The leader of Wutai of Shushan

152 Spirit Official·Dongting Dragon King

They were holding a person in their hands, tied into a ball by a magic rope, struggling endlessly, gnashing their teeth and staring, whining strangely.

Fang Ying and Yuan Hao came over to meet everyone: "Fellow Daoist Yue, this person is really as good as what you said in the Feijian biography, and his aptitude is good, but now he is possessed by a secret demon and it is difficult to get rid of it. After a long time, I'm afraid it will be a big loss." Dougie."

"It's okay." Yue Qing took out the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler, plucked a golden flower from it, patted it from the forehead of the man into the brain, and went straight into the Niwan Palace. The man stopped struggling immediately and fell into a drowsy sleep, " The two fellow Taoists can take him to rest in Huangliang Temple below, Second Brother Liu's disciple is there, let him send someone to take care of him first, and when we settle the matter at hand, he will be fine too."

Fang Ying and Yuan Hao took people to Huangliangguan, Yue Qing asked Liu Buxu with a smile: "What does Liu Lingguan plan to do?"

Liu Buxu held up the seal of the Nine Elder Immortals with his left hand, made a tactic with his right hand, and asked loudly, "Where is the Dragon King of Dongting? Come out and see me quickly!"

As soon as the words fell, the lake below split open suddenly, and several black shadows flew out, which seemed to be in the shape of a dragon, and turned into humans in the air. The leader was an old man wearing a yellow robe and holding a jade staff, followed by more than 20 water gods. The five who asked for help from Huangliang Temple were also there, but except for Dongting Dragon Lord, only five of them were incarnate, and the other water gods were only in the state of primordial spirit.

The Dragon King of Dongting took a few steps forward and bowed slightly: "The little god has seen the Jade Seal Spirit Officer."

Liu Buxu returned the courtesy and said: "You don't need to be too polite, Lord Long. I called Lord Long to come out just to ask. Does Lord Long have any thoughts on this matter?"

The Dragon King of Dongting said: "The heavenly court has conveyed the decree. The spirit officer is fully responsible for this matter. The little god only obeys orders. Only the spirit officer can drive away the monsters and return them to the world with the thoughts of the water tribes in the eight hundred miles of Dongting and the living beings of thousands of miles around. Peace here!"

Liu Buxu nodded: "Naturally. This matter all started because of the treasure left by King Yu at the bottom of the lake. As long as the treasure is here, even if today's demons are driven away, someone else will come to take risks tomorrow. In my opinion, it is better to put The treasure is taken away, and these people's thoughts are broken."

The Dragon King of Dongting was shocked after hearing this: "King Yu's bell has been suppressing the earth's orifice for thousands of years. Once it moves, the earth's air will swell, and the five turbid and mixed underground rivers will rush to the ground. I am afraid that this place will immediately turn into a vast ocean. And because of the qi of the five evils, not even a blade of grass can grow, and all living beings can't live!"

Ever since he got the edict from the Heavenly Court and handed over the matter to the Jade Seal Lingguan, the old Dragon King has been worried day and night. He knows that the quality of these immortals from the lower realms is also uneven. If this matter is messed up, the first to suffer is the aquarium in Dongting Lake.

It would be great if the gods from the upper realm came. After all, there are many restrictions between the upper, middle and lower realms, and only a few things can be carried with you. Therefore, when most immortals ascend, the treasures must stay in the lower realm and cannot be taken to the sky. , then most of the treasures left by King Yu cannot be brought up, and the gods will not covet them. Although the people of the Maoshan faction follow the route of gods, except for a few treasures in their own sect, they are not very enthusiastic about other immortal treasures. It's hard to be surprised, but as soon as the spirit official appeared, he proposed to take treasures. Once Dongting Lake caused a catastrophe, he, the Dragon King, would definitely be punished and executed, and other water gods would also be reprimanded.As for Liu Buxu, he will lose his official position at the worst, and even turn into a kalpa, and he can still become a celestial being. In the future, he will become a sun god and fly to the sky. Killing evil, causing the power of the catastrophe to multiply is another matter, and has nothing to do with the heaven.

Seeing the bitter melon look on the Dragon King's face, Liu Buxu shouted: "When King Yu erected the bell, thousands of years have passed since now. The land lines have moved, the mountains and rivers have changed, and the form has changed a long time ago. I have already talked with all the immortals." Fellow Daoist figured out a way to get the treasure out and keep the river from flooding, so you don't have to worry too much, just look at what I do!"

Ling Guan is a military officer, responsible for guarding righteousness and evil, protecting the law and defending the way. The Dragon King is a civilian official, responsible for managing a water area and leading the water tribe. Now that the monsters are making trouble, the Dragon King is helpless. A lot of contempt, intending to use them in this battle.

Liu Buxu shook the jade seal again, and changed his hand formula: "Where is Liu Ding Liu Jia, the heavenly general?"

All of a sudden, the surrounding wind was raging, and when the thick clouds changed, twelve gods more than ten feet tall appeared, and said in unison: "The little god is here!"

Liu Buxu said: "You protect the water surface of Dongting Lake for [-] miles, if you see the water level rise sharply later, or the turbid air spreads and evaporates, you must use spells to force it back, and you must not let the turbid air from the flood come ashore. Just hold on for half an hour!"

Six Ding Liujia replied in unison: "The little god takes orders!"

Liu Buxu's assignment has been decided, and he said to Yue Qing: "Then Pan Fang is about to succeed, right?"

