The leader of Wutai of Shushan

117 Qingcheng·Chen Taizhen

Immortals all have their own reserve, even if they want to accept each other as their disciples, it is impossible to rush to ask the other party to become a teacher. People" and the like.

Because the dwarf Zhu Mei secretly disturbed the secrets of heaven, Luo Lu's fate was about to be broken, and Jiang Shu, the real man who subdued the demon, who was cultivating hard in the cave, had a sudden whim. He figured out that his disciples would be in trouble in the future, and specially sent Chen Taizhen to protect Luo Lu.Naturally, Chen Taizhen also has the reserve of an immortal, so he would not take the initiative to explain his intentions, but proposed to apply for a martial artist from the Luo family. According to the master's arrangement, first observe his character and character, and wait until everything agrees with the Qingcheng School's acceptance criteria. Tell the truth.

Luo Lu has been fond of martial arts since he was a child, and he spent a lot of his family wealth. He heard that wherever there are famous heroes, swordsmen with strong martial arts skills will try their best to invite them as teachers, so he also won a "little boy" like Tao Jun. The nickname of "Meng Chang".After Chen Taizhen called the people of Cailuo Mansion, he showed his hundred-step magic fist, smashing a green brick three feet away with a volley.

The guard at the door hurriedly asked the owner, Luo Lu, to come out. Luo Lu was only 16 years old this year, tall and tall, wearing a yellow shirt, with a jade pendant hanging from his waist, and a pair of thin and long eyes, shining brightly. The expert hurried out to check, he is much smarter than Tao Jun, whenever a martial artist comes, first check his martial arts skills, make sure he is not bluffing, then enter the house, serve him as a diner, and after a period of time, look at his character, if he is really a chivalrous person , Then kowtow to worship the teacher, otherwise, send it out.

Chen Taizhen came again to capture the Dragon God Art, and moved a rock with his true energy from the air. Luo Lu was very happy and excited when he saw it, and was about to invite him into the courtyard when Yue Qing strode over, and immediately said: "These mundane people No matter how good kung fu is practiced, so what? First, you cannot live forever, and second, you cannot eliminate disasters. Even if you practice for a lifetime, you will still be an old man in your sixtieth year, and you will end up with nothing in your hands!"

The boy from the Luo family jumped out from behind: "Why are you here again, Taoist priest?"

Yue Qing said: "Your family has already been infested with evil spirits, and the demon is right in front of you without knowing it. I'm afraid the disaster is not far away!"

The boy opened his mouth to swear, but was stopped by Luo Lu. Seeing that Yue Qing and You Huang behind him had extraordinary manners, unlike ordinary charlatans, he straightened his clothes and saluted Yue Qing: "Boy Luo Lu has seen the Taoist priest." , I am a charitable heir of the Luo family, repairing bridges and repairing roads all the year round, donating porridge and rice, and my house has always been safe and sound, you said that my family is haunted by demons, do you know what evidence it has?"

Yue Qing said: "You have a martial artist at home, did you see him this morning?"

Luo Lu said: "Master Shen developed his lungs during the exercise last night, and now he is recuperating in the room."

Yue Qing said: "That's right, he is now a demon, and now he is recovering from his injuries in your home, and when he recovers from his injuries, he will violently eat people."

Chen Taizhen looked Yue Qing up and down from the side, but still couldn't see through his depth, so he asked: "May I ask the Taoist priest's name?"

Yue Qing glanced at him, and said with a smile: "Pin Dao is a Qi refiner from Taiyi Palace on Mount Wutai, his surname is Yue and his name is Qing!"

Since Chen Taizhen went to the mountain to learn Taoism, he and Jiang Shu practiced in Jiufeng Mountain. He didn't know much about the northern affairs. I don't know many people from the Emei Sect, so I only know that the Wutai Sect and the Emei Sect are deadly rivals. I also heard from my master that the Qingcheng Sect and the Emei Sect are connected with each other, and they will create a new religion in the future. Afterwards, they also kept watch and helped each other, and heard people say a lot of bad things about the Wutai faction. In my impression, they were already top-notch demons. Therefore, hearing Yue Qing claiming to be from Mount Wutai, he immediately became nervous: "Fellow Daoist Yue has never met that Shen Martial master, how did you know he was evil?"

The young man also said: "That's right! Master Shen Wu has been in our house for more than half a year. He is kind and friendly, which is the best thing. How can you slander people with empty words! I think you are a Taoist priest!"

Luo Lu was also very upset. He had invited dozens of martial arts masters, but only one Shen Chun was left behind. It can be seen that his martial arts character is the top choice. Now he is said to be a monster, so he is naturally unwilling. His face also turned cold.

