The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1200 Superstar Ends

PS1: Today's update is here, I hope all book friends don't care too much about the update time...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

PS3: Here I would like to thank the book friend "Little Stone Monkey" for the reward.

"Thank God, this guy is finally leaving." Seeing Effenberg rushing out of the conference room angrily, and continuing to find reinforcements for his team, Redondo lay powerlessly on the table and murmured Dao, I can't see the previous high-level demeanor at all, "Isn't it just a farewell match? It would be nice for everyone to play a game together happily. Isn't it just a foreign aid? As for this Are you angry..."

It turned out that since the farewell match held for the retirement of Redondo and Effenberg had two protagonists, unlike most farewell matches held for only one player, the form of the match naturally required Be ingenious, so that these two heroes who have made great contributions to the rise of Florence will not leave any regrets when they retire.

Under Effenberg's suggestion, the two finally reached a consensus on the game method, that is, each draws up a team of 18 people based on their relationships and connections, and then fights a real game with real knives and guns, as the two teams. The farewell ceremony of a professional player's career.

However, the development of things was beyond Effenberg's expectations.Originally, the German Tiger thought that with his influence in Florence, it would be easy to pull up a strong team.Unexpectedly, Redondo found Batistuta at the first time, and joined hands with the Argentine God of War to form a powerful team...

As a result, the German Tiger, who was fighting alone and underprepared for this, had to face the difficult situation of being outnumbered by two fists and four hands.Watching Redondo and the others pull all teammates such as Nesta and Pirlo into their camp and become a member of the "Redondo Friends Team".

Even Vieri, who has always respected Effenberg, rejected Tiger's invitation this time, and his reason was quite good, that is, it was his master Batistu who invited him to join Redondo's side. Ta, as the direct disciple of the Argentine God of War, it is impossible for him to refuse Batty's request.

As a result, so far, Effenberg's team still doesn't have many good stars, which is in stark contrast to Redondo's side, which has many big-name stars coming to help.

To be honest, it is not surprising that such a situation occurs.You know, although Effenberg led the Viola to obtain numerous honors during his tenure as the captain of Fiorentina, he played a good role as a team leader and core on the field, and after the "middle finger incident" happened, he changed his mind and became a new man. One of the classic cases of the prodigal son returning.But in fact, the German Tiger's mischievous habit has not been completely eliminated. Coupled with his violent temper and slightly simple and rude way of doing things, many players in the Fiorentina team have great respect for Effenberg. , not very close to this big brother who has a weird personality and likes to play tricks on people.

In contrast, Redondo, who is gentle, elegant and highly educated, is obviously more popular than Effenberg.It is precisely because of this that when Effenberg and Redondo began to organize teams to prepare for the farewell match at the same time, most of the players who had intersected with the two chose to stand on Redondo's side instead of supporting Effel. Feinberg.

In addition, Redondo is surrounded by Batistuta, a figure who has a great reputation in international football and also has a strong influence within Fiorentina.It can be said that from the very beginning, Effenberg was at an absolute disadvantage in this regard!

For Redondo's shameless behavior (Effenberg's language), the German tiger was naturally quite angry, and he was impulsive, and immediately ran to Redondo to express strong protest against the matter.However, it is obvious that Redondo, who is comprehensively superior in IQ and eloquence, settled the opponent in just a few words, and played the aggressive game with ease.

Of course, although his fiery personality often embarrasses people, the straightforward Effenberg is still very popular, not so bad that even a friend is unwilling to come forward to help him.No, De Rossi, who was once scolded by Effenberg, took the initiative to join the German camp, and Aquilani, who was doing well in Leverkusen, also made a special trip to Florence with the club on leave , ready to help.There are also two fellow Germans, Ballack and Heynckes. After learning the exact news of the farewell match, they immediately found Effenberg and expressed their willingness to fight side by side with him. Victory as his retirement gift!

For this, Effenberg was naturally very grateful.Although the German tiger has a hot and impulsive personality, and often makes some speechless pranks, he is not a brash with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.Therefore, after De Rossi and Ballack expressed their kindness to themselves, Effenberg also expressed corresponding enthusiasm, not only taking them to travel around various scenic spots in Tuscany, but also traveling with them. Let's carefully study the tactics that should be adopted in the farewell game, and how to deal with the powerful "Redondo Friends Team".

After all, with the help of Heynckes, a master tactician, it would be too unreasonable for Effenberg not to take advantage of the opportunity.

In this way, the time came unhurriedly to August 8, which is the day when Redondo and Effenberg officially announced their retirement.

Although there will be an Italian Super Cup final three days later, none of the Fiorentina players missed the game, even if they did not have the chance to play; A few days ago, I arrived in Florence ahead of schedule to show my respect to Redondo and Effenberg, two international football legends.

If someone really dares to be absent on such an occasion, it means that they don't want to stay in Florence, or they deliberately have trouble with Florence.After all, these two witnessed and led Florence's most glorious period. It is not an exaggeration to say that Viola was able to establish a dynasty in European football in the mid-to-late 90s.

Therefore, if someone dares not to pay enough respect to these two legends and come up with something inappropriate on this occasion, then they are doing a proper death.At that time, Florence and the boss behind Viola who have been refuted will never let them off easily.

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