The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1208 Start Streak

PS1: Today's update is here. I hope that all book friends will not pay too much attention to the update time, and I promise that there will be no continuous updates...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

Although a storm named Florence is gradually taking shape over Europa, and it has a tendency to cover the whole of Europe, but at this time, most of the giant clubs are just lamenting that Florence's state is really early. In fact, they are not There is not much fear of Florence.You know, in European football, a giant club like Fiorentina has to play at least [-] or [-] games in a season. In this comparison, the six-game winning streak created by Fiorentina at this time seems a bit in the eyes of these people. Insignificant.

There is a good saying, the winner is the one who has the last laugh. You Fiorentina have been so desperate to win at the beginning of the season, are you not afraid of the lack of follow-up when the season enters the sprint stage?

As a top coach with rich coaching experience, Heynckes can be said to be very clear about the mentality of these clubs at this time, and naturally has countermeasures.For example, resolutely abide by the opinions of those sports medicine experts in the physical therapy center, strictly monitor the physical indicators and health status of the players, and reduce the possibility of players being suspended due to injuries; There will be no problems with physical fitness and state due to the intensive schedule.

The frantic grabbing of points at the beginning of the season was a strategy that Heynckes decided after careful consideration.In the eyes of the German coach, although Fiorentina's bench depth is the best in Europe, and its overall strength is also the best in Europe, Viola still needs to face the situation of fighting on the third front this season. In December, he even had to travel to as far away as Japan. Participating in the Toyota Cup will inevitably have a negative impact on the team's combat effectiveness and stability of performance.

Therefore, taking advantage of the fact that the players' physical fitness is sufficient and their state is relatively stable at the beginning of the season, let the team grab points and build up enough leads during this period, and wait until the game starts to gather. You can use the advantages of points accumulated in the league in the early stage to concentrate your combat power on the Champions League, and use the rotation lineup to deal with the league battlefield.

Of course, whether this combat strategy of Heynckes can be implemented smoothly depends on whether the old man will give face to God-if Florence encounters a large-scale injury or some other accident during the season, then Heynckes I am afraid that the battle plan will be changed.

A week later, the fourth round of Serie A.Ushering in the second home game of the season, the Fiorentina players played a brilliant match against the visiting Pepper Lecce amidst the cheers of [-] Viola fans at the Frankie Stadium.Lecce's uruguay striker javier chevanton was in excellent form in this game, the uruguay international relied on his excellent technique and free-kicks against a central defense formed by gamberini and stam The footwork helped the visiting team to tie the score twice when they were behind!

If Pirlo, who came off the bench, took advantage of a direct free kick from outside the penalty area to break Lecce's goal in stoppage time, maybe Fiorentina would have to shake hands with the opponent in the fourth league game of this season. It's over.

By the way, the reason why only more than 3 fans came to watch the game is not because Fiorentina has raised the price of tickets so much that people cannot afford it, nor is it because Fiorentina fans are tired of going to the scene to support the team. Cheering, but because at this time, Zhuang Mingge's stadium expansion plan formulated in June this year has already entered the formal construction stage!

According to the construction plan formulated by Jacques Herzog (whose representative works are the well-known Allianz Arena in Munich and the China National Stadium, which is also the famous Bird's Nest), the expansion project of the Frankie Stadium needs to be completed within a period of one year. During the year, the four stands of the Frankie Stadium were closed in turn, and then the closed stands were expanded one by one.In this way, it is only natural that Frankie Stadium, which has only three stands with spectators, has seen a significant decline in its attendance compared to last season.

Although the expansion of the Frankie Stadium has caused a lot of losses to the club's tickets and related commercial income this season, everyone in Florence believes that the loss is worth the money.Because they all know that when the expansion of the Frankie Stadium is completed, and the commercial facilities and related investment projects in the surrounding area of ​​the stadium are also completed, Florence's financial revenue will definitely increase by a large amount!

And, more importantly, a commercial area centered on Frankie Stadium, and still, it is also extremely beneficial for Florence to establish its own brand.Therefore, in the eyes of Zhuang Mingge and others, these losses are completely acceptable.Even if there is a temporary loss or deficit, with Florence's current family property and Zhuang Mingge's strong financial resources, it will not have any impact on the club's operations.

The win over Lecce at home was a good reminder for the Fiorentina team, allowing these players who were somewhat complacent because of the winning streak at the beginning of the season to recognize the situation and realize that if they don't take every game seriously , Even a seemingly weak opponent like Lecce can make Florence drink a pot.

There are no underdogs in Serie A. The Lecce team used practical actions to make the somewhat complacent Fiorentina players, especially De Rossi and Ribery, who have not seen much in the world, realize this in a true sense.

Therefore, in the second round of the Champions League group stage three days later, the Fiorentina players sitting at the Frankie Stadium went all out to defeat Dynamo Kiev who came from afar, and won the championship since the start of this season. Eighth win!

Portuguese teenager Cristiano Ronaldo became famous in this game. In the No.801 minute of the game, Ronaldo, who came off the bench for only 5 minutes, received a pass from Pirlo in the right position of the midfield. Started, dribbled the ball through the defense of four Dynamo Kiev players in a row, rushed into the penalty area, and then used a pendulum style that was very familiar to all Fiorentina fans to knock down the opponent's goalkeeper beautifully and then pushed the ball into the empty goal. Completed an extremely exciting long-distance raid!

Five people in a row, a 40-meter-long long-distance attack, a pendulum-style extraordinary, and the last name is Ronaldo... These factors are superimposed, and the 18-year-old Cristiano Ronaldo finally used this goal to cause a sensation. People's attention took off the hat of a potential star who had been wearing it for many years in one fell swoop, and together with Van der Vaart, Ibrahimovic and others, he became one of the most popular fried chickens in European football!

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