The leader of Wutai of Shushan

128 Shocking General·The Realm of the Saint Aunt

The holy aunt sits on the death pass at the bottom of the pool, her primordial spirit is extinguished, she is similar to a dead person, she cannot have the slightest thought, otherwise she will be separated from the state of death pass, at least her previous efforts will be wasted, and at worst she will go crazy, so she can only follow the The arrangement before entering the customs is to conditionally manipulate a small part of the prohibition circle.

This giant screen of Qingmu Palace is the hub of the general map of the whole palace formation. If you control this place, you can manipulate the whole palace formation. This is also the reason why Yue Qing went straight to this place as soon as he came in. It was just that the holy aunt was secretly resisting, and he could not completely control the wooden formation. Ping, at this time it was Mrs. Miaoyi who came, and the holy aunt secretly helped, and the power was surprisingly great. Yue Qing was already struggling to fight against the two masters alone, but now he had the help of the battle, he couldn't resist, for fear of being trapped in the Here, I can only be slaughtered by others, so I hurriedly wrapped Luo Lu and the other four people with the Taiyi Wuyan Luo, let go of the road with the Aurora Sword, chopped countless giant trees and green vines, and blasted them to pieces with the Hunyuan Divine Thunder. A piece of stone wall flew out from the hole behind.

"Where is the evildoer going!" Master Fanxia turned into a golden light and chased after him, and also entered the corridor.

Mrs. Miaoyi didn't chase after, but just stared at the general picture on the wooden screen, and saw that after a passage, many trees were cut off in the middle, she stretched out her finger, activated the spell on it, and poisoned the infinite giant ivy and wood essence Motivated to attack Yue Qing, there was Luo Ziyan lying in ambush in front of the road, blocking Yue Qing, flanking Master Shan Xia back and forth, and attacking with forbidden methods, expected Yue Qing could not resist, but saw him It even blasted through a stone wall and threw it into the small Bagua pond behind it.

The pool leads directly to the water palace behind. The real thing is a pool of several feet square. On the screen, there is only enough water for a bowl of tea. However, when a real person is in it, his body will quickly shrink into the size of a bean, just like being in the vast ocean. And the pool It implies the prohibition of gold and water, which creates infinite illusions. People don't know the fact that they have become smaller, and they will consume their true essence unconsciously, and finally melt their body and soul together and disappear.Mrs. Miaoyi pointed with her finger, and twelve whirlpools appeared in the pool, which sucked in white lines on the wooden screen, but actually it was a tornado on the sea to the people in it.

Yue Qing knew the details of Magic Wave Pool very well. He was interested in Magic Wave Pool when he was selling books at the night market. Before coming to Chengdu this time, he foresaw the danger in advance. Countless times, he himself is a great expert in five-element spells. When he sees a tornado rising, he does not fight with it. If they can't fight, they simply go to strangle the source. After the north hole is broken, most of the formations in the palace will be invalid.

Just now, besides Bagua Xiaochi, entering the underground gorge, suddenly there was an undercurrent surging in front, hundreds of Shaoqing sword qi flew in, and a giant blue light hand fell behind. His body was not even comparable to the opponent's fingernails, so he quickly swung the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler, releasing golden flower and purple energy to block the sword energy, he could not catch Taiyi and five smoke with his bare hands, instead he directly grabbed the golden flower released by the treasure ruler The purple qi was twisted randomly by Yue Qing's Aurora Sword, and scattered into blue lights.

Mrs. Miaoyi cast spells to block her step by step, and together with the layout inside the water channel, Yue Qing tried her best to break through it, walked through the gorge, and reached the Houdong Water Palace. However, before she showed up, Luo Ziyan and Master Baiyun had already been on file. At the same time, innumerable Guishui divine thunders were born in the water, at least in the hundreds of millions, and the eyes were full of white thunder beads, rushing like a frenzy.

Yue Qing didn't expect this place to be so dangerous, so he hurriedly printed the Tianyou seal, turned it into a blue light and shot it directly into the thunder tide, and landed on the bottom of the pool like a hill. A light curtain blocked all the thunderballs that shot from the sky.

Yue Qing brought four people to fly to the Tianyou Seal. Their bodies had shrunk to the size of a thumb, and they were in a forest, surrounded by twelve statues of fairies.

Yue Qinglue regained his composure, held the Jiutian Yuanyang Ruler and shook it lightly, one of the nine golden flowers on it slowly opened, and a smaller person flew out of it, and grew up on the ground, it was Zen Master Xiaoyue.Earlier Zen Master Xiaoyue was trapped in the golden light of the Heavenly Escape Mirror. Yue Qing took advantage of the sword fight with Zhu Mei to attract the opponent's attention with a fierce attack, and at the same time secretly rescued Zen Master Xiaoyue with a golden flower on the ruler. It is definitely not so easy to make other magic weapons, even Zhu Mei didn't notice it at all, just because Tiandun Jing and Yuanyang Ruler are both magic treasures refined by Guang Chengzi 5000 years ago, it can be said that they are in the same line, and they are mutually exclusive. Chengdu is the lowest.

Yue Qing was beaten and fled all the way from Wushan to Huanbochi, and now half a day has passed, but Zen Master Xiaoyue seemed to have passed only a moment in the ruler, and as soon as he landed, he mobilized the broken jade hook to fight Zhu Mei However, he found that the surrounding scenery had changed greatly. Yue Qing briefly told the story, and Zen Master Xiaoyue was shocked when he heard that he was in the magic wave pool: "It is said that the holy lady who practiced Buddhism and Taoism , the man with the highest mana, the smokiest man in his life, once made an oath to the demon, cursing all men who enter the pool, even if they are forced to come in, pray to her silently, they will suffer some damage, if we break in like this, I'm afraid..."

