The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1298 The Battle of Lisbon

PS1: This is an update on Tuesday, a little late, I hope readers don’t pay too much attention to the update time, and I promise not to stop updating...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

There is a saying that goes well, under a heavy reward, there must be a brave man.Stimulated by the money from the Greek Football Association, these Greek players who were going to do their best in the final all screamed like chicken blood, and their enthusiasm for training rose two steps in an instant. A real fight with real swords and guns!

Seeing that the players are still so serious about training, they didn't relax at all because of their historic reach to the final, and they didn't feel negative emotions because of the strength of their opponents, and they were full of desire for the championship trophy (bonus?) in front of them, Rehhagel was very satisfied.The old coach felt that he might really be able to create a miracle in Greece this time that was not inferior to the newly promoted horse he created in Kaiserslautern to win the championship.

In this way, under the eager anticipation of the fans and the intense preparations of the players on both sides, the time slowly came to July 7th, which is the day when the European Cup final begins!

On July 7th, the Stadium of Light in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, was full of people, and the stands on all sides were packed with fans who came to watch the game.Outside the stadium, there are still many fans wandering around the ticket office full of hope, hoping to be lucky enough to get a ticket for the European Cup final.

Although the emergence of Greece, the dark horse, and the generally poor performance of traditional strong teams in this European Cup have made this final a lot, most fans obviously don't care much about Greece's appearance in this final.For them, it is acceptable and even welcome to see some unexpected situations occasionally.

If international competitions such as the World Cup and the European Cup are always the stage for traditional strong teams and superstars, and those weak teams do not even have the opportunity to show their faces and upset, the fans will also feel aesthetic fatigue.The emergence of some unexpected situations and upsets can make fans watch every game more passionately.

According to Zhuang Mingge's words, it's been a long time since we've been living in rich clothes and fine food, and now and then we have to eat coarse grains to remind ourselves of bitterness and sweetness...

Now let’s talk about the starting lineups of the two teams for this game.For Greece, Rehhagel continued to use his successful four-four-two formation in this European Cup, but made some fine-tuning of the starting lineup according to the player's injury status.Obviously, Otto the Great intends to use defensive counterattack tactics to deal with the Italian team, which is a master.

Due to space limitations, the names of Greece's starting players in each position in this game will not be detailed here.Everyone who has watched the Greek team's game should have the impression that most of the Greek players' names are too long to die, such as Papastathopoulos and Papadopoulos. It would be too much to write them all here. up...

After talking about the tactical layout of Greece, let's look at Italy.Trapattoni did not let down his vigilance just because his opponent in the final was Greece, which is of average strength and reputation.As I said before, in the eyes of this old coach, none of the teams that can reach the final is easy to deal with, so when mobilizing before the game, Trapattoni focused on instilling an idea in the players, That is to be extra careful in the game, and don't think that you have a chance to win just because your opponent is not well-known.

"Don't worry, boss." Nesta, who took over the armband of the national team captain after Maldini retired and has now become the leader of the Italian locker room, replied solemnly, "The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, we don't You will make the mistake of underestimating the enemy. You know, we just suffered a big loss from Chelsea last season. If we fall in the same pit again, then we will be too useless."

As for the goalkeeper position, although Toldo saved Pauletta's penalty in the penalty shootout against Portugal and helped the team successfully advance to the European Cup final, Trapattoni still chose the starting goalkeeper in the competition. Buffon.After all, Buffon is much better than Toldo in terms of stability and prediction of the ball. The latter's state is greatly affected by emotions. If the state is average, it is the level of an ordinary first-class goalkeeper.

On the defensive line, Grosso returned to the starting left back position after a round of rest, and Zambrotta returned to his familiar right.However, Trapattoni did not use Cannavaro and Nesta, the golden partner hailed by the media as "the world's first central defender combination", in the central defender position, but let Materazzi continue to partner with Nesta starter.

The reason for this arrangement is mainly because Greece's offense mainly relies on the center forward's grabbing points in front of the goal and set-piece tactics in the counterattack.If Cannavaro is allowed to play, then the Greek strikers Frizas and Charisteas will have a considerable advantage in height.Even though Cannavaro's strength and jumping are top-notch, it's really not safe to let him mark a forward who is half a shot higher, and this guy has a habit of falling off the top when he is on the court. Materazzi, who does not suffer from height, is safer to play.

In the midfield, Deco and Pirlo form a dual core, and De Rossi serves as a single midfielder. Although this combination is slightly inferior in defensive hardness, its organization and ball ability are obviously several grades higher than those in the semifinals. , and the existence of Deco can share Pirlo's pressure to a large extent, preventing him from affecting the team's counterattack efficiency after being surrounded by the Greek midfielder.

On the forward line, Cassano and Camoranesi, who had outstanding performances in this European Cup, got the chance to start together. Milito's task of delivering shells.

At this time, the players of both sides have already set foot on the lawn of the Stadium of Light under the leadership of the famous German whistler Merk. After completing a series of pre-match ceremonies, they have already taken their positions in their respective halfs, waiting for the long-awaited road. The opening whistle sounded.

"Coach Trapattoni only used De Rossi as a defensive midfielder today? This is really rare." Seeing Italy's starting lineup for this game, Zhuang Mingge, who was sitting in the VIP box, raised his eyebrows. I was a little surprised by Trapattoni's formation, "I really didn't expect Trapp to have such an active side."

"I think it's very likely that Coach Trapattoni is deliberately imitating our Fiorentina tactical system, otherwise he wouldn't have sent so many Fiorentina players in the starting roster." Karin didn't know, her analysis In fact, it is quite accurate to say, "Also, even so, I don't think Italy will take the initiative to attack in the final. After all, our opponent is Greece, which is good at playing defensive counterattacks. Avoiding mistakes and compressing the space in the backcourt is the best way." What's the important thing?"

Zhuang Mingge nodded upon hearing this.Indeed, no matter how Rehhagel and Trapattoni change their tactics, when Italy and Greece, the two main defensive teams, meet in the final, the tone of the game has actually been set.

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