The leader of Wutai of Shushan

157 Breaking the Formation · Escape

Xu Feiniang's voice sounded beside her ears: "Junior Brother, don't be reckless. If you really hurt her, Master Nun will not be able to explain it to you."

Jiang Xuejun said loudly: "If you are really capable of hurting me, you can use it, you can't seek revenge from Master!" Five golden lights flew out from between the ten fingers of both hands, forming a pair of giant golden hands, and they grabbed Yue Qing together.

Seeing that she could hear Xu Feiniang's voice transmission to him, Yue Qing was secretly amazed, and released ten Taiyi Hunyuan swords, crushing the giant golden hand, which was beyond Jiang Xuejun's expectation. The name is Xumi Vajra Hand. Among the Buddhist sects, only the white-browed monk and master Fentuo are best at this method. Yan Yumu once learned this method when he was in the side school, and later obtained the "Daxuan Tianzhang" with Taoism The power of refining is different from that of Baimei and Fentuo, and the power is indeed comparable.Although Jiang Xuejun used this skill, although it was far less powerful than her master Qianzhang Leihuo and Wan Dao Jinguang, it was difficult for the Sword Immortal to resist that catch, but Yue Qing broke it with his own skill. The kung fu of this Yao Dao is progressing rapidly, and they underestimated their Wutai sect's kung fu in the past.

The two of them fought swords, and for a moment they were evenly matched, Xu Feiniang was secretly annoyed that Jiang Xuejun was merciless and loved to fight against her, and activated the five magic piles under Junshan Mountain, the temperature in the fire array rose sharply, and it was full of incandescent flames, Tens of thousands of fire dragons were born and rushed towards Jiang Xuejun. No matter how powerful Jiang Xuejun was, he couldn't resist the joint attack of the two masters of the Wutai faction. Blow out a big hole in the fire array, take the opportunity to turn into a golden rainbow and fly away.

Seeing Jiang Xuejun going away to join Zhu Mei and the others, Yue Qing snorted coldly, closed the fire formation, and came back to see Liu Buxu.

Liu Buxu also let out a sigh of relief: "We all underestimated the power of that wuwu, this time it almost caused a disaster!"

Yue Qing was also a little scared: "It was my negligence, I did it rashly without counting what was underneath, but I came here safely." He pinched his fingers and calculated, "No one will come this time, Did you drive Sikong Zhan away?"

Liu Buxu said: "That guy is very weird, he was tricked by Senior Sister Xu and I, first shrink the formation to show the enemy's weakness, wait for him to fall into ambush and then attack with all his strength, the twelve secret demons of the heavens were almost killed Senior Sister Xu took it away, and asked me to print it with the Nine Old Immortals, and none of them could not be recovered within a year or so. I see that his speech, manner, and manner are all different from before. His personality has changed drastically, and he looks like crazy. A harbinger of madness."

Yue Qingdao: "He sacrificed the secret demons of all the heavens, big and small. There are 24 demon heads in total. If he wants to completely control them and avoid their harm, he must cultivate to the realm of celestial beings, and the sun god has no leaks. In the past, he always used twelve The big Mystic Demon of the Heavens was placed in the cave, and only twelve small Mystic Demons of the Heavens were brought out. We took the little Mystic Demons of the Heavens away in Wutai Mountain back then, and lost them together with the Lie Que Shuanghook and the Tianmang God Needle. In anger, he began to sacrifice the big heavenly secret demon, and carried it with him when he came out. However, the demons are all greedy and cunning, how can they be easy to deal with? They invaded his soul secretly and devoured his spirit. Qi, he himself does not have a magic weapon that can restrain the devil, if things go on like this, sooner or later he will be backlashed by the devil, and his reputation will be ruined!"

At this time, Wuwu had been expelled, and all the fairy families who coveted the treasure were also expelled. All that was left was to return the swelled lake water to its place, and it was considered a great success.Yue Qing had already notified Mr. Zhong and Wei Shaoshao to vent the earth's energy in Wushan, and he also cast spells here to dredge the earth's veins and break the part of Dayu's prohibition. Fill the void under Junshan.

