The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1144 After the Winter Break

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"...Francesca, what are you talking about?" Zhuang Mingge was obviously embarrassed to refuse Francesca's friend's request. After all, the other party did not ask him to arrange for Florence to play in the next league match. Zhong deliberately sent points, just hoping that he can restrain the team and not win too hard in this game, "Although Parma's current strength is far inferior to previous seasons, with your player configuration, we want to win. Going to Parma is not an easy task. Not to mention, just the Brazilian striker named Adriano in your team. I think he has the style of Vieri in the game. Don't be so presumptuous Okay? You have to have some confidence in your team, Francesca."

"...Don't fool me, Antonio." Francesca couldn't help but sighed, and then continued, "I'm not Enrique (referring to the former Sampdoria boss Mantovani Jr.) or something I don't understand the idiots who have to go around. I can't understand the current situation of Parma. Yes, these players do have potential. If they develop well, many of them can become future football players. first-line star, but this does not mean that Parma has the strength to compete with Fiorentina now. Whether it is in teamwork or personal ability, we are far behind you. And we just lost unexpectedly to You in Rome will definitely go all out in this game, and it will be our unlucky Parma."

"Well, I have to admit that what you said is indeed very reasonable. But having said that, although I can directly agree to your request, as the chairman of Florence, it is difficult for me to tell my subordinates, especially Hein Max told me." Every time he talked about football with Francesca, Zhuang Mingge felt that the other party's luck was really bad, and when he took over the control of Parma from the old Tanzi, it happened to catch up with the Tanzi family. In the current economic crisis, if it had been two years earlier, the Milk Legion might have already reached the top of Serie A.

"Antonio, I know that this request of mine will be difficult for you. So, in return for your help, I am willing to sell half of the youth team to Luca Chigarini and Giuseppe Rossi for one Sell ​​it to Fiorentina at a relatively low price." Although in most Italian clubs, the head coach does not have much say in these matters, Francesca, who knows Zhuang Mingge well, knows very well that the other party is One of the outliers.Therefore, after hearing Zhuang Mingge's reply, Francesca on the other end of the phone immediately offered the reward she had already thought about.

Francesca, who was born in a business family, of course knew that since she asked Zhuang Mingge to help her with this favor, she had to give him certain benefits in other ways.Otherwise, it is estimated that no one would agree to help him without asking for anything in return.

Some people might say, is there something wrong with Francesca's brain?Just to save Parma from losing a few goals in the game (and this is only a possible thing), sell the two youth training stars that have worked so hard to sell to Fiorentina at a low price?

Don't forget, today's Parma is no longer the team that could burn money unscrupulously with the financial support of Parmalat ten years ago.With Parmalat falling into financial crisis, the current Milk Corps is a thing of the past and has to rely on reselling players to make ends meet.Therefore, if they lose too badly in Fiorentina's game, the market's evaluation of their players will be lowered, which will have a negative impact on Parma's income.

This is not impossible. We must know that after Barcelona lost [-]-[-] to AC Milan in the Champions League final, the value of the players in the team plummeted by more than half.For Parma, which operates on a small budget, of course they must try their best to avoid such a situation.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Francesca is also expressing to Zhuang Mingge in a relatively tactful way that Parma is willing to cooperate with Florence in more aspects-this means that at the end of last year, Parma After the huge financial deficit of Lutter Company was made public by Deloitte, Francesca, who had been working hard to persevere, finally couldn't stand it anymore.Because she knew that, if nothing else happened, the Tanzi family and its Parmalat company would have no chance to turn around from this moment on!

Therefore, after learning of the many crises that Parmalat is currently facing, Francesca, who recognized the situation, made a decisive decision and decided to seek asylum under the banner of Florence, so as to protect herself and the Parma club.

After all, compared to the top three in the north who eat people without spit out their bones and only know how to take, Fiorentina is much more gentle in their style of work, and never treats those satellite clubs with outstanding performance. Vicenza and Monaco are the best examples.

After thinking about Francesca's proposal, Zhuang Mingge readily agreed.After all, Fiorentina's second team performed very vigorously in Serie B this season. Although the defensive general Gamberini was promoted to the first team during the winter break, the arrival of Bovo, Rossina and others greatly supplemented The reserve force of the second team allows Mourinho to have more resources to call.But this also means that these players will definitely not stay in the second team for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to get more young and potential players.

"By the way, what you told me last year about providing Palma with a loan of 5000 million U.S. dollars... I plan to agree." Seemingly worried that Zhuang Mingge could not understand the meaning of her move, French Scar added another sentence, and then ended the call.After all, for Francesca, who is determined to turn Parma into a wealthy club, such a blow is not insignificant, and she needs enough time to adapt to this change.

At the same time, Zhuang Mingge, who realized the meaning of Francesca's words, pumped his fist excitedly in the office.Because he knew that after Parma joined Fiorentina, the potential resources of the club that had been carefully managed by the Tanzi family for more than ten years, especially the set that Zhuang Mingge coveted, made Parma in his previous life in Parma. After the bankruptcy of the special company, the youth training system that allowed it to continue to exist in Serie A will be owned by Florence from now on!

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