The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1136 Winter transfer

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Hearing Mourinho's words, Antonioni couldn't help being taken aback, thinking that this Portuguese coach is too arrogant, right?Now that he has achieved so much in the second team, he dares to challenge him on the table. If he becomes popular in the future or even takes over the first team, wouldn't his tail be raised to the sky? !

"Jose! You..." Thinking of this, Antonioni couldn't suppress the fire in his heart, and was ready to have a serious debate with the other party on this topic!

"Stop it all of you!" Seeing that a quarrel was likely to be staged before his eyes, Zhuang Mingge quickly stepped forward to nip this sign in the bud, "Giancarlo (Antonioni), there is something wrong with your mentality. That's right, Jose's tone of speech before was a little irritable, but you didn't need to reprimand him in such a harsh tone just now, is there anything you can't sit down calmly and talk about slowly?"

After talking about Antonioni, Zhuang Minge turned around and criticized Mourinho: "And you, Jose. What's going on with you today? Why do you feel like you've taken gunpowder? You want to get angry at someone? We just want to transfer a defender into the first team, don't make it look like the team is disbanding!"

After being criticized by Zhuang Mingge, Mourinho regained his composure.Realizing how badly he had behaved before, the Portuguese first apologized to Antonioni, and after the other party expressed a conciliatory attitude, he sat down on a chair at the conference table and resumed talking about the previously shelved topic: "Boss, since the first team has to draw players from the second team for reinforcement, shouldn't we also get some supplements in the lineup? Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to achieve ideal results this season when our strength is weakened."

Mourinho's request for such a request is not a big mouth for the lion, because the Fiorentina second team he coached not only ranked second in the Serie B standings at this time, but also reached the quarter-finals in the Coppa Italia, becoming The only team in the quarter-finals is from the second division.For a new Serie B team, such a result is enough to make them proud, and it is also the biggest capital Mourinho dares to bargain with the club-I have led the team to achieve such a good result, you are here from me Should I consider compensating me while poaching people?

"Well, this request is still very reasonable." Zhuang Mingge nodded in agreement. He also believed that the Fiorentina second team, which lost a defensive pillar, needed to introduce some fresh blood to make up for this loss. "Well, take advantage of this opportunity." , Let’s also confirm the signing list of the second team.”

There is a detailed database, a complete set of scouting systems all over the world, and Zhuang Mingge, a time traveler, who is playing tricks behind the scenes, a shortlist of six young local players will soon be listed. It came out and handed over to Poirot, who was in charge of the club's transfer affairs, to be in charge of the operation.

"Cesare Bovo, Emiliano Moretti, Marco Parolo, Graziano Pellet, Alessandro Rossina, Fabio Quagliare La..." Mourinho looked at the string of names on the list, and muttered in his heart in confusion, "I really can't see through the boss, obviously several of them are only in the low-level leagues and youth leagues. It’s really a strange thing to be favored by the boss after playing, and his performance and statistics are not very eye-catching.”

Although the names of many of them are not familiar to Mourinho, the Portuguese still trusts his boss's vision.Therefore, he is determined to study the information about these players collected by the scouts during this holiday, and formulate corresponding tactics according to their characteristics, so as to maximize their technical characteristics.

Some people may ask, why didn't you take this opportunity to introduce Chiellini who is still hanging out in Livorno?You know, in Zhuang Mingge's previous life, this was the number one central defender of the Italian national team in the future, and the only world-class star in Italy's defense (except Buffon)!

The reason why Zhuang Mingge did not make a move to introduce Chiellini, who is still unknown at this time, has his own considerations.After all, unlike the road to fame of many stars, Chiellini's ability to grow into a top central defender can be said to be the result of the combination of his own strong psychological quality and that little chance.

In fact, for Chiellini, the most important part is that little chance.Without Didier Deschamps' support and Ferrara's trust, Chiellini, who was still very frizzy at the time, would have never been able to stay in the starting central defender position of Juventus, let alone become the pillar of the Italian defense line!

And this is precisely what Mourinho cannot give.Under the teaching of tactical masters such as Capello and Heynckes, the Portuguese have very high requirements for the tactical execution ability of the players. Naturally, there is no room for a player to make repeated mistakes in defense, even if this player has high talent. is also like this.

Therefore, if Zhuang Mingge makes a move to bring Chiellini to Florence, there are likely to be two results.One is that Chiellini was pressed to death by Mourinho at the left back position and became a winger similar to Zambrotta and others (Chiellini played as a left back when he debuted, until Juventus was relegated due to the Calciopoli incident, Didier Deschamps was transformed into a central defender after he took office); another possibility is that after changing to a central defender, he continued to make various low-level mistakes, and was angered by Mourinho Into the limbo, and thus fell early before becoming famous, failing to reach its due height.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Zhuang Mingge, who is familiar with Mourinho's employment style, to bring an immature Chiellini to Florence. Going into a fire pit doesn't make any difference.

Now let’s get down to business, after confirming the team’s signing goals during the winter transfer period, Antonioni and others have started to act according to the arrangement of this meeting, so as not to have long nights and dreams, causing some unpredictable changes in things, which will affect the club Already planned.

As for the shopkeeper Zhuang Mingge, who had nothing to do after the meeting, he returned to his home in Florence and spent a warm and wonderful vacation with Karin, Rebecca and his two children.

The fans of Florence and Italy finally bid farewell to 2002, which made them unbearable to look back on, and ushered in a new year with hope and expectation for the future!

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