Yue Qing said with a smile: "Your Martial Master Shen was already killed by a demon at about midnight last night, and now this is a foreign evil spirit, who peeled off Master Shen's skin and put it on his body to look like him... ..."

The young man immediately retorted: "It's a lie! How can you change someone else's appearance by peeling off the skin of a pig and putting it on your body? If you say it like that, peeling off a pig's skin and putting it on your body, isn't it necessary? Turned into a pig?"

"You're right, not only pigs, people and animals all over the world can cast spells when they are peeled off."

Chen Taizhen said loudly: "You Taoist priest is full of nonsense!" He said to Luo Lu, "To tell you the truth, I was also a monk since I was young. I was defeated by Jiang Shu, the head teacher of the Qingcheng School, and practiced Taoism in Jiufeng Mountain for many years. But I have never heard of such a spell in the world!"

Yue Qing glanced at him contemptuously: "You have only been a few years old? How dare you talk in front of me? The world is so big, there are so many wonders, there are so many things you have never seen before!" He looked at Luo Lu, "Poor Dao came here once yesterday, and said that there will be disasters coming when the Wusha roof is built in your courtyard, but this young man doesn't listen, and now Master Shen Wu has been killed. Many people will die under the hands of that evil spirit!"

Luo Lu still didn't believe it, so he ordered his servants: "Go and get two taels of silver and give it to the Taoist priest, and put some incense in front of the statue of Sanqing!"

"Slow!" Yue Qing said, "I have practiced poorly for hundreds of years, and I have never been short of gold and silver. This time I also intend to eliminate demons, not to beg at the door. Since you don't believe it, you can't do it. The so-called good words are hard to persuade, damn it." Damn it, Pindao bid farewell!"

"Master, just wait a moment." You Huang said to Luo Lu, "My master is really good. Last night, I descended on the demon in Zhu's mansion and beheaded Feng Wu, the demon of the Yin-Yang Sect. This is what I saw with my own eyes." I slapped my palm and left a slap print on the big wall of Luofu, "I am also like you. I have been fond of Wu Muxian since I was a child. I have been searching for many years. I just came here yesterday. I happened to meet the master who said that there was an evil spirit in your house, and was killed by your servant. After being driven out, let Zhu Yuanwai go. I wanted to verify the authenticity, so I followed him all the time. I saw the master sitting in the room with two flying swords to kill the demon, and finally burned the demon to death with such a big fire circle. I Master has no enmity with you, and he is not greedy for gold, silver and money. Just now, member Zhu sealed a gift of 100 taels, and my master only took 12 taels. He will never lie to you for nothing! He said that there are evil spirits in your house, so he will not leave Ten, you have to think about it, if your home is like what my master said, and my master has already left, by then it will be so miserable!"

He also simply said goodbye to Luo Lu and prepared to leave with Yue Qing.

Chen Taizhen snorted coldly at the side: "Don't say that you master and apprentice are scaremongering and intimidating others, even if there are really some evil spirits and devils with me here, I will never allow them to stir up trouble!"

But Luo Lu was moved. He was very disgusted with Yue Qing when he said that his master was a demon, but he had a good impression of You Huang. It's not as good as it is, but it's enough to be your own master. Besides, he speaks truthfully and has a sincere attitude. If what he says is true, regardless of whether there is any evil or not, this person is worth making friends with, so take a few steps to chase down the steps: "My boy, it's not that I don't believe what the Taoist priest said. It's just that Martial Master Shen has been with me day and night, teaching martial arts. When I heard it, I couldn't accept it. I ask the Taoist priest to forgive me." Then he said to You Huang, "You have great martial arts skills, boy If you are thirsty for art, if you don’t hesitate to teach me, I will be grateful!" After saying that, he bowed deeply and bowed to the ground.

You Huang looked at Yue Qing, and when he made up his mind, Yue Qing pondered for a moment before opening his mouth and said: "You only want to learn martial arts from my apprentice, and you don't want to believe what I say. Originally, according to my temper, I left a long time ago, but you The evil spirits at home are very powerful, and once they become aggressive, the people in the vicinity will probably be killed by them, so I don't care about other things with you."

Luo Lu hurriedly invited the two of them into the courtyard together with Chen Taizhen, and ordered someone to clean out the east courtyard for the three of them to live in, but Chen Taizhen was unwilling: "I am ashamed to live under the same roof with the charlatan who deceived the world, and Master Shen lives in the courtyard." Where? I can be with him, and we can make friends in normal times, if there are any demons, I will kill you with a sword!"

Luo Lu arranged for him to go to the West Courtyard where Master Shen lived.

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