The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1149 After the defeat

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Although losing to Juventus at home did not make Fiorentina's lead in the standings shrink much, Viola, which has achieved 22 wins, one draw and two losses in 2 rounds of Serie A, is still ahead of No.[-] Juventus by a full As many as [-] points ([-] wins, [-] draws and [-] losses), but in the eyes of many thoughtful people, Juventus' victory can be said to be of great significance, because this game fully exposed Viola's current vital goal, that It's just that several of their organizers are generally insufficient in confrontation ability!

As Fiorentina's midfield dual-core in the 90s of last century, Effenberg and Redondo not only have a superhuman view of the overall situation and organizational skills, but also the top hardware conditions among the midfielders of that generation at that time. Will suffer in terms of physical confrontation.And now?Among the several midfield organizers in Florence, Pirlo and Albertini's physical fitness is quite average. Once they are double-teamed by their opponents, they can only rely on their own foot skills or speed up the passing and receiving of the ball to get rid of the defense; Although Coe has good physical condition, but limited by his own talent, the Brazilian is doomed to be unable to become a top midfield organizer like Redondo.Therefore, generally speaking, in the Fiorentina team, Ballack is actually the only one who has the ability to pay equal attention to technology and body, and can complete various technical actions under the harassment of the opponent's defensive players.

This also means that when Fiorentina is facing a midfielder like Juventus that is composed of players with extremely strong running ability and physical fitness, Pirlo and Albertini are outstanding in terms of technology and awareness but physically The weakness of a combination that does not have an advantage in terms of conditions is infinitely magnified.Although Pirlo and Albertini can choose to use their strengths to avoid weaknesses and rely on technical advantages to get rid of the opponent's defense, they are still somewhat insufficient in this regard compared to Effenberg and Redondo.

It is for this reason that Heynckes generally will not deploy Pirlo and Albertini at the same time when playing against teams with strong midfield defenses, or strengthen threats in other positions to distract the opponent's defense attention to avoid such a situation.The reason why Pirlo and the others were bullied by Juventus this time was more because of Vieri's sudden sluggishness in the second half, so that Davis and Tacchinardi could safely and boldly step forward to intercept Pirlo and the others , don't have to stay in their own half to help Montero and the others defend Vieri.

Although through this game people discovered the vital goal of Fiorentina's midfield, it is not an easy task to grasp this point and put Viola to death.After all, it is not an easy task to get together a midfielder like Juventus with abnormal midfield coverage ability and excellent defensive skills.If it is self-defeating, it will be a lot of fun. There is never a shortage of unlucky guys who can't be anti-dogs in this international football.

No, Dortmund coach Sammer, who thinks he has found Fiorentina, sent a team consisting of Oliseh, Reuter, and Sergei in the first round of the Champions League quarter-finals in the middle of the week. Bastian Kell and Rosicky's four-player midfield combination intends to emulate the tactics that the Bianconeri reversed and beat Fiorentina, and won a victory at the Westfalenstadion, allowing the team to advance to the Champions League quarter-finals Take a slight advantage on the road!

From the point of view of the cards alone, Dortmund's starting midfielder is not inferior to Juventus' muscular midfielder, but what about the result?Oliseh, who is known as the Nigerian version of Davis, was turned into a fool by Pirlo's skillful feet in the game. Reuter and Kyle are old and young, and they can't be like Nedved and Camorra. Nesi put enough pressure on Fiorentina's midfielder. Although Rosicky has the reputation of "Mozart at the Stadium", it can be seen from this nickname that this Czech genius is not a player who is willing to defend.

Crucially, after a nightmarish 45 minutes against Juventus, Vieri rediscovered his scoring touch at Dortmund, plus the likes of Pirlo and Ballack With the fire support in the midfield, and Carlos and Giuly's sharp wing breakthroughs, Fiorentina killed the suspense of the game in just one first half!

Therefore, Dortmund, who tried to imitate Juventus but failed to learn its essence, was unsurprisingly severely repaired by Fiorentina in this game.Vieri single-handedly turned the Hornet's penalty area upside down, and used a hat-trick to prove to the world that the sluggishness of the last game was just an accident; Pirlo, who was besieged quite miserably, also performed well in this game. Dortmund could not defend the opponent with the strength of Kyle and Oliseh. The well-known top midfielder sent scalpel-like passes on the field time and time again; Ballack, who returned to his hometown in Germany, also played well. The midfielder combed in an orderly manner, and even scored a world-class long-range shot in stoppage time in the second half, making Dortmund goalkeeper Lehmann fish out the ball from the goal for the fourth time depressingly!

In the end, Fiorentina, who was a guest at the Westfalenstadion, beat Dortmund [-]-[-] in the first round of the Champions League quarter-finals, and one foot has passed the threshold of the Champions League quarter-finals!

The news that Fiorentina, who was on an expedition to Germany, beat Dortmund in an away game was quite effective in deterring many teams that were plotting against Violet. These head coaches looked at this fortune in their hands, and then looked at the player configuration of Juventus and Dortmund After that, it was decided that it would be better to find another way out-after all, after Dortmund stood up and used practical actions to show their own opinions, most self-aware teams realized that without a strong family background, it is simply a waste of time to follow the example of the Bianconeri. Looking for a dead end!

In this way, in the three rounds of Serie A No.20 on the weekend, Fiorentina, who returned from the German expedition, relied on Deco's stable midfield organization and Inzaghi's hat-trick to win the away game with three goals and a deep relegation zone. The team Piacenza continues to maintain an eleven-point lead over Juventus!

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