The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1172 The League Ends

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Although Vieri's attendance rate in the league was not high due to reasons such as the team's third-line combat and physical health, the Italian tank still contributed an astonishing 35 goals in limited playing time.It can be said that it is relying on Vieri's steady stream of goals that Fiorentina was able to regain the league title that had been lost for four years this season!

Although Vieri failed to break the personal scoring record of 96 goals in a single season set by his teammate Philip Inzaghi in the 97-37 season, considering his playing time in the league was less than that of Inzaghi. Many, this scoring efficiency is really scary.

Behind Vieri, who once again won the Serie A Golden Boot in a brave state, ranks second in the league scorer list. It is the current Serie A individual scoring record holder in a single season, Vieri's good friend Philippe Inza lucky.Since Heynckes began to focus on the tactic of letting Vieri play a single arrow this season, the main striker partner of Super Pippo has become Diego Milito. Provides the necessary scoring firepower when stopped.From this point of view, both Inzaghi and Milito have done quite well. The former scored 3 league goals in total, while the latter continued his good scoring state when he played in Vicenza. The season's Serie A scorer list only ranks No.[-] by one goal.

However, what makes Milito very depressed is that because Inter Milan's main striker, Romanian international Adrian Mutu, also scored [-] goals in the league, he had to share the Serie A bronze medal with Mutu. boots this honor.Adriano, who was sold to Parma by Inter Milan, has become a group of dark horses this season with the increase in playing time and adaptation to the Italian football environment. Tied for fifth on the list.

Although there are many well-known forwards such as Totti, Montella, Trezeguet and Crespo, the introduction of the Serie A scorer list this season is here.Let's continue to introduce Fiorentina's various gains on the Serie A battlefield this season.

In general, this season's Serie A scorer list presents a pattern of one super and many strong players. Vieri, who has been at the top of the list since the beginning of the season, is naturally the "one super". Philip Inzaghi, Diego Milito and Piero are those "how strong".

Of course, when we cheer for the goals of Vieri and Inzaghi and others, please don’t forget a player who is extremely low-key, that is the most inconspicuous and most civilian Antonio in the Fiorentina striker group Di Natale.Although after returning to the Viola, Di Natale's scoring data has been greatly reduced due to the change of tactical status and the reduction of playing time. Compared with last season, it has been reduced by more than half. The most critical fans did not belittle Di Natale because of this, because they all knew very well in their hearts that Di Natale played a huge role in the Fiorentina team.

You know, without Di Natale's active sacrifice, conscientiously creating space for his teammates to attack on the wing, and even retreating to the midfield to participate in defense when necessary, then Vieri and the others would not be able to reap the rewards this season. So many goals.Although Vincent and Giuly played very stable and excellent on the side, but in terms of the balance of offense and defense, Harbin Di Natale is the only winner.

This is like Shevchenko in the previous two seasons. Although Di Natale may not be able to keep up with the Ukrainian nuclear warhead in terms of personal ability, he is more suitable for Florence than Sheva.After all, what Florence lacks now is not a strong general who can attack the city, nor is it a handsome talent who can strategize and win thousands of miles away, but a man like Di Natale who does not pursue superficial data and plays a huge role invisibly Players, or rather, are the necessary pieces of a championship team.

It is precisely because of this that despite the fact that Di Natale does not score many goals, the assist data is not as good as Pirlo and Vincent and others. In terms of personal ability, Fiorentina, which is as strong as a cloud, is even less ranked, but in Fiorentina. However, the local striker has a very high prestige.Whether it is leading stars like Pirlo and Vieri, or rapidly rising stars like Vincent and Giuly, they all respect Di Natale.After all, they know very well in their hearts that teammates like Di Natale who are willing to sacrifice data and have an easy-going temper are simply rare in today's football. The way of playing has received many direct or indirect benefits, so it is naturally impossible to look down on him.

The league championship was taken away by Fiorentina without any suspense, and the top three scorers were also taken by three players from Fiorentina. This result is said to make those teams who boasted that they can cause trouble for Fiorentina before the start of the season feel embarrassed. dull.After all, Fiorentina's top spot in the standings can be explained by Viola's trembling bench depth, but they failed to beat Viola in the scorer list, which made many people feel very dissatisfied .After all, although Vieri and Inzaghi are both well-known former Serie A Golden Boot winners, Crespo and Trezeguet are also not bad in terms of ability. Why did they fall behind in the number of goals in the end? so much?

If Mutu hadn't squeezed into the top three in the scorer list with a brace in the last round, leaving a fig leaf for the top players in Serie A, then these teams might lose everything from inside to face this time. clean.

Perhaps Juventus and other teams can make strong arguments, saying that they have deflated Fiorentina and even defeated them in head-to-head confrontations, but everyone who has watched the game knows the water in these words.In fact, except for the draw with Inter Milan and the defeat against Roma, Fiorentina did not field the strongest lineup at all in the other games that did not win. The relationship between the war and the war is not serious, just play with you.

Let’s talk about the game lost to Juventus. If Heynckes and Lippi send out the main lineup, does anyone think that the Bianconeri have the ability to capture Frankie?

For the criticisms and accusations from the media and fans, Trezeguet, who was innocently lying on the ground, was also very speechless, thinking that it was easy for you blusters to talk, as if we were picking up every goal... The author said, who would have thought that Vieri's pervert would behave like such a bug and be able to keep scoring for a whole season.

So far, Fiorentina's journey in the 02-03 Serie A season has come to a fairly satisfactory end.Next, their first task is to seriously prepare for the European Champions Cup final with Juventus in four days' time!

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