Yue Qing looked at the sky: "Sikong Zhan is lurking on the side, he must have calculated the time to open the mountain, we can't wait until then, we have to go in earlier. Also, did you find out about the monster in the cave? Hexagrams have been calculated several times, but there is no result, King Yu's restriction is too strict, the five elements inside are reversed, and the secrets of heaven are dim, I only know that it is something from the time of the Five Emperors."

Liu Buxu said: "I have already consulted the heavens, yesterday a secret decree was issued, saying that the monster inside is called 梼杌."

Yue Qing raised his brows: "But Wuwu, one of the four evil spirits in ancient times?"

Liu Buxu said: "That's right! This Zhuanxu was originally the son of Emperor Zhuanxu. He was exiled by Emperor Yao for causing harm and causing chaos. Later, during the reign of Emperor Yu, the world was flooded and the land of Kyushu became a vast ocean. Zhuwu took the opportunity to rebel and rebelled. Competing with Emperor Yu for the world, he was killed by Emperor Yu, his body was stuffed into the eyes of the earth, and suppressed here, now it has been thousands of years, and it has been practiced well. Once it is released, it will be a disaster. If he can't stand him, she will make a move."

Yue Qing nodded slightly: "Old corpses from 5000 years ago, of course, I can't take them lightly. Fortunately, although I couldn't figure out what was inside, I knew it must be a powerful one, so I made some preparations. I also asked Kunlun to send Mr. Zhong and fellow Daoist Wei to help, and when the time comes, all of us will work together and we should be able to control him."

After about a cup of tea, suddenly the ground began to tremble violently, as if an earth dragon turned over, the houses on the shore collapsed rapidly, and the whole Junshan began to shake from side to side, and Dongting Lake, which is [-] miles away, seemed like a basin of water that was about to overturn , surging waves several feet high.

"Pan Fang has already broken through King Yu's outer barrier. Let's go down now and get the treasure before Sikong Zhan!" Yue Qing said, "Second Brother Liu, you are in charge of the overall situation here. Try to stop it, Senior Sister Xu and fellow Taoists Fang and Yuan follow me down!"

The four of them each wielded their swords, threw themselves into the lake, parted the waterway, and came to the cave again.

Pan Fang had already struck down to a hundred feet deep, and she still used the Thunder Dragon Ball to send out lightning bolts, bombarding a piece of dark black rock below.

Yue Qing said: "Two friends, stop quickly!"

Pan Fang kept casting spells, turned her head and shouted sharply: "Are you here to compete with us for the treasure?"

Yue Qing pointed with his finger: "If you forcibly break through King Yu's restriction, the accumulated water in the ground orifice will be forced to rush out from here under the pressure of the five turbidity of the earth's air. When the time comes, the water in Dongting Lake will skyrocket, and the surrounding area will be filled with water for thousands of miles. ! Such a big murder, can you bear it?"

Pan Fang sneered: "Other people live or die, what do I have to do with you? We cultivators fight against the sky, the earth, and people, so what if we create a catastrophe? When I get the treasure of King Yu, What kind of calamity can't be passed?"

Yue Qing said: "I have a way, I can get the treasures without killing and robbery, I just asked the Kunlun and Taishan Taoists to help, and the landlord Maoshan sect here, here are four treasures, wait to get them After that, how about the three of them and you each taking one?"

That Gong Shuangxiao nodded and said: "You Daoist Yue's words are the best, sister, let's obey..."

"Impossible!" Pan Fang raised her cold eyebrows, "I have worked so hard for this matter, not only by the sun and the moon, to deduce the secrets of the heavens, but also to break through the forbidden mountains, and specially refined several treasures, which cost so much How can I share the treasures equally with others? To tell you the truth, not only are the four treasures below all mine, but I also want the King Yu Bell above! Anyone who dares to fight for it will die!"

Yue Qing has always been courteous before fighting, and he was not surprised to hear her say this, he just said in a deep voice: "Since Fellow Daoist is so arrogant and unreasonable, the poor Daoist will stop wasting words. Let's go into the cave to get treasures according to our own abilities , Whoever gets it will be it."

After he finished speaking, he retreated to one side, using the method of sound transmission for thousands of miles, far inside a mountain peak in Tianling Gorge, Wushan Mountain, where Dayu erected a monument and suppressed the axis of the earth.At this time, apart from Shi Hui and Shi Wan, Xiao Yu and Cui Yaoxian, there are four more people here, Mr. Zhong and Wei Shaoshao from the Kunlun School, and You Huang and Luo Lu, disciples of Yue Qingxin.

The last time Yue Qing came out of the Magic Wave Pond, because Qiu Zhixian was arrested, he specially calculated it with great concentration. He thought it was just a simple evil robbery, as long as he killed Qiao Shouteng and brought him back safely, it would be over. The chaos actually involved another major event, which was the catastrophe of Dongting, and the treasure hunt from Junshan.

He asked You Huang and Luo Lu to deliver the letter to discuss the matter with the four friends in Kunlun. The evildoers are rampant, the level of demons dancing wildly, the conflict between Emei and the three families of Qingluo and Ciyun is intensifying, and two elders of the Kunlun School, Yin Sutang and Chichengzi, ran away from the sect and threatened to re-establish the Pope, overpowering them. One of the Kunlun sect, under internal and external troubles, knew that Zen Master Zhifei was going to guard in Sichuan. The Tianchi master called other elders to go back to Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain to hold an elders meeting, so they only sent Mr. Zhong and Wei Shaoshao with You Huang and Luo Lu to drive away. Come to Wushan.

Yue Qing's voice sounded in the cave: "Two fellow Taoists, please follow the plan!"

Shi Wan was meditating, and jumped up from the ground: "Master! Where is Master?"

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