The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1184 Those things after winning the championship

PS1: Those who continue to ask for recommendation tickets here say that free books do not require everyone to spend money, so it should be no problem to give more recommendation tickets, right?We are here thank you~

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

PS3: To make a few digressions, as soon as Mourinho got out of class, Chelsea won the game, and the various tactics they arranged can also be played... From this, it can be seen that the professionalism of these Chelsea players is the same , Maybe Hazard and the others can become good stars, but it is definitely difficult to become a big player.

"Then, let's talk about Stefan and Fernando now." After discussing the relationship with universities around Florence, Zhuang Minge turned the topic back to the farewell match between Effenberg and Redondo Above, "About their farewell match, what are your thoughts and plans?"

"Well...according to the preliminary arrangement, we plan to combine the farewell matches of Stefan and Fernando into the same match." This time it was still Antonioni who spoke up, and this matter was also within his jurisdiction , "As for the time of the farewell match, we think it is more appropriate to arrange it at the end of July or early August. Because this happens to be the end of the team's summer training and the time to prepare for the warm-up match to find the state, the intensity of the game and the intensity of the opponent are not high. , just suitable for us to arrange a grand enough farewell ceremony for Stefan and the others. If the time is later, when the league and the Champions League start, then I am afraid we will not have so much energy to deal with this aspect.”

"Do you think it will be better if we use the Italian Super Cup final as Stefan's farewell match?" For some reason, Zhuang Mingge always feels that his mind is particularly active today, and he can jump out of it as soon as he turns his head. A new idea, "The Football Association will definitely not object, and the media will definitely be happy to publicize this point of view. The fans will also increase their attention to the Super Bowl. Moreover, if we operate properly, we can also use An Italian Super Cup as a retirement gift for Stefan and Fernando."

"Boss, although this idea looks pretty good, judging from the current actual situation, I don't think it's very feasible." Regarding Zhuang Mingge's idea, Heynckes raised objections, and at the same time threw a splash at the other party. A basin of cold water, "Don't forget, our opponent in the Italian Super Cup final this time is AC Milan. I think they will never give us the green light in this game because of Stefan and Fernando Or, if we decide to use this game as a farewell match for Stefan and Fernando before retiring, they will definitely be more than happy to give us some trouble."

By the way, Mourinho did not give up despite being beaten by Thomason in the first round of the Coppa Italia final. -3-4, such an extreme offensive formation, directly made AC Milan dizzy, and scored two consecutive goals in just 3 minutes after the start of the game, once reversing the total score to 10-[-]!

If it weren't for the fact that in the second half of the game, these second-team players had physical problems due to excessive overdraft in the first half, which reduced the quality of pressing in the midfield and frontcourt, it would be impossible for AC Milan to play against Seedorf and Under the command of Rui Costa, they regained the disadvantage of these two goals, narrowly defeated the Fiorentina second team with a total score of [-] to [-], and brought the Coppa Italia championship trophy back to Milan.

For this result, many fans and the media feel sorry.Although from a rational point of view, AC Milan has a clear advantage in book strength, and the Rossoneri is unlikely to lose water in the Coppa Italia final, and the chances of winning can be said to be quite large; but from an emotional point of view, they still look forward to Fiorentina. The first and second teams meet in the Super Bowl.

"Uh, I forgot that." Hearing Heynckes' analysis, I couldn't help sweating when I thought of Zhuang Mingge, and said that I really took it for granted this time, "There is a relationship between this old Berlusconi and us. There are a lot of problems, and Ancelotti will definitely order Ancelotti to use all his strength to deal with us in the Super Cup final. If Stefan and Fernando start and play the entire game, maybe they will really be defeated by AC. Milan is messed up."

"So, we'd better organize a farewell game for them before the Super Bowl. We can find more stars to help out, but it's better not to play with fire in the official game." Speaking of this, Heynckes Can't help sighing, "Well, with the current competitive state of Stefan and Fernando, they can completely cope with some less intense games, and it is not a problem to go to West Asia to find gold for a few years, but they would rather choose to retire in Florence. Such a Loyalty, we really have nothing to repay."

Heynckes' words made everyone in the meeting room fall into silence, and everyone present knew very well that Redondo and Effenberg were responsible for the reason why Fiorentina was able to sweep European football in the mid-to-late 90s.And now, the two heroes who led Florence to the top are about to retire, how can this not make everyone present sentimental?

"Well, by the way, Giancarlo, Joseph. I just had an idea, but I don't know if it's feasible. Why don't you all listen to it and see if there is room for maneuvering." At this time, out of sentimentality Zhuang Mingge suddenly had an idea, and said, "If Stefan and the others still can't put aside football and hope to gallop on the field, but don't want to play for a team other than Florence, then we might as well organize a team in the name of Florence. , the members are some retired stars, and let them play some friendly matches with local teams around the world. We can solve all the expenses through sponsorship, and all the income from the games will belong to these players. In this way, Stefan They can have the ball to play without having to leave Fiorentina to play elsewhere, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

The reason why Zhuang Mingge was able to come up with this idea was because he remembered those NBA stars in his previous life who used the popularity they accumulated while playing to go all over the world to pan for gold.At that time, almost all famous players had done something like "XX Xing", and basically made a lot of money.Therefore, Zhuang Mingge, who was inspired by this, came up with the idea to let these veterans who are still able to play their remaining heat form a group to play tours around the world, and earn a fortune from it to improve their quality of life after retirement.

You must know that in this era, most players' lives after retirement are still quite difficult.Many of them who didn't save much assets in their player days spent all their savings because of the root cause of the disease caused by playing football, and had to live on the relief funds issued by the government in the following years.

Therefore, Zhuang Mingge's proposal to organize such a retired star team can be regarded as a disguised solution to the quality of life of some players after retirement.

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