The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1226 Youth Storm

PS1: Today's update is here. I hope that all book friends will not pay too much attention to the update time, and I promise that there will be no continuous updates...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

Seeing the referee indicating that the goal was valid, Adriano waved his fist excitedly and rushed towards the stands where the Parma fans were.Being able to break through the goal of Fiorentina and help the team take the lead in the score made the young Brazilian center very excited.

At the same time, the faces of Fiorentina players were full of confusion and helplessness.Especially Stam, who was broken by Adriano's defense, the Dutch central defender can be said to be the most depressed person at the moment.After all, Stam's defense was already very good just now, and the only mistake was that he missed Adriano's strength and explosive power far beyond his expectations, and hit him by surprise, which gave the Parma Space for the striker to hit the goal.

"Antonio, what do you think of this Brazilian striker named Adriano in our team? Is there a shadow of Vieri?" Looking at the Parma players who were celebrating their goals on the sidelines, Francesca lost no time Promoted Adriano to Zhuang Mingge, "You know, Vieri is already 30 years old, a powerful center at this age, but his state may decline at any time. Although Milito and Inzaghi are both Quite good players, but none of them have the strong offensive ability of Vieri. So, you must prepare a substitute of the same type for Vieri just in case. Adriano in our team is obviously A pretty good choice."

Francesca knows very well that Parma is no longer the top team that could compete with the top three in the North ten years ago. It is the best business strategy to make profits from transactions.And now, it is obviously a good sales opportunity.

You must know that for a team like Parma that makes a living by reselling players, if they want to sell these players in their team at a high price, it is not enough to just let these players make a good stat.The team's ranking in the league, the performance in the European competition, and the player's performance against strong teams will all have an impact on their worth.Therefore, Francesca believes that the other party will definitely be tempted by Adriano.

After all, just now, Adriano scored Fiorentina's goal under Zhuang Mingge's nose, showing his physical fitness comparable to that of the peak Vieri, and not comparable to traditional Brazilian players. Up and down underfoot technique.

"Well, Adriano's technical characteristics and playing style are indeed very similar to Popo (Vieri's nickname)." Seeing that Francesca actually promoted Adriano to himself, although Zhuang Mingge It was a heartbeat, but he still maintained a basic calmness. He didn't make a statement immediately, but seriously considered the feasibility of introducing Adriano in his heart.

Zhuang Mingge, who is familiar with the direction of future generations, remembers very clearly that although Adriano has better physical fitness than Vieri and foot skills comparable to most skilled players, he has one biggest problem, that is, this The psychological quality of the goods is really not enough.

Due to the death of his father and the indiscriminate bombardment of the outside media, he chose to degenerate, indulging in the bustling nightlife of Milan, which greatly affected his state on the court.Moreover, his undisciplined professional attitude also greatly disappointed the Inter Milan club, which originally regarded Adriano as the new king of Meazza, and finally had to choose to send him back to Brazil, who had been diagnosed as incurable. A generation of talented forwards has completely stayed away from the sight of the mainstream football circle.

It can be said that the reason why Adriano, who was considered to have a bright future in his previous life, sank early before reaching the peak of his career is absolutely inseparable from his fragile psychological quality.

"Forget it, the Fiorentina team is full now, and Bobo is still in good form this season, I don't plan to find him a substitute now," Zhuang Mingge finally decided to give up the introduction of Adrian after thinking for a long time. Arno.After all, poor physical fitness can be compensated with willpower and technology, and psychological quality cannot be strengthened casually, "By the way, I see Adriano's striker partner. Alberto Gilardino's. Francesca, can you sell this little guy to me? Of course, the transfer fee is not a problem, we will definitely give Parma an offer in line with market conditions. "

"Ah?" Hearing Zhuang Mingge's answer, Francesca couldn't help being taken aback. She didn't expect that after such a hard sell, the other party didn't like Adriano, the top scorer of the Parma team. He pointed out Gilardino, a young striker who has not yet achieved much, "Antonio, you mean, you plan to introduce Gilardino from our team?"

"I'm really sorry, Antonio, I can't agree to your offer. Gilardino is the future of our Parma, and we want to develop him into a team banner, just like Minotti and Abro So, it is impossible for me to approve this transfer.” After receiving Zhuang Mingge’s affirmative reply, Francesca hesitated for a while, and finally chose to refuse: “Besides, even if I agree With your offer, how does Fiorentina plan to arrange his position? I don’t think a substitute seat without much training opportunities or a spot in the second team will have much temptation for Gilardino.”

"It seems that Parma has discovered the potential of Gilardino, otherwise Francesca would never have rejected my offer of 1500 million euros so decisively." Despite the proposal to introduce Gilardino He was rejected, but Zhuang Mingge did not show any disappointment, but analyzed the reason why the other party rejected him in his heart.

While Zhuang Mingge and Francesca were arguing about the transfer of Adelaide, Gilardino and others in the box, the situation on the field has also changed during this period of time.

The impact of Adriano's goal is not only to help Parma gain a one-goal lead in this game, but also to make Fiorentina players have to start paying attention to his existence and dare not let him He directly dribbled the ball into his own defense, but chose to compress the space and use the defender's numerical advantage to double-team him, thus completely cutting off the connection between him and his teammates!

However, in this way, Florence, which has assembled a heavy force in the backcourt, has to significantly reduce the energy invested in the offensive end.Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to completely suffocate the connection between this boy in excellent form and other Parma players.

This is what a super center can bring to a game when he is at his best.Maybe this kind of game, Adriano can't play a few games in a season, but as long as there is such an explosion once in a while, and the opponent happens to be a strong team like Fiorentina, then Parma will be considered a big profit.

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