The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1181 Those things after winning the championship

PS1: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here say that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here thank you~

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PS3: Here I would like to thank the book friends "㊣Dark Night㊣" and "E79" for their rewards.

"Of course not, boss." Although he knew that the boss was joking with them, Poirot, who was in charge of the player's contract renewal, did not dare to neglect in the slightest, and immediately stood up and replied, "The contract renewal negotiations with Nesta and the others are underway. It went very smoothly, and before the Champions League final, we had completed the renewal work with all the players in the first team whose contracts were about to expire this summer. After all, in today's European football, there is no second club that can Like our Fiorentina, while paying high wages to the players, it can also bring them a lot of championship trophies."

What Poirot said was right. When other clubs had to tighten their money due to the sluggish world economic situation, only Fiorentina, which is far ahead in market development and has a super rich owner, is able to offer players Such a high salary.Even Real Madrid, which implemented a superstar policy after Florentino took over, and its financial situation has improved greatly, and Manchester United, which owns Beckham's money-absorbing machine and is promoted by the British media as the world's most profitable club (Note: Just now Kenyon, who signed a sponsorship deal with Qatar Airways worth a total of [-] million US dollars over three years, said hehe), and it cannot be compared with Fiorentina in this respect.After all, the influence of the six-time Champions League champion is not covered. Under Kenyon's careful operation, the current Fiorentina can only rely on the income obtained from various commercial sponsorships to cover the club's various expenses every year, and There is still a large surplus left.

What's more, in addition to high salaries, players have a much higher probability of winning the championship trophy in Fiorentina than in other teams.Although Real Madrid and Manchester United are also considered top powers in La Liga and the Premier League, and have won many championship trophies in recent years, they are obviously far inferior to Fiorentina in the European competition.

It is these two huge advantages that make most Fiorentina players have no idea of ​​leaving the team at all.Only some people who want to get the main position or are dissatisfied with their status in the team will make the decision to leave the team and seek a transfer.

"Then, what is the topic we are going to discuss in this meeting? Is it the question of the candidates for the summer transfer?" Seeing Poirot answering his question in such a serious manner, Zhuang Mingge, who felt very boring, had no choice but to get to the point and asked, "If I remember correctly, apart from Stefan (Effenberg) and Fernando (Redondo) who plan to retire this summer, no one should have plans to leave the team, right?"

"That's right, but boss, this is just one of the topics of this meeting, and it's not very important." This time it was Antonioni who answered, and I saw that this man, who was close to his fate, The old handsome guy said, "After all, with you sitting here, I believe Joseph (Coach Heynckes) will not be able to find a suitable candidate to make up for Stefan and the others. empty."

"Well, I believe in your decision one hundred percent, boss." At this time, Heynckes nodded quite cooperatively, with a sincere expression, "Leaving aside, last summer Albertini , Ballack and Milito’s transfers are all decided by you personally, and these players have indeed made considerable contributions in the multi-line combat process this season. Without their outstanding performance, our There is no chance of winning the Double now."

"Well, since Joseph, you have so much confidence in me, then I'll let it go." Seeing Heynckes' statement, Zhuang Mingge rolled his eyes unconsciously in the direction of the German coach, and said, "When the time comes In case something unexpected happens, or the players I bought are not to your liking, don’t blame me for not notifying you in advance.”

"Haha boss, what are you talking about." Antonioni and Heynckes took over the conversation with a smile, and said, "After so many years of testing and verification, your vision has long been recognized by everyone .So whatever decision you end up making, we will do our best to understand and support it."

"If that's the case, it would be great. However, I still need some time to think about how to make good use of these remaining first-team places and avoid the shortage of central defenders or wingers in the first half of the season. people’s situation.” Seeing that Heynckes and Antonioni both agreed with this, Zhuang Mingge put this topic aside for the time being and talked about another topic he cared about, “By the way, what if If Tefan and Fernando really decide to retire this summer, I hope to arrange a grand enough farewell match for them as a reward and reward for their great contributions to Fiorentina over the years. In addition, if they Those who intend to serve as coaches or other jobs after retirement can arrange them to work in the club."

Hearing Zhuang Mingge's suggestion, Antonioni and other general managers and head coach Heynckes looked at each other tacitly, and then said in unison: "No problem, we will handle these matters as soon as possible, and we will never let Stefan and the others feel chilled!"

Obviously, on how to treat the team's meritorious veterans, these attitudes are highly consistent with Zhuang Mingge's.

"By the way, boss, don't you think it's time to expand the Frankie Stadium?" Seeing that the topic was about to be brought up to Effenberg's farewell match, he kept trying to keep a low profile. Kenyon couldn't sit still any longer, and quickly said, "The average attendance rate of the Frankie Stadium in the last two seasons has exceeded 90%. The stadium is full, and it is often difficult to get a ticket. So I think it is time to expand the stadium to meet the needs of fans entering the stadium to watch the game."

"Oh? Why do you think of the expansion of the stadium?" Hearing Kenyon's request, Zhuang Mingge couldn't help but wondered, and asked curiously, "Although the expansion of the stadium can indeed reflect the ambition of the club, don't forget, Florence It is not a big city like London and Rome. The population limits the size of our stadium. According to the latest statistics, the population of Florence is only 44. So, now this stadium can accommodate 7000 people Frankie Stadium is quite enough for us, there is no need to waste brain cells needlessly on expanding the stadium.”

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