way, even without lighting a lamp, he can see clearly, and he found a place in the daytime Zhuangzi The venison sent from the restaurant is not afraid of the smell, and it is directly sent to the mouth to chew.

He had just taken two bites, when suddenly there was a crisp sound behind him, the door was knocked down by gravity, and the entire door panel was slapped straight on.He was taken aback immediately, thinking that Master Baiyun had left and returned, but when he heard a man yelling and cursing, he immediately felt relieved.

"Where did the thief come from, dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head!" The person who came was also Lian's son, and the iron palm of Kaibei clung to the back of the door panel and patted it.

That Shen Wu sneered, his body swayed with the wind, turned into a puff of thick smoke, the door panel passed through the smoke, and hit the pot heavily.

The other party is a martial artist recruited by Luo Lu to teach him with money. His name is Shen Chun.He came out to practice kung fu every night, and today, as usual, he flew onto the roof of the house, placed Liangyi stakes, raised his hands to the sky, and exhaled Qi to the moon. Suddenly he heard movement from the kitchen, and he quietly walked along the wall When I saw it, I saw a figure sneaking into the kitchen.

Luo Lu was good at martial arts since he was a child, and spent a lot of money to invite famous teachers. It has been half a year since Shen Chun came to Luo's residence. With gratitude, now that a thief has come to the house, how can I stand by and watch,

Shen Chun followed behind the door panel and slammed his palm. Seeing that the person disappeared out of thin air, he was in shock when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck. He was already pinched by a big cold hand like iron tongs. He lifted Shen Chun's feet off the ground, He also wanted to perform a move of stepping on the seven stars, but a bone-piercing cold air poured from both sides of his neck, filling his whole body in an instant, immediately cooling him thoroughly from the inside out, and he died.

Shen Wu threw the corpse on the ground indifferently, grabbed another piece of venison and continued to eat. He eats a lot, he can eat two gazelles in one meal, and now he has eaten three pieces of venison meat before he feels a little full .

Before leaving, he picked up Shen Chun's body on the ground, intending to take it back to worship the bone gods and demons. This time, he carried it with his belt. Unexpectedly, when Shen Chun practiced at night, the exercise clothes he wore were thin and soft. It was tied with a cloth belt, Shen Wu lifted it with his hand, and immediately tore it off, and the body fell to the ground again.

Shen Wu cursed angrily, and just raised his foot, he turned the corpse over. Seeing the face in the dark, Shen Wu was shocked, and quickly squatted down to look carefully. Only then did he realize that he had just been killed by himself. This man turned out to be his own brother. The two brothers have not met for more than ten years. Shen Wu was only 13 years old when he was taken away by Lin Rui. It was his elder brother who was over [-] years old. Although his appearance has changed over the years, He also recognized it at a glance. He remembered that their family was a leader on the green forest road in Hanzhong. His brother also had a good knife and was extremely domineering. Why did he come to Chengdu now?

Shen Wu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly bent down, stripped off Shen Chun's clothes and trousers, and threw them naked on the table, then took out a small knife wrapped in black mist, and cut it all the way down from the neck. He was very proficient, peeling off the skin with one hand and cutting the knife with the other, quickly peeled off the whole piece of human skin completely, then took off his clothes, shook off the bloody human skin and put it on himself, using a piece of The magic talisman, twisted in his hand, opened his mouth and sprayed out a green flame, the flame wrapped him inside, his bones grew rapidly, his muscles also swelled up, propped up the human skin, and the seams bonded and healed .

After a while, the green fire dissipated, and Shen Wu had changed into Shen Chun's original appearance, with a tall, short, fat and thin body, generally the same.

He picked up Shen Chun's clothes and put them on, and spewed out another mouthful of red flames, the skinless dead body, together with his previous clothes, were all incinerated into ashes, completely obliterating the traces.

At the same time as Shen Wu killed someone, another flame spewed out from the lamp in front of Yue Qing with a "pop", which showed the scene outside the Zhu Family Embroidery Building.

Under the stars and the moon, a faint pink mist gradually emerged in the air around Xiulou, and the sweet fragrance made people feel lazy.

You Huang had taken the elixir given by Yue Qing in advance, but he was still awake. He followed Yue Qing's instruction, as soon as he smelled the fragrance, he immediately acted, and used a red rope to draw out the warp and weft around the embroidery building, forming a gossip shape, and then Nailed eight wooden stakes covered with ghostly symbols into the ground, and then with a mahogany sword in one hand, chopping and chopping randomly, while ringing the three clear bells in his hand: "Hey! Where are the evildoers, dare to be presumptuous here! The poor Taoist is green!" Ziyang Cave of Fengshan Mountain is pure and moral Tianjun! Hurry up and die!" He took out a talisman and put it on the sword, lit it on the candle on the altar, and recited the incantation Yue Qing gave, the talisman It immediately turned into a flame and shot into the air.

"Crack!" The talisman exploded into fireworks the size of a millstone at a height of three or four feet. In the flames, a young Taoist priest in feather clothes and star crown appeared, looking down with an angry face, and saw the A table case altar, burning four arm-thick candles, is covered with red thread around it, forming a gossip pattern. A young Taoist is waving a mahogany sword there, and the copper bells are jingling. , couldn't help laughing out angrily: "Which mountain are you a wild Taoist? You have only learned so many tricks that are useless to the table. Squeeze grandpa's beard?"

You Huang saw that he was able to fly in the air, with stars on his head, big sleeves fluttering, and his appearance was so delicate and handsome, just like a fairy boy in the legend, some couldn't believe that he would do something to force women, I wanted to ask if he was Feng Wu, but I swallowed the words again. In order not to startle the snake, I changed my mouth and said: "Where are you a Taoist priest? Did you pass by here or came here specially? This celestial master is here to subjugate demons." , if you pass by, please leave quickly! Don’t delay this celestial master’s ability to slay demons and demons!”

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