The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1174 Battle at Old Trafford

PS1: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here say that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here thank you~

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

After talking about Juventus, let us take a look at Fiorentina's lineup.Although he had a certain advantage in overall strength, Heynckes did not dare to make the low-level mistake of underestimating the enemy on such a critical occasion.

Aiming at Juventus's toughness in the midfield and lack of creativity, the central defenders in the back line are stronger than physical confrontation, and their filling ability is weak. The German coach also prescribes the right medicine and sends a set of very targeted starters line-up.

Naturally, there is no need to go into too much detail about the five starting players on the back line. Buffon, Roberto Carlos, Stam, Nesta and Zambrotta are not only top-notch but also have very good skills. There is a tacit understanding, unless there are very special circumstances, there is no need to worry about their mistakes; in the midfield, the Frenchman Makelele is the single midfielder, and in front of him are Pirlo, Deco and Ballack lined up. Three top midfielders; the forward line is a combination of Di Natale and Vieri. The main task of the former is to create space for his teammates and deliver shells on the wing, while the task of the latter is simpler and more direct. It is to do everything possible to attack Juventus' defense line and look for opportunities to score goals from it!

Apparently, in this crucial battle to determine the ownership of the championship trophy, even Heynckes did not dare to send out the 4-3-3 formation that has always been the main one, but chose a 4-4-2 with a more balanced offense and defense.After all, Juventus is good at defensive counterattacks, and its midfield running ability is also the top in Europe. If they use the number of midfielders to attack Pirlo and others and use this to control the midfield, That would be bad.

It is precisely because of these concerns that Heynckes did not partner Inzaghi or Milito with Vieri in the final, but chose Di Natale, who is more comprehensive and has a certain defensive ability. As Vieri's partner.The loss of Vincent and Giuly is also due to this. Although their impact on the wing is far better than that of Di Natale, they cannot compare with the latter in terms of scoring ability and defense assistance.

All in all, the reason why Di Natale was able to be selected by Heynckes as the starter to enter the Champions League final is because of his comprehensive ability.After all, in a single-game knockout match like the Champions League final, the comparison is never about who scores more goals or whose offense is more gorgeous, but who makes fewer mistakes in the game, and the defense More stable, as for offense, it is more something that can only be considered on the basis of stabilizing one's own defense.

Some people may use Barcelona and Real Madrid as examples here, thinking that they are the best representatives of offensive teams winning the championship, but think about it, when Barcelona and Real Madrid won the Champions League, the defense of these two teams is Wasn't it also the best in Europe at that time?Isn't Barcelona's speechless backcourt possession in the Cosmos period another way of expressing a solid defense?Although An Pang's Real Madrid team won the game by relying on Europe's first-class offensive and defensive conversion speed, if there is no solid defensive system as the foundation, how can Ronaldo and Bell play that amazing rapid advancement? And a wonderful goal?

"It seems that if there are no accidents, this game will be quite boring." In a VIP box at Old Trafford, Zhuang Mingge, who got the starting list for the final between Fiorentina and Juventus, said to him. Karin and Rebecca beside said, "I think, after the game is over, most fans' comments on this final will definitely be boring."

"Well, this is indeed very likely to happen." Karin, who knows more about football, nodded and said in agreement, "After all, this is the Champions League final, and no matter which side it is, it will be more cautious. And Hein The two head coaches, Keith and Lippi, are both highly experienced and experienced tactical masters. They are not only good at discovering the weaknesses of their opponents and amplifying and utilizing them, but also try their best to make up for the shortcomings of their own lineup. Therefore, in this game, the two teams The team is bound to invest heavily in the midfield to attack the opponent's counterattack, and in this way, the energy invested by both sides on the offensive end is basically depleted."

At this time, the Champions League final has officially started with a whistle from the famous German whistler Merck.Judging from the actions of the players on both sides after the opening, Zhuang Mingge's speculation just now was very accurate, because the players were very careful on the field, devoting more energy to a solid defense, and did not dare to use too much force easily. into the attack.

"Tsk." Nedved looked at Ballack in front of him and the Fiorentina defense line behind the German, curled his lips in dissatisfaction, and passed the ball back to Davis behind him.Although Nedved has a way to break through Ballack's defense with the ball, he does not have the ability to single out the entire defense line. It is not a joke if the opponent completes the steal and makes a quick counterattack.

Nedved, who has played in Serie A for many years, is very clear about Vieri's heaven-defying strength and single-handed ability.Therefore, in Nedved's plan, limiting Fiorentina's counterattack and Vieri's possession of the ball in the frontcourt is the team's top priority in this game.Therefore, the Czechs will choose to pass the ball back to Davis safely when there is no suitable opportunity, in order to avoid falling into the encirclement of Florence and being seized by the opponent to counterattack.

Although Nedved has considered it well enough, he still missed one point after all, that is, like most Italian teams, Fiorentina's defense is not only supported by one or two defensive players. It is a defensive system that implements the whole team!

So, when the ball passed from Nedved's feet and flew in the direction of Davis, Pirlo suddenly appeared on this passing route and completed a wonderful steal!

"Oops!" Nedved couldn't help being shocked when he saw Pirlo suddenly coming out of the way, "Where did this guy come from, I didn't feel his movement at all before!"

And Pirlo obviously couldn't hear Nedved's voice. Of course, even if he heard it, I'm afraid he didn't have the time to pay attention to it at this time.I saw that Pirlo, who successfully intercepted the ball, looked up and watched his teammates move, and then kicked a long pass with his right foot directly before Davis stepped forward to intercept him!And the ball landed right behind the three central defenders of Juventus!

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