The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1123 Winter transfer

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As Fiorentina's undefeated golden stature in the league battlefield was declared broken, the 2002-03 Serie A season officially entered a three-week winter break.Players have taken advantage of this period to go on vacation with their families and girlfriends, or choose to rest at home and enjoy this hard-won short vacation.

Although they got a long-awaited and long-awaited vacation, it does not mean that the players can relax unscrupulously during this winter break.After all, less than half of the season has passed so far. If players are allowed to have too much fun during this holiday and affect their own competitive state, then the club they play for will be dumbfounded.

Therefore, in order to ensure the competitive state of the players and that the team's performance after the winter break will not show signs of decline, most Serie A teams will not let the players spend the three-week holiday completely, leaving room for It is normal for a week or so to recover and adjust.

Taking Fiorentina as an example, Heynckes only gave the players an eleven-day holiday.That is to say, on the third day after New Year's Day, all Fiorentina players will end their vacation and return to the team on time, and continue to work hard for the victory and the final championship trophy.

Due to the "exploitation" of the head coach, this winter vacation has become very short. Therefore, after the game against Sampdoria, Heynckes had just announced his disbandment on the spot, and found that most of the players were at the moment when the German voice fell. It disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving only a few people including Qi Wo and Sun Jihai remaining in place.

"..." Seeing the scene in front of him, even the well-informed Heynckes couldn't help but be dazed for a while, thinking why the current group of players are so restless, and just as soon as the holiday was announced. I can't even see the shadow, obviously it wasn't like this two years ago?

Of course, Heynckes would not know that Fiorentina has made great progress on all fronts this season, and has only lost three games so far (two of which were intentionally released). The outstanding performance of Fiorentina has caused countless opponents and the media to exclaim "" "The Return of the King" has also brought a lot of physical and psychological burden to the players, especially when the first team is not full, this phenomenon is even more serious.Therefore, the players will be extremely eager for this winter vacation and make a move just like that.

But soon, Heynckes got some psychological comfort from Qiwo, Sun Jihai and others who were still in front of him: "Fortunately, it seems that not everyone is so ruthless, at least there are a few of you guys Ken is with me."

"Uh..." Chivu hesitated, but in the end he didn't tell the truth, but changed the subject decisively, "Boss, when will the bus come? We are still waiting to take the bus back to... Florence."

Noticing Heynckes' gaze, Chivu, who couldn't bear to make up for another knife, just pressed the word "go home" in his throat, and changed it to Florence in time, so as not to let the coach completely runaway.

I would like to add here that due to the drastic changes in Eastern Europe in the last century, many Eastern European players in the Fiorentina team took their families to live in Italy, such as Shevchenko before and Chivu now, they all deal with it in this way of.This is also impossible. Who made the Eastern European region turbulent after the upheaval, and people's quality of life and safety cannot be effectively guaranteed.If the family is still living in such an environment, I am afraid that the player himself will not be able to play football with peace of mind, right?

Although the players happily went on vacation around the world, for all club executives, it is obviously impossible for them to have the opportunity to enjoy the same treatment as the players.Because they now need to make targeted adjustments to the existing lineup based on the team's performance in the past few months: either to launch signings in the transfer market to strengthen deficiencies; It is suitable for the players who remain in the team and the restless elements in the locker room to be cleared out, so as not to adversely affect the team's atmosphere and combat effectiveness.

All in all, for any ambitious club, this winter break is the last chance for them to strengthen the team lineup this season, and they must seize this opportunity well.Otherwise, by the end of the season, if they fail to achieve their expected goals, they may be stabbed in the back by disappointed fans, or even fired by their own boss as a scapegoat.

Therefore, after the arrival of the winter break, all the teams began to take action, working hard for their respective goals.

"I think the team must strengthen the striker this winter." In the conference room of the Fiorentina club, Heynckes was stating his opinion under the watchful eyes of Zhuang Mingge and other high-level executives. Take a game against Sampdoria as an example. There are only two forwards left in the team, Inzaghi and Ronaldo (here refers to Cristiano Ronaldo), and the latter is a winger. Not using Inzaghi as a single arrow against Sampdoria, and finally suffered the first defeat since the start of Serie A this season. Therefore, in order to avoid such a situation from happening again, I think it is very important to introduce another striker this winter. Necessary things."

"Well, I think the issue of forwards can be put aside for now." Obviously, Antonioni did not quite agree with Heynckes' opinion, and said, "After all, the game against Sampdoria was too special. It's like a situation where six strikers fall down to four at once, and only two of them can play the game is not something that can be encountered casually..."

"That's why I said, this is a precautionary measure." Seeing that Antonioni objected, Heynckes immediately stood up and retorted, "Although the chance of this kind of thing happening is very small, once the team When encountering such a large-scale injury situation again, we should have a way to deal with it, instead of just resigning ourselves to fate or being slaughtered by others."

"...With excellent forwards such as Milito and Inzaghi, I think it is still a matter of finding a substitute for Vieri." Antonioni ignored Heynckes who interrupted his speech, and continued Expounding his own point of view, "I think the position of central defender needs to be strengthened. After all, for us who still have to face third-line battles after the winter break, it is obviously not enough to have only three authentic central defenders. Once one of them is injured, the consequences will be very serious. Moreover, the probability of this kind of thing happening is not low."

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