The leader of Wutai of Shushan

143 Attacking the Mountain·Bi Phosphor Chong

Sure enough, everyone looked intently at Zhu Heniang's hands, and saw the surrounding scene of Dongting Lake appearing in the bronze mirror. The weeping willows on the bank flashed in an instant, and even the bright moon beyond the sky and the fish swimming in the water were clearly visible. , then Dai Xiangying asked curiously: "We are looking at them with the table, can't she also see us with the mirror?"

Yue Qing said with a smile: "Even if we go across to her, she can only be blind and can't see us."

At this time, the display on the desktop showed that Zhu Heniang sprayed true energy on the mirror, and the scene on the mirror began to turn into a dark lake. The angle of view continued to dive, and finally reached the bottom of the lake, and then quickly advanced into the lake, and finally reached Junshan. Five dragon-like snake-like animals emerged, all more than one foot long, covered with white scales, and with a single horn on their foreheads, they were the water god's body.

The three of them released their sword lights and entered the water at the same time, which caused everyone in the pavilion to cry out in unison.I saw that He Huanchong was at the front, stretching out his hand to designate a zhang Xu long emerald flame. There were pieces of scaly flames in the fire, and there was a seven-leaf windmill in front of him. Dive down quickly.

The three of them came to the bottom of the lake quickly, and the five water gods bowed their waists and nodded, and then shot out a ray of light, which was divided into five colors of green, red, white, black, and yellow, and shot into the bottom of the lake, turning up the thick mud, revealing a cave, the five water gods mouth Talking to others, I told Lin Rui that my magic power is low, and I can't break through Dayu's restriction. I can only go ten feet deep, and the power below is not enough.

The magic weapon He Huan used was called Biphosphorus Chong, one of the seven treasures of Biphosphorus, his master Honghua Guimu. The wonderful thing is that it is silent and not easy to be noticed.

He released the treasure, stretched out his finger, and let the seven-leaf windmill spin in front of him, shooting out dozens of feet of blue flames and cold phosphorus. The ground soil under the silt immediately turned into ashes, and the stone layer also melted into magma. The hole is small, and He Huan's magic power is not enough to completely control this treasure as he likes. He was spewed out by the blue flame, and melted out a huge hole with a diameter of nearly ten feet. There is no obstacle between fire and water. When burning and walking through the fire, there will be no less boiling and bubbling. Even the molten magma is only melted by the power of the cold flame, and the temperature is not high. Once it rushes to the side, the cold After the flame faded, it solidified again, so there was no movement from the beginning to the end. Not only could it not be found on the surface of the water, but even if it was far away from the bottom of the water, there was no trace of it.

Bi Lin Chong was the best at digging and digging mountains, he went ten feet away with his strike, and just reached the place where the five water gods placed the two polar circles. Gathering Yuan Magnetic True Qi, Magneto-optic rays splashed upwards in the darkness, the seven-leaf windmill at the front of Bi Phosphorus was illuminated by the magnetic light, the speed immediately slowed down, and was wrapped up by tens of thousands of thin Yuan Magnetic Lights, downwards Pulling, He Huan was taken aback, and hurriedly made a formula to collect the treasure, but how could he get it back, before he played three formulas, the Bi Phosphorus Chong had been densely wrapped by the divine light, turning into a colorful cocoon, and it was forcibly compressed, getting bigger and bigger The smaller it was, it was only like broad beans in the end. When it was received below, the two silver rings were attracted to each other, and they were buckled inward, completely imprisoning Bi Phosphorus inside.

This happened in the blink of an eye. When Zhu Heniang and Lin Rui were about to step forward to help, the cave had completely lost its luster and became pitch black again. He Huan yelled: "Someone is plotting!" He stretched out his hand and shot a green fire , illuminating the hole in a bright blue, but the two polar circles had already flown away soundlessly, he was illuminating it now, but it was too late, except for some melted rocks and silt and aquatic plants washed in by the lake water, there was nothing. He let out his flying sword to slash wildly on the stone wall, making sword marks about an inch deep.

Zhu Heniang asked in astonishment: "What happened? Where's your Bilin Chong?"

He Huan was self-willed, lost his precious treasure, and wanted to vent his anger: "When you came, you boasted that the mirror could illuminate the sky, the earth, and the sea, and even a small bug could be seen clearly. Why didn't you see someone's ambush before? My Bi Phosphorus Chong has been taken away."

Zhu Heniang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then became very angry, and sneered: "You can't do anything on your own, you can't even protect the treasure passed down by your master, let someone take it away in person, and you don't even know who the other party is, and you still have the face to blame me. ?”

He Huan was furious: "You lowly maidservant! I have lost my treasure, and you should gloat over my misfortune instead!"

Zhu Heniang curled her lips: "If I knew you were such a waste snack, I wouldn't have asked you to join hands to get the treasure!"

"Bastard!" He Huan directly released the flying sword to kill Zhu Heniang, but was blocked by Zhu Heniang's horizontal sword.

The two were about to fight, but were stopped by Lin Rui: "Okay, don't fight anymore! Now we have to find out who made the arrangements here in advance and took away the treasures of Fellow Daoist He!" His tone was full of worry, " There are many masters here, and there is Jiang Xuejun in the Miaozhen Temple. Don’t you know how powerful she is? Her master almost became a golden fairy! What’s more, there is a Venerable Maha in Shenguang Cave, who is extremely greedy and big-hearted Narrow, I suffered a loss in Wutai Mountain back then, and it is said that I even lost my precious treasure, and became more ruthless and vicious after returning! If these two attract one, we will all die!" He separated the two, pondered for a while, and said, "This place was found by the Water God. Why don't we capture them and torture them, and we will know the truth."

