The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1306 Summer Storm

PS1: This is an update on Wednesday, a little bit late, I hope readers don’t pay too much attention to the update time, and I promise not to stop updating...

PS2: Let me talk about the book friend group here. The group numbers are three, seven, zero, five, four, nine, nine, one, nine. The verified answer is NTR Knight, um, that's it.

PS3: Here I would like to thank the book friend "Descendants of the Yu family" for their reward.

"Although I can understand that the club is like this on the issue of signings. But then again, boss, you have done too much secrecy. Even the head coach of the team has not gotten any news about it." Mourinho is Zhuang Minge's "person" who brought him from Barcelona to Florence in person, and they usually have a good personal relationship, so the Portuguese naturally seems a lot more casual when speaking, "It's better to take advantage of today's situation. Opportunity, how about you let me know? I promise that it will not be rumored, which will affect the club's signing plan."

"Haha, I didn't mention this to anyone because I was afraid that someone would accidentally say something wrong." Zhuang Mingge said haha ​​first, then turned serious, and continued the topic, "After all , since you want to keep it secret, the fewer insiders, the better. Of course, if Jose (Mourinho) really wants to know, then it’s not impossible for me to tell you today.”

"Oh, then I'll just listen carefully." Seeing that Zhuang Mingge was willing to reveal his summer signing plan, Mourinho was refreshed, and he sat down quickly and put on a very serious expression.After all, this is the first time Mourinho has the opportunity to participate in the team's decision-making, so it is naturally worth taking it more seriously.

What's more, Mourinho also wants to see with his own eyes, whether his boss with extremely vicious eyes will bring them some surprises this time.Just like Nesta and Stam back then, before coming to Florence, they were only slightly famous or simply unknown, but after joining Florence, they all grew into world-class players in just a few years. The star has become an important force and mainstay for Viola to dominate European football.

It is precisely because of this that Mourinho is now particularly looking forward to Zhuang Mingge's ability to quickly reveal the answer to satisfy his long-standing curiosity.

Although there is no shortage of capable young people in the Fiorentina team. Franck Ribery, Ronaldo, and De Rossi are all talented players with top potential, but no head coach would think that there are too many good players in his team, no ?

"Why don't you take a guess first, José? If you guess right, then this bottle of Lafite produced in 82 will be yours." However, this serious atmosphere didn't last long, and Zhuang Mingge said The tricks completely disrupted the rhythm, "Anyway, the team is still on vacation, and we don't have anything to do, so let's use it to pass the time."

"Suddenly felt that I was really stupid for being so serious just now..." Regarding his boss's statement, Mourinho pressed his forehead with one hand, and said a little weakly, "Although I know that boss, you are sometimes very serious. It’s unreliable, but please be a little more in tune, okay? If others see this scene, I’m afraid their three views will be completely demolished and rebuilt.”

"Well, there is no outsider in this room now, José, what are you worried about?" Zhuang Mingge waved his hand, and said carelessly, "Come on, let's guess quickly. It won't cause you any loss anyway, right?"

"Hmm...Could it be, boss, what do you think about Petr Cech or Robben?" The consequences of Zhuang Mingge's incongruity soon became apparent. Thinking about the answer to this question as much as he thought, he gave a slightly ironic guess, which directly shocked Zhuang Mingge, "If we can really bring them to Florence, then the strength of the team will definitely be able to go up again. Going up to a higher level, and at the same time attacking those potential competitors of Fiorentina, increasing our chances of winning the championship next season."

"Hey, Jose, now is not the time for daydreaming." Zhuang Mingge realized that the conversation was already going awry, so he had no choice but to interrupt Mourinho's flirting, and brought the topic back on track. , "To tell you the truth, the players I like now are Real Sociedad's main midfielder Harvey Alonso, Brazil's Juventud's main central defender Thiago Silva, Hannover 96 central defender Mertesacker... …I intend to select one or two of them and bring them to Florence."

In fact, Zhuang Minge originally planned to acquire Schweinsteiger, who had not yet transformed into a midfielder, from Bayern Munich.After all, at this time, Piggy was still being used by Heathfield and Magath as a left midfielder.Although he has shown a certain potential and is regarded by many as the hopeful star of German football, at this time, Piggy is at best regarded as the next Hasler, and his lack of speed and small skills has always been Restricting his development in the position of left forward.No one can see that Xiaozhu has the potential to become a top organizational midfielder.

Although it is a good strategy to buy at a low price when the opponent has not discovered the potential of its players, it is a pity that Bayern Munich, which has already suffered a loss from Lahm, will never let Schweinsteiger go easily.Therefore, even if Xiaozhu does not show the potential to become a top star, Bayern will never agree to release him if Fiorentina does not pay enough.

"Uh, boss, are you sure you're not talking in your sleep?" Although I don't know who Thiago Silva and Mertesacker are, as a head coach (although it is the second team coach), Harvey Mourinho has heard of Alonso's name, "Leaving aside Thiago Silva and Mertesacker, because I haven't paid much attention to their games, I can't say anything about them. This is a reasonable evaluation. But I know the player Xavi Alonso. This is the absolute main force of Real Sociedad. If we want to bring him to Frankie Stadium, we need to pay more than enough The transfer fee that makes the Royal Sociedad executives excited has to convince Alonso himself. After all, in the position of organizing midfielder, we already have a world-class Pirlo. Under such circumstances, already in European football The well-known Alonso may not be willing to come to us as a substitute for Pirlo."

I have to say that Mourinho's judgment is quite pertinent.Indeed, after Albertini left, Fiorentina lacked a qualified substitute in the midfield position.Although De Rossi is good at attacking and defending and has an excellent overall situation view, he is more like a midfielder like Ballack and cannot replace Pirlo when he is resting.

From this perspective, Mourinho believes that the acquisition of Harvey Alonso is a good move, because the Spaniard has shown the potential to become an excellent midfield organizer in Real Sociedad.But the question is, will Harvey Alonso be willing to play in Fiorentina as Pirlo's substitute?


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