The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1301 The Battle of Lisbon

PS1: This is an update on Friday, a little late. I hope that readers don’t pay too much attention to the update time, and I promise not to stop updating...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

As the Italian players further strengthened their defensive strength and at the same time paid more attention to protecting their own defense in the offense, the Greek players sadly found that even if they destroyed the Italian offensive, it would be difficult for them to find a suitable player on the field when they got the ball. The target of the pass, because almost all passing routes that may pose a threat have been blocked by the opponent in advance.

In such a situation, it is undoubtedly extremely difficult for the Greek players to play the quick counterattack they envisioned.Because the Italians' defense is too tight, no matter which direction they pass the ball, they may be intercepted by the opponent halfway and make a quick counterattack.Therefore, the Greek players can only rely more on their own personal ability to launch an offense, instead of forming a counterattack through continuous fast passing and off-the-ball movement as before.

This move by the Greek players can be said to be in the arms of the Italian players.You know, the reason why Greece can become the biggest dark horse in this European Cup is mainly due to their extremely tough overall defense and quick counterattack, as well as various set-piece tactics, which allowed them to kill multiple players in a row. A strong enemy, broke into the European Cup final for the first time in history.

It is precisely because of this that when Greece encounters Italy, which has a stronger and tighter defense and a lower lower limit of morality, their tricks seem a bit insufficient.Because the Italians don't care how the opponent plays, they will only deal with all games in the safest way.

Italy's move made the Greek players who are also accustomed to playing defensive counterattacks feel extremely uncomfortable-they have never seen a strong team that would play defensive counterattacks when confronting a "underdog" like them. .Therefore, when they discovered that Italy was also using defensive counterattack tactics to deal with them, and the difficulty of the challenge continued to increase over time, these Greek players would naturally feel extremely uncomfortable with this.

This is different from what you said!Shouldn't the rhythm of this game be that the superior opponent takes the initiative to attack, and then we rely on tenacious defense to resist the opponent's offensive, and score goals through quick counterattacks and set-piece tactics, thus achieving a dark horse myth?Why did it suddenly become a defensive battle!

Therefore, in the following time, the Greek players had almost no way to advance their attack line to within 20 meters of the opponent's goal. They could only frequently fire shots outside the penalty area in an attempt to threaten the Italian goal.Of course, under the interference of Pirlo, De Rossi and others, the long-range shots of the Greek players were either blocked by them halfway or missed the goal. Occasionally, a few shots hit the goal. It was directly confiscated by Buffon within the range of the door frame, which did not pose much threat to the door of Italy at all.

Seeing that the long-range shot could not receive the desired effect, Greece began to change its mind, planning to use Sitaridis and others to take the ball from the two wings and deliver shells to Charisteas and the others on the front line.However, it has become extremely difficult to achieve this goal.Because Charisteas and Frizas were entangled with Materazzi and Nesta at this time, and they couldn't escape to meet their pass.

In the 609th minute, Zagorakis crossed the middle, followed by Basinas and shot directly from 30 meters away. The ball hit De Rossi and then bounced to Deco's feet. The latter reacted immediately , Taking advantage of the chance that the Greek players hadn't set up their defense line, they passed the ball straight to Diego Milito who had just withdrawn from the front field to near the center circle!

Upon seeing this, Dellas immediately rushed over to withstand the back of Milito, preventing him from completing the turning movement at the first time.The central defender who played for the Roma team can be said to be very afraid of this super striker who has already secured the European Cup Golden Boot in advance, for fear that he will be successfully broken by the opponent if he is not paying attention.

After all, if he is broken through by Milito, then the latter can take advantage of the trend and drive straight in to form a single-handedly-Dellas is not interested, let alone bet on the result of a one-on-one match between Milito and his goalkeeper.Because De Las knows very well that once a forward of Milito's level gets such a one-handed opportunity, the probability of the opponent's miss is almost negligible.

However, something happened that Delas didn't expect.After receiving Deco's through ball, Milito did not choose to turn around and break through after testing the strength of De Las's defense twice. Instead, he made a fake turn to the left and broke through, creating an empty space. After that, the ball was passed to Cassano who was advancing from the left!

Milito knew that in terms of physical fitness alone, it would be difficult for him to defeat the opponent in this kind of hand-to-hand combat, and it would be easy for Dellas to break the ball by relying on his physical and strength advantages.Therefore, he chose to use a method to help the team, that is, pass the ball to teammates in a better position, and let them complete this counterattack!

After receiving the ball from Milito, Cassano immediately dribbled the ball and made a sudden stop and changed direction. Sitaridis, who had been chasing after him, was thrown out directly.Cassano took the opportunity to speed up, dribbled the ball into the Greek team's penalty area before the others returned to their defenses, and used Ronaldo's iconic pendulum to trick Nicopolidis who was attacking, and shot the ball into the penalty area. Into the already undefended goal!

One to zero!In the 609th minute of the game, Italy successfully broke the deadlock with Cassano's goal and gained a one-goal lead!

Cassano's goal was also the only goal in the European Cup final.In the following time, although the Greek players who were unwilling to end the European Cup trip risked being further expanded by their opponents and launched a fierce attack on the Italian goal, it is a pity that their offensive basically died halfway. , and even twice almost let Cassano seize the opportunity to make another victory, completely killing the suspense of the game.

In this way, when the whole match ended with two short and one long whistles from Merck, the Italian players, who had already been unable to contain their excitement, hugged their closest teammates to celebrate the team that they had already obtained. Championship trophy!

After experiencing the dark scene in the Korea-Japan World Cup two years ago, Italian football finally stood on the podium of the championship again and became the first team to successfully defend the Delaunay Cup!

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