The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1245 Busy February

PS1: Today's update is here. I hope that all book friends will not pay too much attention to the update time, and I promise that there will be no continuous updates...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

For Piero's question, Capello responded unceremoniously and straightforwardly: If you are not an All-Star starter, it means that you are not as good as Vieri and Inzaghi in the eyes of the fans. , this has nothing to do with me; as for the substitute, even Diego Milito, a striker who has performed well this season, has not been selected for the substitute list, and the wolf king Totti can only be pressed on the bench Come on, what kind of onion are you, Pierrot?

You know, since the "head grabbing" incident at the World Cup in Korea and Japan, Pierrot's popularity has been declining.In addition, last season, Fiorentina staged a drama of the return of the king. They double-killed Juventus on the two fronts of the Champions League and Serie A and successfully won the double crown. .

After all, compared to last season, there was basically no eye-catching performance and he has been playing soy sauce. Pierrot, who only scored a decent number of goals, never tires on the court, and has repeatedly sent key goals and assists. Czech iron man Ned Wade is obviously more like a qualified leader of a wealthy team.

It can be said that Piero's popularity among fans is no longer as popular as when he first debuted, and he is no longer the "golden boy" sought after by all Italian media.Among the native Italian strikers, even up-and-comers like Toni and Diego Milito are now comparable to him in terms of statistics.Therefore, Capello chose not to recruit Piero, and most fans except Juventus supporters did not question this, and unanimously praised the gold medal coach's decision.

Yes, in terms of popularity, you are not as good as Vieri and Inzaghi, and in terms of ability, you can’t show that you are worse than Cassano and Tony. Why does Coach Capello have to choose you as an All-Star line-up?

Although Capello's answer seems a bit too strong, but I have to say that the other party's rebuttal is indeed well-founded-yes, there are so many good players in Serie A, why you Pierrot must be in the All-Star, Can't others have this opportunity?

So, in this extremely unfavorable public opinion environment, Pierrot fell into a strange vicious circle.The more he criticized Capello's choice in front of the media, the more fans believed that Capello's decision was correct, which further stimulated Piero and made the Zebra Prince even more dissatisfied with Capello... After repeating this cycle several times, no fans will be interested in the news of Piero's defeat in the Serie A All-Star Game.

While Piero was complaining about unfair treatment, Fiorentina also ended the No.13 round of Serie A.Vieri's goal gave Viola a [-]-[-] victory over Siena, who are in the same Tuscany region, at the Stade Frankie, continuing to lead the standings with a six-point advantage.

By the way, if the conditions are not really not allowed and most players need enough time to recover, Fiorentina will definitely launch a bloody massacre on this newly promoted polo team!

The reason why Fiorentina treats Siena so special is mainly because the club chose the wrong boss-as a small club in Tuscany, Siena actually chose to become Juventus' satellite club!

You know, Fiorentina is the most prestigious club in Tuscany. Under Zhuang Mingge's ten years of hard work, Viola has surpassed the top three in the north and become the well-deserved number one club in Italian football.Therefore, it stands to reason that even if Siena wants to hold a thigh, it should also hug Florence's golden thigh, which is obviously thicker than Juventus.

However, the senior management of the Siena club did not choose this way.Under the lobbying and temptation of Juventus, they resolutely bowed down under the pomegranate skirt of the old woman and became the satellite team of the Bianconeri, responsible for receiving some veterans who had declined from Juventus. The task of cultivating potential rookies for the Bianconeri.

Although Siena's move allowed them to get a lot of high-quality resources from Juventus, such as veterans such as Chiesa and Torricelli, as well as potential newcomers such as Zanqi and such potential newcomers, they made them relegation in Serie A. It also made Florence, the boss of the Tuscany region, very unhappy.

After all, there is such a thick thigh as Florence to hug, but Siena insists on becoming Juventus' younger brother, which makes Viola feel a little embarrassed.

However, due to physical constraints, Fiorentina could only chastise Siena a little in this game.Of course, if Siena's top management didn't realize this clearly and continued to cling to Juventus in this game, then Fiorentina would definitely beat Siena every time they saw Siena in the future.

After defeating Siena, Fiorentina ushered in the first round of the Coppa Italia on December 12, and their opponent was the navy team Sampdoria.

Under the strong request of many Serie A clubs that need to face third-line battles, the Italian Football Association once again adjusted the schedule of the Coppa Italia this summer, reducing the number of games, and changing the format of the knockout stage to a game. , so that those teams that need to participate in the European war can have more time to prepare for more important games.At the same time, this also gives those small and medium teams more opportunities to be upset in the game, so that they can participate in the Coppa Italia with a more positive attitude.

Due to the big boss Berezovsky holding his wallet tightly and using Sampdoria as a tool to make money, the Navy Blue Army, which has been prosperous for two years, has returned to mediocrity this season. At No.11 in the standings, he is working hard for a European qualification for next season.Therefore, in this case, Sampdoria will naturally not put too much energy into the Coppa Italia, even if the Italian Football Association changes the competition system to a single elimination.

You know, compared with the Coppa Italia, which is full of uncertainties, it is obviously more feasible for Sampdoria to strive for a good ranking in the league.Therefore, in order to ensure that the team has sufficient competitiveness in the league, Zeman had to send a large number of substitutes and bench players in this game.And this gave Fiorentina, who played with a full bench lineup, a chance to win.

In the end, after nine 10 minutes of the game, Fiorentina, sitting at the Frankie Stadium, relied on the outstanding performance of Vucinic, Ribery and Ronaldo's extremely young offensive trident to win the first round of the Coppa Italia. Zero easily defeated Sampdoria and qualified for the next round.

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