The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1190 Close the door and release Abu!

PS1: Yesterday Christmas Eve was too cold and caught a cold. Today, the cold worsened so I went to the hospital for an IV in the morning, so the update is late. I hope you will forgive me...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

PS3: Here I would like to thank the book friend "Zhudao Layman" for the reward.

In addition to announcing that Lazio has been successfully acquired by it, at this press conference, the high-spirited Abramovich vowed in front of all media reporters present that he will invest in this summer. A huge amount of money is used to introduce strong support, strengthen the team's strength, and let Lazio, which has been in decline, return to the ranks of championship contenders!

For this statement of the new boss, the vast majority of Lazio fans are extremely excited.Having experienced the Cranioti gold dollar era, they have long been accustomed to watching many big-name players wearing sky blue jerseys to fight for Lazio, and Abramovich, who is capable of doing this, is naturally welcomed by them.

Of course, there are also some extreme fan organizations who oppose the entry of foreign capital into Lazio, believing that Lazio is Italian Lazio and should not be taken over by a foreigner.However, due to the first case of Berezovsky's acquisition of Samp, their opposition and threats did not have much effect. On the contrary, they were later banned by the Italian police because of some radical actions and illegal acts. The members were also arrested under the thunderous attack of the police.This is a later story, so I won't mention it here.

With the news of Lazio's change of ownership being personally acknowledged by Abramovich himself, it means that from this moment on, the Italian capital club officially bid farewell to Cranio, who brought them countless brilliance and joy. In the era of Ruble, enter the era of the ruble under the control of this Russian oligarch!

Let me explain here that Abramovich originally planned to acquire a Premier League club, such as Tottenham Hotspur and Chelsea, which have considerable influence in the British football world, and then invest heavily in football to enhance his popularity and use this Become a guest of the British government, so as to achieve the purpose of avoiding disaster and protecting oneself.However, under the persuasion of his staff, the Russian tycoon, whose businessman nature prevailed, finally gave up Chelsea, which had a poor "money situation", and Tottenham Hotspur, which held its own identity and demanded too much money, and chose Imcragnoti instead. The downfall and the Cirio crisis left Lazio heavily in debt.

After all, compared with Chelsea and Tottenham, two clubs that have missed the league championship for many years and can only play soy sauce in domestic cup competitions, Lazio is better than these two teams in terms of player allocation and popularity. Much stronger.In any case, the Blue Eagles have been a strong contender for the Serie A championship in the past few seasons. In the 99-00 season, they even defeated the flourishing Fiorentina and successfully won the league trophy.Moreover, Craniotti's successive moves in the transfer market in the past few years have also accumulated a lot of popularity for Lazio, and his worldwide influence is also quite huge, which is unmatched by Chelsea and other Premier League clubs.

The most important thing is that although in terms of influence within the EU and NATO, Italy, which is full-time cute, is far less influential than the United Kingdom, but this does not mean that there are no forces in Italy that can help Abramovich.

Indeed, from a national perspective, Abramovich's choice to invest in Italy instead of the UK is an out-and-out stinky move.However, considering that Berezovsky, Abramovich's former business partner, was able to live a fairly comfortable life after being exiled to Italy, there was neither life nor food in danger.Of course, an old fox like Abramovich who takes everything from the political and business circles will not ignore the hidden meaning.

That's a long way off, now let's get down to business.When the news of Abramovich's entry into Lazio spread throughout Europe, the reactions of major European clubs to this can be said to be inconsistent.The giants outside of Italy, such as Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​have recovered their composure after being surprised. In their view, although the Russian tycoon is very imposing, it is still difficult to poach their corners or compete with them for players. of.After all, the current Lazio is no longer as attractive to players as it was back then, especially after the fall of Mendieta, many stars are terrified of Lazio's recruitment, for fear of repeating the mistakes of the former Spanish national team core.

Compared with giants such as Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​Juventus is much more nervous.Especially when Mo Laohu learned from the Agnelli family that Abramovich and Zhuang Mingge had a very close cooperation experience in Russia and the good personal relationship between the two, Moji immediately Classify Lazio as the Fiorentina faction, and decide to strictly guard against it. Fiorentina must not be allowed to have another strong support in the country!

In addition, Moggi also set his sights on Sampdoria.Because he knows that Samp boss Berezovsky and Abramovich have a lot of trouble, so his Sampdoria will inevitably be on the same level as Lazio. In this way, Juventus There is a chance to put Sampra in their trenches.After all, as the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend...

I have to say that compared with last year, 2003 can really be called an eventful year.First, David Beckham, who is known as "the heartthrob of football", and Ferguson jointly staged a flying boot incident, and then Real Madrid unexpectedly announced their discord the day after winning the La Liga championship The team's head coach Bosque and captain Hierro renewed their contracts. Barcelona chairman Gaspart stepped down because of a series of mistakes in the transfer market and the team's sluggish record before his term expired. Now, the Russian tycoon Abra Movic publicly announced that he will take over Lazio, which has made the already full of storms in European football even more confusing. It is impossible to guess what news will come out that will shock the jaw.

That's right, although the European football world has undergone earth-shaking changes compared with the previous life under the impetus of Zhuang Mingge, a little butterfly, the Flying Boots incident still happened as scheduled in this world.Ferguson Ferguson's magical kick just hit Beckham's brow bone after Manchester United's loss to arch-enemy Arsenal, and as a trigger, the relationship between the master and apprentice who used to be like father and son has been completely broken !

Since Ferguson's authority in the team is unshakable, Beckham's departure can almost be said to be a certainty.However, when the mediation failed, Manchester United had to choose to give up the cash cow of Beckham, and put him in the transfer market, intending to use this to make the last sum.

The listing of Beckham marks that Manchester United has officially started the pace of renewal.At the same time, with Beckham as the center, a frenzied battle has launched this summer among the major European giants!

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