Dayu's restraint was ingeniously set up. Wushan and Junshan each used jade steles and divine bells to suppress the qi and water.Yue Qing first asked Mr. Zhong and Wei Shaoshao to cast spells to lift up the stone tablet to vent part of the earth's energy, and then broke the restriction on Junshan's side, causing the water in Dongting Lake to rise more than ten feet high. Liu Buxu led Liu Ding Liujia, The four meritorious officers, the God of Day Tour, the God of Night Tour, and the Dragon King of Dongting, the four water gods work together to hold back the water and prevent it from spreading ashore.

At this time, Wushan vented the earth's energy again. Without the strong pressure of the flood, the earth's energy would not rush and explode. , the lake water has dropped back to its original level.

Yue Qing and Xu Feiniang took the bell by hand, and at the same time, Mr. Zhong and Wei Shaoshao cast spells to collect the stele.

There are two pieces of jade on the stele, Zhong Wei and the two of them broke through the restriction outside, the jade will melt away when it encounters the air, Shi Hui and Shi Wan follow Yue Qingshi's instructions, release a talisman to solidify the essence of the jade, and then Zhong Wei and Zhong Wei flew up to the jade stele with the protection of immortal energy, and each absorbed one. The jade was actually a divine stele that once again absorbed the earth vein dragon energy, and the spiritual fetus conceived in 5000 years. Bone, changing the physique, can also increase the skill, resist the unique fire calamity of the Shi family, and it will be even more effective when the earth cultivator conceives the Nascent Soul in the future!

After Zhong and Wei collected the jade stele, they brought all the juniors to Dongting to meet up.

Yue Qing took the divine clock and rebuilt the foundation with a giant stone transported from southern Xinjiang. He wanted to use magic to seal the place below. The Dongting Dragon King brought all the water gods to thank the fairies and said: "The little god wants to reject this place. , to build the Dragon Palace, which is located under the Junshan Mountain and above the underground water veins. When there is a drought, it can draw water from the ground to supplement it, and when it is flooded, it can drain the lake water from the ground veins. This will not only benefit the surrounding Dongting Lake, but also the entire river. , within a radius of thousands of miles, try to keep the harvest from drought and flood.”

Yue Qing said: "It's so good." He took out two gourds and a piece of cold moon gauze from the magic wave pool, and handed them to the Dragon King, "Although the lake water didn't spread this time, the turbid air from the five corners of the ground poured in. In the lake, the water quality is polluted, and many aquariums have died. This treasure can help you collect the five turbid air and purify the water quality. These two gourds contain jade powder. If you sprinkle it into the lake, it can protect the water in Dongting Lake. The aquarium's disease will disappear within three years, and they will reproduce without worry."

Dongting Dragon Lord took the treasure, thanked all the water gods again, and turned back to the lake.

Yue Qing took out the treasures he got this time, they were the God Yu Stele, the King Yu Bell, and the crystal jade he received in the sarcophagus.

Yue Qing said: "This time, I didn't know in advance that there are such powerful monsters below. I only said that there are four treasures. When the time comes, each family will share the profit. I didn't expect that it will almost make chickens fly. According to my later calculations, the one used by Zhu Wu The saber is the Minghong Dao trained by Emperor Yan and Huang when they joined hands to fight Chi You."

Fang Ying suddenly sighed: "No wonder it's so powerful!"

Yue Qing said: "That's right, even my Aurora Sword is no match for me, if it wasn't for twelve swords attacking at once, it wouldn't be able to resist at all. The lamp held in Wuwu's hand is called the Candle Dragon Lantern, and it is also a treasure from the Yanhuang period. The eyeballs of Jiuyin are refined, and they are specially used to destroy the demons and demons under Chi You. The last five-color light is called the Suiren Drill, and the sparks bursting from it are the harmony between heaven and earth. The divine flame from when I was born in middle school. Hehe, even Yan Yumu's Sumeru Vajra hand can be broken easily, what a treasure."