Yue Qing narrowed his eyes to look at him, and said with a smile: "Zen Master, are you afraid?"

Zen Master Xiaoyue blushed: "If we fight alone one-on-one, I'm not afraid of her, but now we go deep into her lair, thinking that she has been operating here for hundreds of years, I'm afraid it will not be easy."

Yue Qing said: "You all know how powerful the holy aunt is, in my opinion..." He shook his head slowly, "Buddhism determines supernatural powers by realm, Buddha's realm is the highest, and supernatural powers are the most extensive, Bodhisattvas are second, and Arhats are third. Buddha Regardless of Bodhisattvas, if we only talk about the Arhat Way, there are four fruit positions, the first fruit is called Su Tuo Huan, and you need to break the eighty-eighth level of seeing and delusions before you can achieve it. Presumably the Zen master will not know it?"

What he was talking about was the Vajra Buddhism knowledge he got from Wei Fengniang, Zen Master Xiaoyue nodded and said, "That's right."

Yue Qing said with a smile: "The 88 grades of seeing confusion are summarized into five by eminent monks and great virtues. Among them, the body seeing is the first, and the side seeing is the second. If you break the body seeing, you must break the 'my body' and 'my possession'. The holy lady will leave it alone." She sealed up the middle hole, and couldn't even let go of her dead body, and there was such a big phantom pool, which she regarded as her own property. It was ridiculous that she even made a will, giving it to someone like this, giving it to someone like that, and so on. Severe attachment to body and view is no different from ordinary people in the secular world passing on their family business. There are eminent monks who say that there are four kinds of monks in the world. She is a monk, but her heart is not a monk. She gave up the land of her family and got the land of the temple. She is just an ordinary person wearing cassocks and shaved her head. This holy lady is like this. She has not even attained the first fruit. It can be seen that although she has studied Buddhism and meditation for many years, she has not even entered the sect. What she relies on is the magic that she has practiced in the sect in the past. If you and I join hands, where can we not go in the world? Why should we be afraid of her? "

Zen master Xiaoyue pondered: "Even so, the holy aunt once obtained the secret book of Tianfu and is proficient in the five innate escapes. She has arranged this magic wave pool as solid as gold. It is better to find a way to go out first."

Yue Qing said: "Since this is the case, I don't want to keep Zen Master anymore. This place is the Beidong Water Palace. I will blow up the water later to drag Luo Ziyan and Master Baiyun. Zen Master can only go through the third passage from the bottom beside the jade biscuit." Leave, go around the West Cave and you will find the exit."

Zen Master Xiaoyue was a little annoyed: "Fellow Daoist Yue regards me as a villain who is greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Yue Qing smiled lightly: "Don't dare. The Zen master acted righteously in Wushan. Yue is inexplicably grateful. If he can escape by chance today, he will be rewarded in the future! Just as the Zen master said, this magic wave pool is full of murderous intentions. The so-called gentleman does not Standing under a dangerous wall, it's better to go out first. But according to my guess, Zhu Erzi and Li Yuanhua were restricted by the oath of the holy lady and did not follow in. They should all stay outside now. If the Zen master wants to go out, he has to go out. Be careful."

Chan Master Xiaoyue's face sank like water, and he said for a while, "If it's according to your wishes, so what?"

Yue Qingdao: "Holy aunt is overestimated, greed, hatred, ignorance, arrogance, doubt, all five poisons, none of which can be eliminated, but she still wants to rely on a Buddhist scripture to subdue the demons, instead she is trapped by demons, the more she wants to subdue demons, the more magical power The bigger the five poisons are, the more the Dinghui will decrease. She thinks that she will use the Emei Sect in the future, especially the monk Baimei to help her escape at the critical moment. The pool and the treasures in the cave were given to Emei together. My Wutai and Emei are incompatible, so naturally I can’t let them do what they want. Today is also a way to put them to death and make a big fuss, turn this place upside down, and it must not be cheap Emei!"

Chan Master Xiaoyue murmured: "My teacher is unfair, and my fellow disciples are not righteous. They jointly deceived me on Mount Emei that day. I hated Xuan Zhenzi and Qi Shuming as much as fellow Taoists. Fellow Taoist Yue has been silent for decades, and if he doesn't sing, he is a blockbuster! Now! The Wutai faction has a new look, and all the fellows in the world praise it. Since you said this, you must have already made a plan, so you might as well talk about it. If it is feasible, my fellow Taoist and I will reverse the five mansions of the magic wave pool here. It's no big deal to be in ruins."

Yue Qing then said to him: "Now we are at the lower level of the Beidong Water Palace. This is the source of power for the whole palace. It is the most important. I originally wanted to start from here and break the five escapes in one fell swoop. I didn't expect that the restriction here would be like this. Strong, if it weren't for this treasure, I would have been killed or injured just now!" He pointed to the Tianyou seal below, "I will go to the South Cave to break the fire palace later, if she uses fire to make soil, I will take advantage of the momentum and go straight to the central soil If she uses wood to make fire, I will take the opportunity to collect the magic talisman in the palace. Zen master, you can go to the west cave, where there is the most famous poisonous dragon pill. After you take it, you can come to the fire palace to join me , you can also go to the Wooden Palace to defeat Xun Lanyin and seize the treasure in the cauldron, there is a jade key in the cauldron, you can open the interlayer treasure house behind the wall statue of the saint aunt, and get half of the heavenly book of the saint aunt."

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