The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1160 Sprint

PS1: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here say that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here thank you~

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

PS3: Here, I would like to thank the book friends for the reward of "Amazing Life".

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Pirlo, do you have time now?" After the game, Pirlo, who was celebrating with his teammates for the team's successful entry into the semi-finals of the Champions Cup, suddenly heard a stranger's voice behind him, "I'll just interrupt you for a few minutes, it won't take up too much of your free time."

"Huh?" Pirlo turned his head when he heard the words, and found that an Ajax player wearing the No. 37 jersey was talking to him, and quickly remembered the name of the other party, "You are... Wesley S. Ned? You played very well in today's game. Although there are still some shortcomings, this is mainly because your body is not yet fully mature and your confrontation ability is weak. If you can continue to maintain the current If you improve the speed and correct these deficiencies one by one in the next few years, I believe you will have a very bright future."

"Hey, thank you for your compliments and suggestions." Seeing that Pirlo was able to remember his name and made some suggestions for himself, Sneijder seemed very happy, "I will try my best to get rid of these shortcomings and become a A star who is qualified to be on par with you..."

When he said the last sentence, Sneijder almost said the words "playing with you". Fortunately, the little guy reacted quickly enough to forcefully say what he had said. I swallowed it back, so that I didn't cause any unnecessary trouble.

You know, although Ajax maintains the club's operations and makes profits by selling players, if the player himself makes such remarks without the club's permission, it will be enough for Sneijder to drink. one pot.After all, after the disintegration of the 95 championship team, Ajax often punished players for private contact with other clubs very severely, so as to avoid similar situations from happening again.

This is also something that can’t be helped. Back then, the De Boer brothers and Litmanning and other main players of the team switched to other teams for free after the contract expired. The damage to Ajax was too great. It was so big that Ajax Even now after many years, the top management still can't forget the level.Therefore, even if Sneijder now intends to join Fiorentina, he must seek a transfer through official channels, and he cannot make similar remarks in public.

"Hehe, I look forward to that day." Until this time, Pirlo began to turn the topic back on track, "By the way, this time you came to me, do you have anything to tell me?"

"...Well, it's like this, Mr. Pirlo. I have been a Fiorentina fan since I was a child." As he spoke, Sneijder unconsciously grabbed the jersey with his hands and said with a flushed face, "And in Among all the players in Fiorentina, I admire you and Mr. Fernando Redondo the most. So, I wonder if you can give me your jersey as a souvenir?"

"Uh, Sneijder, actually, you don't need to address me so formally, just call me Pirlo."

Pirlo is obviously not used to being called "Sir" by a big boy who is not much younger than himself, and said quickly, "It's easy to talk about the jersey. I'll just get you a new one later. This one has been soaked in sweat. Not suitable for giving away."

"Well, then I'll thank you here first." Without Pirlo's explanation, Sneijder could of course see that the other party was seriously considering him.Therefore, after receiving such a satisfactory answer, Sneijder immediately responded respectfully.

So, Pirlo, who returned to the locker room, took out one of his spare jerseys, and at the same time asked for a autumn jacket from Redondo, and then packed the two together and gave them to Sneijder himself.

What Pirlo didn't know was that his move inadvertently raised Sneijder's favorability for Florence to an unprecedented new height.After all, in Sneijder's view, since a star like Pirlo can face an unknown person like him, he can be kind and put himself in his shoes, without any sign of putting on airs, then this means In other words, the atmosphere in the Fiorentina team is also quite easy-going, and the relationship between the players is as harmonious and willing to help each other as shown by Pirlo.

Some people may say that these are all deliberately performed by Pirlo for outsiders.But if these are all acting, then it can only be said that Pirlo's acting skills are really superb.After all, in most cases, it is impossible for a person to behave all this so naturally, without the slightest sign of affectation, when facing outsiders.In Sneijder's eyes, there is no doubt that Pirlo's series of actions are sincere, and there is no possibility of deliberately performing them for him.

In this way, Sneijder, whose favorability for Fiorentina almost exploded, took the two jerseys presented by Pirlo, reluctantly followed his teammates and left the city, ending the trip to Italy.

Closer to home now, after finishing the second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals and knocking out Ajax, Fiorentina unexpectedly drew with Perugia in the eighth round of Serie A No.20 on the weekend One, ended the contest with a draw.So far, Fiorentina has suffered two consecutive rounds of winless in the league battlefield. Although they are still leading the standings, their advantage has shrunk significantly.

The reason for saying this is because taking advantage of Fiorentina's home draw with Perugia, Juventus, which has been eyeing behind Viola, suddenly made an effort in this round of the league.Lippi ignored the team's huge consumption in the midweek Champions Cup, forced to play with the full main lineup in the weekend league, and finally won a precious victory.In this way, with six rounds left in this season's Serie A, Juventus finally managed to narrow the points gap between them and the leader Fiorentina to within double digits!

For Fiorentina, now they must pay attention to the situation in Serie A.After all, although the difference of nine points seems a lot, it is not a very safe lead after all.If Fiorentina still maintains the current concentration and game state in the domestic arena, it is not impossible to be overtaken by Juventus and complete the overtake.

Therefore, for the championship trophy that is already within reach, in the next few rounds of the league, Fiorentina must not be as careless as before, or choose to deliberately release water for the European competition.After all, in the eyes of Heynckes, this Serie A champion is much more attractive than the Big Ears Cup that he has won twice.

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