After hearing this, everyone sighed.

Yue Qing picked up the small piece of kui: "This kui is also very great, named Houtugui, thanks to it when Dayu controlled the water, it is the essence of the world's Wutu, which is the most able to restrain water. At that time, Wuwu used it to suppress me I can't take back my Aurora Sword, if it wasn't for the small success of our Wutai Sect's Tongxuan Sutra, I wouldn't be able to pick it up."

After the introduction, he began to distribute the treasures, giving the God Yu Stele to the Maoshan School, the King Yu Bell to the Kunlun School, and Hou Tugui to the Taishan School.

Liu Buxu was the first to object: "Brother Yue was helping me in this Junshan catastrophe. How can I ask you to return empty-handed after taking the treasure? I absolutely cannot take this monument. "

Mr. Zhong and Wei Shaoshao also declined: "You Daoist Yue helped Xiao'er go to Beihai to get the Houyi Sheyang Crossbow, which is also a former ancient rare treasure. To put it bluntly, everyone in the Kunlun School is grateful for the kindness of you, and this time it is just With some brute force, how can we get such a treasure?"

The two factions don't want it, and Fang Ying and Yuan Hao don't want it. Yue Qing insisted again and again, and the three families refused to accept it. Fen: "It's fine if you don't accept King Yu's treasures, but you can't refuse these anymore, otherwise, I won't dare to ask you for help if I have any problems in the future."

The holy aunt's magic wave pond is famous all over the world, and the treasures she refines are also rare treasures. Liu Buxu was the first to laugh: "I won't refuse this." He flicked the sleeve of his robe and was the first to put it away.Mr. Zhong and Wei Shaoshao looked at each other, hesitating a little, but they both took it. Fang Ying Yuanhao didn't know the grievances and grievances, so he also took the treasure.

Yue Qing saw that Zhong Wei and Wei took the holy aunt's treasure, they obviously had the tendency to stand in line, secretly satisfied, and took out Pan Fang's soul and her Thunder Dragon Ball and handed them back to Gong Shuanghuan, Gong Shuanghuan thanked them repeatedly, Yue Qing said: "Fellow Daoist Don't be so, Junior Sister Deng and Junior Brother Liu are both in my Wutai now, we can be regarded as indirect fellow disciples, if Fellow Daoist Pan didn't force you too much, we wouldn't have fought." After a short pause, he added, "Aunt Lei now Feisheng, I heard from Junior Sister Deng that fellow Taoists started very late, and they have not learned enough, so it is difficult to achieve true results." His words revealed some of the other party's faults, even if Gong Shuanghuan had a good temper, she was also a little angry, but after hearing Yue Qing's next words Then he turned into ecstasy, "I heard that Gong Yehuang, the senior of the Baiqin Taoist of your sect, went wrong in his cultivation back then. Maybe you can find the orthodoxy again."

Gong Shuanghuan sighed and said: "Sister Fang and I have been looking for many years, but we don't know the cave of Master Uncle."

Yue Qingdao: "Real Master Gongye is the senior of Junior Brother Liu and Junior Sister Deng. We are also secretly looking for it. Now there are signs. His old man is now traveling with his soul, looking for ice silkworms in Mangcang Mountain to treat his body that has gone awry." Yue Qing said. Qing told Gong Shuangwan all about the Fengxue where the ice silkworm was located and the location where Gongye Huang retreated, and then took out two Guangchengzi's soul-gathering pills and handed them over, "These two pills were left by Guangchengzi. Junior Sister Deng relied on it to return to her original state, Master Gongye obtained the Ice Silkworm, and with the help of this pill, she will be able to fully recover immediately without suffering years of suffering, and her bones and vitality will not be damaged."


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