The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1134 Winter transfer

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"Uh..." Hearing Zhuang Mingge's remarks, no matter how you look at it, it makes people feel like "this girl is too conceited and I feel like I deserve to be beaten", but Antonioni didn't complain at the first time, because he has a close relationship with the other party. With ten years of experience in working together, he really can't remember that his boss has ever looked at other people.

When he first took charge of Fiorentina, the chairman made an unexpected decision to sell most of the first-team members except Effenberg and Batistuta, and played against the German Tigers and Argentine God of War at the core. The team carried out a thorough reconstruction. As a result, Viola, who was playing with fire in the eyes of outsiders, returned to Serie A in just one season, and also won a Coppa Italia championship as a Serie B team.Later, the fame of Redondo, Ronaldo, Julio Cruz and others further proved the vicious vision of their boss.Before joining Fiorentina, Redondo and Ronaldo were considered to be at the level of quasi-first-tier stars at most, and Cruz even mixed up on the bench of River Plate. After coming to Fiorentina, they all bloomed brilliantly. Brilliance has made a lot of contributions to Viola's supremacy.

Because of these real cases first, although Zhuang Mingge's speech seemed too conceited, Antonioni, who had experienced all this himself, had nothing to refute and could only remain silent on the sidelines.

"Then, let me tell Coach Jose (Mourinho) about this first." Seeing that no one had any objections, Zhuang Mingge called Mourinho and told him about the decision just now. other side.As for whether the person on the other end of the phone will choke on a sip of water or have other accidents after hearing the news, that's not what Zhuang Mingge, a black-bellied guy, needs to think about~

Thus, the candidate for the fourth central defender was finalized in this way.Only after the players return to the team after the holiday, the coaching staff will judge for themselves which of Bonera and Gamberini is more suitable to play in the first team.

Although Zhuang Mingge had the right to decide to retain any one of them, he did not use this power.After all, even if he is the highest decision-maker in Florence, Zhuang Minge still has to give these employees the space to play freely, and he, the boss, cannot make decisions on everything.

"Political affairs are not big or small, and salty depends on the light." The famous Zhuge Kongming was exhausted to death in this way. As a result, he died young at the age of 54. Zhuang Mingge did not want to follow in his footsteps.Compared with Mr. Zhuge, who cares about everything, Zhuang Mingge prefers to check the general direction, or give some suggestions on issues related to the future development direction of the team. The rest of the time is basically just being a hands-off shopkeeper.After all, Antonioni and Kenyon are both experts in their respective professional fields, so there is no need for Zhuang Mingge to do everything by himself.

"Now let's discuss what Joseph mentioned before, about the team's substitute striker." After solving the problem of the fourth central defender, Zhuang Mingge brought up a topic that had been shelved before, "On this issue before , Joseph and Giancarlo have both made their position clear. Now, I want to hear what the rest of you have to say about it."

"Well, I personally think it is unnecessary to introduce another striker." Although he is in charge of market development and business operations in Florence, as one of the team's three general managers, Kay Nien also has some understanding of the team's affairs, "After all, there are already four players in the first team who can play center forward, Vieri, Di Natale, Milito and Inzaghi. It could cause instability in the dressing room. The Sampdoria game was an exceptional situation after all, and we cannot risk increasing the number of strikers just in case."

"I think, instead of simply increasing the number of centers, it is better to introduce another wide player." At this time, Liedholm made his own speech, "You might as well think about it, now the team can play a center. There are as many as four players, but there are only three players who can create space for teammates on the wing, Di Natale and the others, and one of them is a dissatisfied minor... Don't you think this configuration is too shabby Yet?"

I have to say that Jiang is still old and spicy. Liedholm, who has rich experience, can see through the problems in Fiorentina's lineup at a glance, that is, Viola is too lacking in the configuration of wing players!

Just imagine, if in the match against Sampdoria, Fiorentina had a powerful assaulter on the side to tear the opponent's defense, then how could Inzaghi be surrounded by the opponent's defender?How could it be possible for Ballack in the midfield to cause confusion because of the overlapping positions on the field?

Therefore, in the eyes of Liedholm, the reason why Fiorentina lost to Sampdoria in that game was mainly because the team could not create enough pressure on the opponent on the wing, so that the Samp players could concentrate their strength The siege of Inzaghi, who was alone in the middle, caused Viola, who had remained unbeaten in the league since the start, to suffer a defeat.

"That's right!" Liedholm's words can be said to awaken the dreamer, and Heynckes, who suddenly realized, clapped his hands suddenly and said, "If we can introduce another capable winger , In this way, the team's originally weak wing strength has been effectively strengthened, and no conflicts will be caused in the locker room. Even if someone is suspended for some reason, we can also have enough room to adjust the lineup to avoid unmanned available situation."

"It seems that everyone now thinks that it is necessary for the team to introduce another winger." Seeing that everyone present had unified their opinions, Zhuang Mingge said, "Then, let's discuss who we should choose as our signing target." alright."

"It's a pity that Ljungberg is no longer here, otherwise, he would be a good candidate." Sure enough, the first thing that nostalgic Antonioni thinks of is still those old people who once played for Florence.

"Even if Ljungberg wants to stay in Fiorentina, I will not agree." Heynckes said firmly. Compared with the nostalgic and slightly conservative Antonioni, as the head coach, he is more aware of the replacement of the ball. The importance of the team, "With the increase of honors, Ljungberg's aggressiveness has dropped greatly, and his enthusiasm is not as good as before. It is the most correct choice to sell him as soon as possible while he is still valuable."

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