The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1002 Birth of the Three Kings

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While Zhuang Mingge was thinking about how to update the team at the Florence headquarters, the 2001=02 European Champions Cup final came quietly without him noticing.

On May [-]th, Hampton Park Stadium in Glasgow, Leverkusen, the biggest dark horse in the Champions League this season, and Real Madrid, the La Liga giants, launched a fierce battle on this venue!

Zhuang Mingge was very surprised by this, and wondered when did time pass so fast?I have only been working at the club for a few days, and the Champions League final is about to start...

"Forget it, anyway, the Champions League final is held every year, and it is not a big deal to miss it once in a while." Since Fiorentina bid farewell to the Champions League match early this season, and Real Madrid is among the two teams participating in the final This club is not a friendly club with Fiorentina, so Zhuang Mingge has no motivation to watch this Champions League final. season. Otherwise, they have no hope of snatching the championship trophy from us!"

Zhuang Mingge won't admit it. He saw Real Madrid and Bayer Leverkusen join forces in the Champions League final to start a fierce battle to symbolize the highest honor of European clubs. However, his Fiorentina has nothing to gain from all four this season. I'm jealous.

Due to Zhuang Mingge's crossing, Leverkusen failed to get Ballack, the future brother of German football, from Kaiserslautern, and Daum was also ruined by Hoeness's exposure of drug use in his previous life, so his other The overall combat effectiveness is slightly worse than that of the same period in history.Nevertheless, under the leadership of Ze Roberto, Lucio and other players, the pharmaceutical factory tenaciously reached the final in the Champions Cup where the strong are like clouds.In particular, Frings, who had obtained the core position of the midfielder originally belonged to Ballack, scored key goals repeatedly in the difficult situation of the team's third-line battle, helping Leverkusen to beat strong opponents in succession. The biggest hero who competes for three championship trophies at the same time!

Frings' outstanding performance this season not only made the pharmaceutical company out of the shadow of the Daum incident, but also made his popularity in German football soar, even surpassing Ballack, who had already established a world in Serie A, and became the German football player. Football's first "new star"!At present, the 25-year-old midfielder has attracted the attention of many giants, especially Bayern Munich, who is trapped in the aging main lineup, is even more coveted for Frings, and can't wait to poach him immediately. For your own use.

According to gossip, Bayern general manager Hoeness had already rushed to the Leverkusen headquarters on the day of the final, preparing to discuss with Leverkusen's top management on the introduction of Frings.

Seeing such a situation, Zhuang Mingge had to lament the inertia of the wheel of history, as well as Leverkusen's strong fighting power and willpower this season.You know, the Leverkusen team in the previous life reached its peak this season, and then it was poached by Bayern Munich year after year and went downhill. In the end, it was reduced from a top team that could wrestle with European powerhouses. The middle-tier Bundesliga clubs took a few years to recover.

Frings also seems to realize that his time to stay in Leverkusen is running out, so before the final, the German midfielder made up his mind to use a Champions League winner as a gift A farewell gift for the team!

Like the eager Leverkusen players, for the Real Madrid players, they will also do their best for this Champions League final.Or it can be said that any player who has experienced Fiorentina's great feat of achieving five championships in six years in the Champions League will realize how difficult it is to have the opportunity to win the Big Ears Cup.

You must know that the professional career of football players generally does not exceed 20 years, that is, the "evergreen trees" such as Wiljo Ward and Mateus can break through this number of years. Others include the famous Baresi Including Bergomi, their careers were only seventeen or eighteen years old.Therefore, although six years does not seem to be a long time, it is enough for a player to miss his peak and the easiest period of time to get honors.

Therefore, for all Real Madrid players who have experienced the era of Fiorentina dominating the Champions League, this Champions League final is simply an excellent opportunity for them to make up for the regrets in the honor book and get this championship trophy!

The process of the game does not need to be repeated too much. Although Real Madrid has the upper hand in terms of popularity and player personal ability, and Raul established a ball lead in the 8th minute of the first half, Le Verkusen is not easy to deal with. Just 5 minutes after Raul opened the scoring for Real Madrid, they took advantage of a free kick in the frontcourt and Lucio headed to equalize the score!

Had it not been for No. 405 minutes of the game, Zidane had a sudden flash of inspiration, flew a kick directly on the penalty area line, and kicked a half-turn volley under the astonished gaze of the Leverkusen players Volley, rewrite the score to two to one!

Seeing Zidane's goal like a flying fairy, Leverkusen coach Top Müller was completely stunned. He had never coached a famous superstar, he never thought that a superstar would have such a powerful Energy can change the situation of the game in an instant!

"If I knew it earlier, I would have put Lucio on the defense. In that case, Zidane would be absolutely impossible." Topmul thought angrily in his heart. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world, so he could only swallow it. Overcome this bitter fruit, looking for an opportunity for the team to equalize the score again.

Florentino applauded Zidane's goal happily in the box. The Real Madrid president was very satisfied with the performance of the French midfielder who spent more than 6000 million US dollars last summer. It is the most in line with the tradition of Real Madrid.Like the defensive counterattack tactics of Ranieri and Heynckes, it is simply insulting the great name of Real Madrid!

In the end, Real Madrid, relying on Raul's clever shot after the opening and Zidane's kick from the sky at the end of the first half, at the final whistle sounded a difficult [-]-[-] victory over Le Verkusen, a difficult opponent, won the seventh Champions League trophy in the history of the club!

And Leverkusen, which has played team football to the extreme, lost to Zidane's inspiration and lost the best chance to reach the Champions League. At the same time, they also won a very embarrassing honor for them.

Since before the start of the Champions League final, the third-line pharmaceutical companies encountered Waterloo in the league and the German Cup. Therefore, this also means that Leverkusen, who has just won a silver medal in the Champions Cup, is in the spotlight. Unluckily, it became a Sanya king team!

The King of Sanya was born!

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