He Huan said calmly: "That's right! If the treasures can't be found, I'll make them fly away!"

Zhu Heniang said: "They are priests canonized by the heavenly court, killing them will cause endless troubles, do you dare to do it?"

He Huan said coldly: "Anyway, I just want an immortal from the earth to be at ease, to live forever, and not to ascend to the heaven. Besides, I am a fairy, and he is a god. Even if he offends the emperor of heaven, what can he do to me?"

Hearing this, Zhu Heniang sneered disapprovingly: "Although there is a difference between upper and lower levels, the gods can't go down to the realm casually, but there are countless ways to deal with you! But I really admire your backbone. If you can catch the water god later, you can Beat them to pieces, and I will submit to you!"

As they were talking here, Lin Rui had already made his move and used the seven evil spirits to capture the water god. The five water gods had been guarding outside and listening to the movement inside. Even if he went ashore, he would have to fight the wind and rain. With the help of water vapor, if he wanted to catch him, he didn't have to make any effort at all. Unexpectedly, the water god got Yue Qing to hide him. Hearing that they wanted to catch him, he prepared to run away. , the surrounding waters have already transpired a large black evil jade fire, encircling the five water gods.

These days, Wushuishen suffered a lot from Lin Rui's soul-killing gun, and when he saw him cast a spell, he shuddered reflexively. Fortunately, he had the thunder beads given by Yue Qing in his hand. Everyone took out one grain and punched it out.

This congenital divine thunder is different from the acquired one in that it is almost not restrained by the five elements, that is, the acquired water cannot restrain the congenital fire, so even though it is in the water, it is still not affected at all.Moreover, this thunder bead was refined by Yue Qing with Hunyuan Zhenqi, and it has a wonderful effect. Ten thunder beads exploded at the same time, and the ten strands of green, red, white, black, and yellow energy did not spread, but were disturbed by the blending and attraction of Hunyuan Zhenqi. Together, Jiamu, Yimu, Binghuo, Dinghuo, etc. mutually generate and restrain each other, grow rapidly, and then rapidly expand and explode, spreading in all directions like destroying decay.

On the surface of Dongting Lake, there was a muffled bang, and the water rippling, set off a wave like a small mountain, rushing straight into the sky several feet high, mixed with colorful streamers, rubbing against each other, and producing countless small explosions in the air.

The Five Water Gods blew up Lin Rui's formation in one fell swoop, and quickly parted the waterway and fled towards Huangliangguan. Lin Rui was blown upside down, and Zhu Heniang fell into the hole with a mouth full of mud. The three were very angry They yelled loudly, each with their own swords united, and rushed with electric shots.

The magic power of Wushuishen was too weak, and he was overtaken by three people just after flying not far away. He Huanchong was at the front. The body of the water god was about to be beheaded, and Lin Rui stirred up A Bizhu to arrest the primordial spirit.

Wushui desperately tried his best, and was about to spit out the inner alchemy, when suddenly two blue lights with a length of Zhang Zhang flew from the surface of the water, breaking through the water and entering, it was Yue Qing who was driving Qiu Zhixian and Yu Yunzhong's Tiangang Sword to kill, with a fierce blow on the left Slashing on the circle of He Huan's sword, there was a crisp sound, and the light of He Huanfei's sword was dimmed. The powerful force pushed him down more than ten feet, and the other mouth flew three times quickly, knocking Lin Rui's Atu hook and Zhu Heniang's The flying swords were all swung away, and the five water gods saw that there was a way out, so they hurriedly divided the water and moved quickly.

He Huan yelled and cursed, exhaled energy, and returned with the sword again. He believed that the one who made the move now was the one who colluded with the five water gods and took away his Bi Lin Chong, so he was furious, and raised his hand to release five black shadows to catch the water god , and took out three flying forks from the pouch, and the three green fires struck out, strangling a Tiangang sword.

Lin Rui also used his double hooks to catch the other flying sword, and shouted to Zhu Heniang, "Hurry up and see who is behind the scenes!"

Zhu Heniang hastily sprayed her true energy on the mirror, the scene in the mirror changed rapidly, she searched the surrounding movement, watched and watched, the mirror suddenly caught fire, first there was a spark of golden light, which quickly ignited like a prairie fire, Not only was the scene in the mirror completely covered by flames, but the flames also sprang out from inside, and the chi-long flames licked Zhu Heniang's face. Burned into a fireball, the temperature of the fire was unknown, the surrounding lake water bubbled and boiled rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, a precious mirror was burned into a handful of copper slag, and fell to the bottom of the water with a hissing sound.

Yue Qing used two celestial swords to force the three of them back, and the five water gods took the opportunity to run wildly. Yu Yunzhong, Dai Xiangying and others in the pavilion sweated for the five water gods, prayed silently, or cheered in low voices.


It's time to vote again...

Speaking of this week's Fengyun's recommendation, it is second only to Dafeng's recommendation, but the results are very unsatisfactory, the collection has only increased by more than 200, it is so pitiful that it exploded.

Without a few bright red and festive tickets to moisten, this day is simply impossible.

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